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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Yup, that's what I said. New Zealanders can do great English accents. EDIT - I think I see the crossed wires now. They often do English accents, that's the thing.
  2. I loved Diversity (brilliant) and Faces of Disco (hilarious). Shame the latter didn't go through. What annoyed me tonight is the judges letting through acts like Darth Jackson and the earlobe man (can't remember his name) and then suddenly disliking them. With a bit of foresight and judgement, they could have realised this in the auditions. I mean, Good acts like that young drummer didn't get through.
  3. Yes, it was a Samsung. I thought it was amazing. Obviously I wouldn't buy one without looking into it, but I thought it was worth consideration.
  4. That gave me a load of trouble back on the N64, the Goron bit. I thought you had to actually push the analogue stick in the right direction when you're rolling (ie. very quick direction changes), but actually, all you have to do is keep pushing forward! No, I find Wind Waker far more fun to rush through, then do the sidequests afterwards, almost like they're a separate game. If it didn't grab you, it probably won't (I was enthralled from start to finish). Just one of those "different strokes for different folks" things. I didn't think it was very good. The dungeons were just arranged into lesser designs rather than the whole game being "Ocarina of Time Extra".
  5. Flight of the Conchords (2,2) This was a hilarious episode in which the two leads decided to become prostitutes, Jemaine the keener of the two. Some of the dialogue is beautifully subtle. There's just something that cracks me up about Jemaine's understatements, and Murray often has fantastic lines too. Primeval (3,8) I've enjoyed Primeval since it started, and this has been a very lively series. This week, the creatures (giant, rhino-type herbivores) were particulary good, as was their interaction with the scenery. I loved the scenes with them rampaging through the sunny fields. The choreography was also particularly good, with certain characters weaving in and out of them. The 2nd half was very exciting and dramatic. This series has taken a very sci-fi twist, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't remind me of Doctor Who. I sort of prefer this, though, for the consistency. Great stuff.
  6. Thanks guys! LOL, I thought I took a long time! It was about 7 weeks. It's funny how, in theory you "just" have to map 25 floors! In all honesty, I don't remember any real jumps in difficulty, apart from those FOEs on B3F. They're the only ones I really remember. Then Fenrir on B5F posed a challenge, then those bears with claws on B6F, I suppose, but the subsequent FOEs seemed easy. When I realised I didn't have to fight the Wyvern, that is. As if... Oh, another thing, I loved the quality of the 2D artwork and the general atmosphere pumped into the town and its buildings. I also loved the music - very Megadrive - and I mean that entirely as a compliment. Time to reset my skill points! It wasn't the hardest RPG battle, but I needed to use a lot of the items I had. I'm the type of RPG gamer who won't use items until I absolutely need them. Luckily, the designers thought carefully about what you'd need and gave it to you. Since September last year, I wanted to be in the "Etrian Odyssey Club"! Now I've just got to obtain The World Ends With You and maybe I'll try Dragon Quest V with a fresh mind.
  7. Everyone tells me I have a London accent, despite never having lived there (I've always lived in East Anglia). I pronounce sport "spowt". Incidentally, I believe the general Southern England accent to be the most neutral English-language accent in the world. I've heard so many Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders and Australians do perfect English accents. Think of Austin Powers or Flight of the Conchords - they're flawless. It's very difficult, on the other hand, for an Englishman to do an American accent. The only great one I've heard is from the Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd.
  8. OK, I completed the main story. The final boss was difficult, but I called upon my old skool mettle and beat him first time!
  9. To be honest, I can't remember, but it tells you here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/959052/9475
  10. Glad you enjoyed it, Jonnas! I agree with your comments about the game. To me, it's about using each 3-day cycle to complete a bit more of the overall jigsaw. Are the other two games in your Top 3 Ocarina and Wind Waker? That's my Top 3, personally.
  11. Not greedy at all! Any improvement, even just for opening doors, would be worth it. Yeah, that's what I thought. At a guess, Metroid Prime 3 must have used about 50% of the disc. I've got Metroid Prime 3, but I'm very tempted to get this. Does anyone know yet whether they've stacked the beams in MP1 and MP2?
  12. Just a thought, but have you considered an LED TV, David? I don't know what the upscaling is like, but I saw one running a CGI film the other day and it's the first TV screen I've ever seen that I could describe as "flawless". OK, you have to sacrifice size, but it seemed worth it to me. I can't guarantee you won't stroke it though!
  13. Ah, I see, using the fire to heal you. I might reset my points and max them all out at 10 then. Thanks Diageo and Ike.
  14. Thanks Ike. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, as I've still not encountered anything that uses fire.
  15. I've reached the 5th Stratum and I think the storyline is amazing. It will strike a chord with those of us who like to play RPGs for their olde worlde escapism. There's just one thing I can't work out. The Protector has skills like "Antifire". I've read that at level 5 it nullifies fire, any higher than that and it absorbs it. What exactly does "absorb" mean in this case? Surely "nullify" means no damage at all, in which case, does "absorb" mean you take some damage? Any help appreciated.
  16. I agree about Spirit Tracks. As far as I'm concerned, Zelda's in very good hands with Eiji Aonuma. I'd just like to see what he could do without having his table upturned.
  17. I'm obsessed with this one at the moment. It's so funky. Also, it's a heartwarming song of friendship. Bret, You Got it Goin' On (Flight of the Conchords) Hey there Bret, I see you looking down. Don't want to see my little buddy there with a frown. Just because I get more women than you, well that's only because they don't know you like I do. Sure, you're weedy and kind of shy. But some girlie out there must be needy for a weedy, shy guy. They want you as the needle when they're rolling in the hay. Just hear me out when I say... Bret, you got it going on. The ladies will get to know your sexuality when they get to know your personality. I said, Bret, you got it going on. Not in a gay way, just in a "hey mate, I wanted to say that you're looking okay, mate." Why can't a heterosexual guy, Tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly. Not all the time, obviously, just when he's got a problem with his self esteem. Don't let anybody tell you you're not humpable. Because you're bumpable. Well, I hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. If I say you've got a boom ow-ow. Come on Bret, help me out now. Bret, you got it going on. (You got it going on!) That's the conclusion that I've come to. But that doesn't mean that I want to bum you. Bret, you got it going on. (Got it going on...) No doubt about it, we'd be gettin crazy. If one of us was lucky enough to be born a lady. If one of us was a lady, and I was your man, if I was your man. Well, sometimes it gets lonely, and I need a woman. And then I imagine you with some bosoms. In fact, one time when we were touring and I was really lonely. And we were sharing that twin room in the hotel. I put a wig on you, when you were sleeping, I put a wig on you. Oh, ohhh, oooooh, oh, and I just laid there and spooned you. Bret, you got it going on.
  18. I really enjoyed it. My favourites were Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, but I can see Norway was catchy and 5th was a very good result for the UK. Graham Norton was very funny, I thought. He says far bitchier things than I'd ever think up, but I couldn't help laughing.
  19. If it's any consolation, I love Clock Town too! My favourite part is Western Clock Town, which is a narrow side-alley full of mysterious shops that gradually gets higher. Actually, Windfall Island's main street may have been based on it. I really liked the height of the canyon and seeing where you could float to with a Cuckoo. That's one of the things I love about Zelda towns - how interactive they are compared to most RPGs.
  20. I should have included Hyrule Market instead of Goron City, but my mind went blank!
  21. I vote for Windfall Island. It's interesting geographically and architecturally, has many shops and residencies and is home to a great many sidequests. Trying to get into the Bomb Shop on that stormy night is one of my favourite moments in gaming. There's something so understated about it. I also love little touches like finding a late night auction going on or popping into the mysterious potion shop to see what the owner can make with my ingredients. The Pictography and Merchant sidequests are very enjoyable and, possibly best of all, sending a flaming arrow into the lighthouse and then seeing its comforting beam from afar. I loved this island since I first encountered it and had a reunion with an old friend (well, he's my friend even if no one else likes him! ) and crawled through the town's three secret passages.
  22. I have to disagree with Denise Kaigler, as this generation does feel very different to previous ones to me. I'm too busy to want more games anyway, so I've no complaint about the quantity, but I can't deny it feels different. Owning the GameCube, there was always something to be really excited about. With the Wii, all their truly AAA games were announced at least by E3 2006. They've made some good games since, I don't deny, but they haven't started a 2nd wave of real excitement yet. Also, I'm not trolling, but I can't agree the Wii has had a Zelda game yet. I can understand how it seems like it has if you're new to Nintendo with the Wii though. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they haven't ruined too many games by releasing them before MotionPlus. I'm just saying, I was in no way unsatisfied with the GameCube, nor the N64 once it had got going. Fans aren't always insatiable, yet Nintendo have twice claimed they are.
  23. Welcome, Tigerdust. Nice to have someone from Wellington, as I'm hooked on Flight of the Conchords at the moment! Personally, I'm not really a fan of "quirky" games. I generally want to move some sort of character with certain moves through some sort of environment. As video games improve in technology each generation, I just want them to get better and better, not necessarily different. This is not to say I like generic games, not at all. I'm totally out of line with the mainstream's love of football, realistic racing and FPS. It's just that I'll play something like Okami and not really consider that "quirky" at all, apart from the control scheme. I suppose I like old-fashioned games, and if I think it'll be good I'll buy it, regardless of whether it's part of an established series or not.
  24. LOL, I've not played DKC2 or DKC3! I did complete the original 100% though (or 101%, whatever it was). I might download them.
  25. It looks good and I'm greatly looking forward to it, but I imagine the actual "Wii Sports 2" would be the traditional sports again (ie. tennis etc) but with better graphics, better control and in HD. Purely from a marketing point of view, I think a game like that on the Wii 2 would sell the machine.
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