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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I thought it was a very disappointing E3. Being mainly a Nintendo fan, I was hoping to see some new 3DS games and a reveal of Project Café in the same manner as they did with the 3DS at last year's E3. But no, they only showed one new game over all four systems. One!! Luigi's Mansion 2 looks cool, but I always thought the original was, if not exactly overrated, a bit of a fan favourite. That's not to say I think the 3DS has a bad line-up, not at all, it's just that all the other games had been seen before, which is not really what I want out of E3. I just thought the Project Café reveal and its line-up would be plenty and traditional like the 3DS last year. But no, it's much more like the Wii than I expected. The one thing that really got me excited was the Zelda HD demo - it was spectactular, I am truly hyped - but even there I must not get too excited, as there's no guarantee it will become a real game. Still, at least they've made the colours nice again in Skyward Sword. Sony had a decent showing, with lots of games for the Vita. I'd say the new game that interested me most out of the whole conference was Dragon's Crown. It may not be a Zelda, but at least it's a real game. Basically, gaming's not what it used to be, especially since it became so westernised.
  2. If you can browse the web and save any image on this, I'm in. The 3DS's web browser has been a massive disappointment to me. I've only been able to save about 2% of the images I want to. As for games, Dragon's Crown looks amazing, like an updated Golden Axe.
  3. Thing is, I won't be convinced companies like Capcom and Konami are achieving better graphics than Nintendo until more of their games are out. They might not look as good as they did in the previews or they might need to be played in 2D-only mode to look that good. In fact, there's an issue right there: Nintendo will probably not make any games that take advantage of turning the 3D off, whereas going by Street Fighter IV, Capcom are happy to do that. So, yes, in that regard, I agree. As Retro Link said, the 3DS is probably sub-GameCube anyway, but personally, I'm happy with the relatively sharp display and the detail of Wuhu Island in Pilotwings.
  4. The Slide Pad on the 3DS definitely isn't as good as an analogue stick. I find it far too loose, with no resistance. OK, it's great for Pilotwings, but I wouldn't like to use it with as intense a game as Street Fighter. I just hope Wii U's are more robust.
  5. It's true. I don't want them to forget it totally or stop making Wii Sports. I'm just glad it's going back to its rightful place as a peripheral, so it can enhance the games that need it and not ruin the ones that don't.
  6. Oh yeah, I meant to back you up, Retro, no argue against you. They've taken their best-asset version of Twilight Link and spruced it up. It all looks so much better.
  7. I don't think they'd need to be doing anything dodgy, just a fumbled "enlarge" (no pun intended) or "save" could easily cause such an action. It's just when I saw them flick that parrot onto the TV and it said "Hello!" I thought "Who the heck looks at parrots on the internet?" LOL, my personal limit is £250, I might even stretch to £300 depending on the launch games, but don't tell Nintendo.
  8. I know I'm always going on about it, but I'm sure they made a better Link model in 2004 than actually ended up in the finished game (he seemed "flatter" and less detailed): So, take that model, spruce it up a bit and display it in HD. It was nice to see something that even surpassed their original vision.
  9. I don't think Aonuma has had the tools to do that since Wind Waker. If the last two Zeldas hadn't used motion controls, I'm sure he'd have found it a lot easier.
  10. Personally, I think it's good that they keep the graphics simple in order for it to run well. I saw a Mario Kart DS demo in HMV the other day and I was impressed with how smooth and solid it looked compared to other DS games. I would rather everything was kept sharp, smooth and solid than have complex visuals.
  11. Yeah, it was on ITV1 this January and I believe it's back in the autumn. Good to hear about the lake monster!
  12. £200 for me. I don't want it to be like the 3DS launch again. Imagine if you're browsing something "inappropriate" on the internet and you accidentally flick it onto the family TV while they're watching Taggart!
  13. I love Primeval and I love mysteries/cryptozoology, so I'm looking forward to seeing that when it comes to ITV. In fact, a few years ago when they suggested that Anomalies might explain legendary creatures, I was hoping to see lots of them - the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster etc.
  14. Now that is awesome! Just seeing Link's shield as he walks down the corridor has me more excited than anything else I've seen for half a decade. Are they taking the mick, though, saying that spiders are "mature" and not something you'd expect in a Nintendo game? Zelda always has spiders in it. Quite! Although you won't find me complaining about that! As far as Zeldas are concerned, I want them to pretend motion controls didn't happen. Even if they offer motion controls as an option, that'll negatively affect the game in terms of design, as the players using the Wii remote won't be able to do half the things the rest of us will. Oh, I so hope this is a real game. It's too good to waste.
  15. Like some others, I don't know how I feel. I've not been in from work for that long, and E3 conferences are always overwhelming, but I agree with what kav82 is saying. The actual Wii U I don't think I have any problems with, but it doesn't seem like this was a great show. If you're going to focus on a new console, it's best to have loads of games to show, like they did last year with the 3DS, or like the showreel when they unveiled the GameCube. So far I'm getting an uneasy "Wii" vibe from it, or even that Nintendo aren't being very focused. The demos looked unbelievably gimmicky. Anyway, I'd better sleep on it. Let's hope there are some really good 3DS games at the conference in general.
  16. Right, I don't like to make a fuss about nothing, but I am very disappointed with the web browser. Resolution is quite good and I don't even mind that it's almost as slow as the DSi's. The problem? I've hardly been able to save any images at all. It just says "This image cannot be saved", with no explanation. If resolution is the problem, you'd think they could write some software that resized it.
  17. Oh right, I suppose you could get better value if you bought them directly (I bought a 2000 points card from a shop for £20). Fair point. Personally, I've never been keen on entering my credit cards details; less so after the Sony hacking. Thankfully pre-paid cards are on the way.
  18. I noticed Shantae is now £10.80, whereas it was £12 on the DSi, so that's cool.
  19. I wish he was just joking, but it's all too believable that he's had those. As others have said, it's no wonder viewing figures were low against an England match and Britain's Got Talent. I like Doctor Who, but live entertainment takes priority. Personally, I recorded it on Saturday and liked it so much I watched the repeat, it was the best one for ages.
  20. Sorry if this has been stated, but the 3DS update tomorrow will delete the "Nature" video, so watch it again if you really like it.
  21. I was just looking through my 3DS Friend List and I saw Mike has set this as his favourite game! Still, can't blame you. Is there anything in this game to spend Play Coins on, like a figurine gallery?
  22. Hopes I hope it is comfortably better than the PS3 and 360. I don't want reviews of multi-format games to say "The PS3 version is better because of this, that etc..." Traditional controls are a must, and so I hope the standard controller has as many buttons and sticks as the GameCube. Lastly, if it does have a gimmick, I hope it's an exciting one that I personally didn't realise was possible yet, akin to the 3DS's autostereoscopy. Fears I haven't got too many dreads about Café, apart from lack of HDD/not enough storage. Needing a constant internet connection would be even worse. Expectations I'm expecting a current gen machine (PS3, 360) that basically meets expectations. The thing I expect most is that many of us will feel the gimmick is not worth the extra money. However, I do not expect the gimmick to have a negative effect upon the games. Again, very much like the 3DS. Whatever the drawbacks, I expect Café to be wholly and entirely better than the Wii.
  23. That would be a very strange Wii game at this stage. I thought they were meant to be tech demos to show off your new machine? Would be good for Café though.
  24. I watched it again last night and there were absolutely loads of funny bits. This is what I meant when I said it should have lots of humour! "That'll be all, Parker" "Yes, M'Lady" "Let's Kill Hitler!" reminds me of the comedian Al Murray who (whilst in character) sometimes comments that if he could go back in time, he'd use the opportunity to kill Hitler. Now I'm guessing in the Doctor Who universe, World War II can't be unwritten, and so the Doctor might find himself in the awkward position of having to protect Hitler!
  25. One thing I don't understand is how this was really a cliffhanger. Going by the name of the next episode (which perhaps I shouldn't), it doesn't sound like that will be about the Doctor trying to rescue Melody. We know she ended up as River Song, so it doesn't really feel like a pressing issue. But, that was probably my favourite episode of the last two years and Matt Smith has well and truly cemented himself as a great Doctor. I'll miss him when he leaves.
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