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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Yep. There are quite a lot of reasons why the original Metroid Prime in particular, although impressive, is not the ideal introduction to the series. The GBA games teach you the general nature of Metroid, without the item scanning, beam switching, visor switching etc.
  2. Yep, so do I. They'll probably be slightly different, and therefore not exactly the same purchases (ie. 60hz, upscaled, reframed etc). Couldn't be more true. I also think there's a massive contradiction coming from Nintendo. They say the power of a machine is dictated by what the designers need it for (fair enough) and they've always said the Wii has all the power a console needs, it just can't do HD graphics. However, Miyamoto then says the reason Super Mario Bros Wii hasn't got an online mode is because it's already using all the Wii's power. I love graphics, but this further shows power is not just needed for graphics. Now, regarding the Wii 2, my gut feeling is it'll arrive in 2012. Iwata says it might be in "three, five or eight" years - I'm hoping for three! Plus, there are rumblings of Ubisoft currently having about 10% of their staff on next-gen platforms: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ubisoft-gearing-up-for-new-hardware I've got a feeling Xbox 3 will be double the power, but with Project Natal included from the beginning (Microsoft's Wii, in effect) and I'm hoping Wii 2 matches the power exactly, so we can get back on track and not always be one generation behind. There is another idea: Nintendo keep calling motion control "red ocean" now, so it's possible they might do something completely different.
  3. It would need to be very carefully done, I admit. Another idea would be to have rechargeable health, like in Shadow of the Colossus, and safe zones too (generally in SotC, you could hide out of the way). One of the bosses took me about an hour! Gamers would know they only got a "bronze" medal and would need to do it again to do it properly. One of the things I always fancied was hand-to-hand combat, and now there's artwork of Link without a sword! I think it'd be nice to put away your weapons and get an achievement for just using throws. I admit, I'm getting carried away here...
  4. Yep. If this game is truly to "wow" us, it needs to feel intense with great pacing. I wouldn't mind a hard mode, but I'd prefer a game that adapts itself on the go. For example, if you were taking longer than 5 minutes to defeat a boss, it would get easier. More than 10 minutes and it would get easier still. However, if you were a good player, the game would note that you played well and give you various medals.
  5. Yeah, it was a good E3, and I am quite inspired at the end of it. However... It's funny you should use that word, "unnerved", because I actually felt similarly uneasy after the two main Mario games were announced. Like King V says... I couldn't agree more. I remember when Majora's Mask was previewed in magazines. That seemed appropriate, but it's bizarre to see Mario's version this early. It's almost like Nintendo truly don't know what to do with their other games, or the designers don't feel very inspired with what they can do with them on Wii. However, I did find Metroid: Other M very encouraging, especially as it's being worked on by Nintendo's own Metroid team, not just Team Ninja. It shows a key understanding that Metroid in 3D needs a rethink. I just can't believe they're doing it before the Wii 2, that's all, and I hope it's as good as it looks. When the conference ended, I was excited at all the games, but disappointed they hadn't even mentioned Zelda. After all, it's five years since they last revealed a console Zelda, when we all got excited by that amazing video (which I firmly believe was ready to be shown at that stage). It's a long time, even for a big game like that. However, then we had Miyamoto's roundtable, and I'm such a sucker for Zelda, I can't help but be excited, even if it's just one image. It's also a relief that they're definitely working on it. That said, I'm a bit concerned about the timing. Thankfully, there were also some excellent, interesting and revealing interviews with Miyamoto and Sakamoto. So, I'm not going to lie - I don't like Nintendo's current direction, but I now feel completely reassured that Nintendo still has the best designers - Miyamoto, Aonuma, Sakamoto - and that they will do the best they can with whatever hardware they're given. That means a lot to me.
  6. LOL! It is a strange idea when you think about it!
  7. That link is a tad arrogant. I don't care if the fourth piece exists or not - I'm not interested enough. It was just a suggestion.
  8. Regarding graphical styles, I just wanted to say that cel-shading needs processing power just as much as the "realistic" style. Look at Punch Out on the Wii - it has several layers of shading, whereas Wind Waker only has one. Furthermore, cel-shading only became viable with Dreamcast and GameCube levels of hardware. As far as I'm aware, the DS can't actually do it. Look at how vastly inferior Phantom Hourglass is to Wind Waker. I just don't see why this style should be confined to handhelds. And as others have pointed out, using cel-shading doesn't mean you can't have Adult Link. I would agree that console Zelda games should star Adult Link and perhaps Young Link on the handhelds, but this does not affect graphical style. Now personally, I would be happy if Zelda Wii was cel-shaded, realistic or a new style. However, my preference would be to leave Celda to the Wii 2. I'd love to have that "Wind Waker" feeling again, where I'm amazed at what a new console can do. One reason I'd like realistic graphics on the Wii, is that there is a sense of "unfinished business" with Twilight Princess. I know I'd love to see a game that more resembled the "Legend of Zelda 2004" trailer, with the vast landscapes and 3D forests. At this stage, I honestly wouldn't mind if the next Zelda just tweaked the Twilight Princess engine. It seems to me the sensible thing to do is to develop an engine for a new console, then reuse it for one game. Ocarina and Majora were exactly right. Then, I wish we'd have had Wind Waker 2 on the GameCube, leaving two "realistic" games for the Wii, and back to cel-shading for the Wii 2. That's just my preference. Twilight Princess really got them out of sync and my one concern about this game is the timing of it. My concern is that they might develop it on Wii, then have to have it as a Wii 2 game, and then get stuck in this cycle.
  9. I literally could not agree more. I wasn't excited about this (and I'm still not, to be honest), but in context it's very welcome. It's really just like Majora's Mask, although surprisingly early. It's sensible to reuse engines. Furthermore, the gaming press went absolutely overboard with the orginal Super Mario Galaxy, so if they're underwhelmed with a direct-engine sequel, I have to suspect they weren't quite as excited as they claim about the original. If I think of the games I really love, like Wind Waker, I'd have been overjoyed at a direct-engine sequel on the GameCube. Going back to what you say, I must admit I'd have been underwhelmed if this had been the highlight of Nintendo's E3, but it wasn't. We have proof they're giving Metroid the rethink it needs (and much earlier than I'd expected) and the same goes for Zelda (although that is due), so I'm very satisfied, relaxed and content that Nintendo is on the right path.
  10. Ah, before you posted that image, I thought you meant Wind Waker, and I was going to load it up and have a look (still might). Do you know if you can view that statue in Twilight Princess? The only time I saw it was on the end credits, and as far as I remember, you can't look round the throne room at your own pace. When I saw the image for "Zelda Wii", the first thing I thought of was Wind Waker, specifically the fairy that gives you fire and ice. However, if this spirit is the power of the Master Sword, my guess is that this game is about the 4th piece of the Tri-Force. If the Master Sword contains the essence of the 4th piece of the Tri-Force (the bit that points downward on the Hylian Shield, underneath the actual Tri-Force), that would explain why it can seal away Ganondorf (and is not actually used in the non-Ganondorf games). Not so much "the blade of evil's bane", rather just a force that has control over the other pieces of the Tri-Force - Power, Courage and Wisdom. In theory, even Ganon could wield it! Is there a scene in any of the games where Ganon tries to wield the Master Sword but can't? I don't remember that. The only reason he's never used it is because it's always been hidden.
  11. This year, I'm looking forward to: New Super Mario Bros Wii One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Red Steel 2 Wii Sports Resort Metroid Prime Trilogy There are probably some others too that I don't know about or don't know if they're released this year. It's certainly an exciting time. I've got that intense "Got to catch up" feeling.
  12. You've made me see his nose and lips in the rock now!
  13. It's actually quite easy when you know the knack. Just roll into a morph ball and head to the extreme side of the screen. Most of the time he won't be able to grab you. Then, when he backs off, stand underneath him and fire loads of missiles upwards. Mind you, there is a gauntlet of difficult bosses after that, so I recommend finding as many health and missile upgrades as you can, as it's difficult (or perhaps impossible) to get out of that bit after the spider. This is the thing about Metroid - I embrace the challenge of the handheld 2D games (completed Zero Mission on Hard - woohoo!), but it's just something about Metroid Prime's controls and perspective that I don't like. I'm thrilled that Other M is taking it back to the Japanese style. Sounds like it really is Metroid brought to 3D again.
  14. LMAO, brilliant! Seriously, this has made my E3, and it was a great E3 anyway. Wii Sports Resort is like The Karate Kid, teaching us how to play the next Zelda. The frisbee could be the boomerang etc...
  15. Shadow of the Colossus is a very strong prequel to ICO, yup.
  16. Flipping awesome! It looks so forward-thinking and advanced. Didn't think they'd do anything like this until Wii 2. So true! I love Metroid, but am not too fond of Prime. I'm thrilled to see the series become more Japanese again. And they're the three best! Oh yes! Nintendo weren't kidding when they said they had "several" games for the core gamer.
  17. Yep, I completely agree. This game looks brilliant. I really thought it'd be on the DS (ie. New Super Mario Bros 2), but I'm so pleased it's on the Wii instead. The graphics are so much sharper.
  18. A must-buy! I haven't played it on the DS, but I'm really getting into Atlus with Etrian Odyssey.
  19. I'm not scared of change, but let's look at three of the games that had the biggest impact - Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. My point of view is that the reason they were so good is because they used the extra processing power available from their host console to improve on the last. They were all innovative, but they still used the Zelda formula. Even Majora's Mask is not actually that radical. It's just an artistic vision done brilliantly. This is what's needed from Zelda games every time. I'd like Zelda Wii to be based on three games: Wind Waker Shadow of the Colossus Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Wind Waker because, in my opinion, it's the most advanced Zelda, both technically and artistically. Shadow of the Colossus for its seamless overworld. There is not a single loading time apart from real-time cutscenes to introduce each colossus. It's almost like meditation as you search the vast overworld. The thought that it can hide such huge creatures is inspiring. Dragon Quest VIII for its technicality, overworld and general tone. It's probably the best-ever game for feeling both "adult" and cartoony. It's also convinced me that orchestral music and good voice acting are the way to go (not for Link, obviously). The actor who plays Angelo brings a completely believable neutrality to the proceedings. It's only when you get unbelievable, strong accents that takes you out of your immersion. All three games have a huge overworld, with WW and SotC both quite barren. In my opinion, this is not something to be afraid of. Like I say, it's almost like meditation to be out in the open, far from towns and villages. The game also needs to feel right. To me, Twilight Princess didn't feel right to control. I'd like to feel I have full control over my sword and shield, being able to get them out and control them separately. Also, I'd like a much closer view to Link. Twilight Princess frequently zoomed me up and away from the action. A near over-the-shoulder viewpoint would be ideal, and really, why not be able to swap between, 3rd-person, 1st-person (whilst moving and fighting, not just stationary) and over-the-shoulder whenever you like? These are modern times! It also needs to feel right as you run around the overworld. I'd love it if they could get rid of loading times, and I'd love the overworld to link up seamlessly. One bit of Twilight Princess that greatly inspired me was the underground caverns between Lake Hylia and Zora's Domain. But you could only go through these at the game's pace, and thus it didn't feel "real". I'd love it if you could walk past the rapids (like in Link's Awakening), but on an underground path that links up realistically with the world above at various points. Eiji Aonuma is a fantastic designer who knows he can learn from other games. If he is left to carry out his artistic visions, I am confident of future greatness.
  20. I was at work last night and, luckily, Diversity were the one act I got to see. Everyone came over to watch it and I could tell I was watching something special. Got to say, I felt sorry for Aidan Davis. He'd already said he'd only practised it three times, and I didn't think Simon needed to point it out.
  21. Another thing - I thought the judges were really harsh on the juggler. I wanted to see the whole thing! It's unnecessary having buzzers in the semi-finals anyway. Everyone there is there because they're good at what they do. It's not like they have hundreds to sort through like in the auditions.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if they were asked to modify Raven Blade, ie. putting Link in it like putting Star Fox in Dinosaur Planet.
  23. Thanks for the update, Hero of Time. I find the rumours about Retro once making a Zelda remarkable. I'd love to know why they were once asked to do it and why they're not now. I don't quite understand these bits though, especially the 2nd sentence: Do they both relate to the Retro rumours? Retro Studios do some fine work and I wouldn't mind them doing a series of "Link" games. These could star the "badass" Link from Twilight Princess and have realistic graphics. The tone of Metroid Prime was just right (then again, so was Twilight Princess). I'd prefer it if the more magical Zeldas were left to EAD, as Eiji Aonuma is a genius. Also, good for Bozon with his comments about Zelda and Metroid. The latter certainly deserves to go back to 2D, if only for some of the games. It might even be what they mean when they say "...games are coming to WiiWare that maybe you wouldn’t think would be for WiiWare".
  24. My favourites tonight were Aiden (flippin' awesome) and the Dream Bears. I didn't expect them to be good, but it cracked me up that they looked like Daffydd and they are actually good dancers, with their cartwheels and all. Last night, I actually thought Sugarfree were really, really good dancers. Also, that girl from 2 Grand can really hold a note. I think she's as good as or better than any of the solo singers they've got in it.
  25. He was a magician. That made me laugh, by the way! Watching some of these acts, I still can't believe they didn't let the young drummer through. He got universal praise from the judges. I know if I was him I'd have thought I was going through to the semi-final. My favourite moment from the past two shows was Amanda misunderstanding the escapology act! She thought the danger was meant to be from the fire burning him! Nice to see Stavros Flatley get through, just because they're very likeable really, and I though the ventriloquist showed fantastic sportsmanship the other day.
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