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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. New hardware is one of the most exciting things, so Nintendo have an open goal. If they don't win this E3, they'll have done something wrong. They have to show games for it though. Sony should be 2nd, as the NGP is genuinely exciting, but I think the pressure is on them to show more interesting software than has been revealed. Microsoft should be a clear 3rd, but could be 1st if they revealed the Xbox 3. Not just the shell though, they'd have to show demos.
  2. Well, I thought that was really good! The mysteries do all make sense now. I absolutely loved the Sontaran "May we one day meet in battle, only for me to destroy your pathetic, human body!" Nice to see a Judoon too (one of my other favourites). There were also some very, very rude jokes with the Silurian woman and her girlfriend. Not sure they were really appropriate, but then I suppose kids wouldn't understand it... I must admit, I still don't understand why the series has been split into two. The only reason I could think of that would justify it would be for either Matt Smith or Steven Moffat to do something else (Sherlock?), but I didn't think any of the story reasons were good enough. Not that I'm complaining. By the way, I did wonder if the Silurian woman in Victorian times might have been a cheeky "explanation" of this folklore: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Heeled_Jack
  3. It was a pretty poor final - loads of acts fluffed it, I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed any of them. Then again, they usually are. Like I say, the semi-finals are where it's at. I meant to do my ideal line-up before Saturday. Now it's too late and utterly pointless, but here I go: Girls Roc - The caveat here is they'd have to make it more like their audition - more raunchy, more edgy - but I do like them and do think the programme needs a bit of glamour like them. Joe Oakley - He was great on his bike and I'll take that over a singer any day. Two & A Half Men - I wanted more tumbling, but they definitely deserved a place in the final. The Circus of Horrors - Thought they were really talented and impressive with their foot archery etc! Les Gibson - Shame he fluffed it, but he deserved his place in the final. Gay & Alan - They were really good, playing recognisable songs with an unusual instrument (bells). Out of the Blue - They're best at hip-hop, but it's still shameful that they didn't get through. Steven Hall - His 3rd dance was the weakest of the three, but... glad he was there. Edward Reid - My favourite singer in the competition, with his campness, nursery rhymes and all. That's only nine, so there's still room for another one! Like I say, pointless, but that's what I'd like to have seen. It's always singing and dancing though.
  4. Haven't got much time, but I think Jai should win. Also liked Michael Collings.
  5. Well done, Ike. I'd say each individual Legacy boss doesn't get significantly harder in the last 20 levels, so, for example, you can get KO'd at level 85, but sail through the last 10 levels.
  6. OK, the groin then. You're being very pedantic. As for your first point, my advice was much more complex than that.
  7. The latest Legacy boss has great music. [spoiler=]It's a fast version of Heavenly Flight, just like in DQVIII. In fact, the whole setting reminds me of that game. For some reason, I can't remember who the bosses were in IV and V.
  8. Hmm, I just get the impression (and I'm sorry I forgot to mention this) that they're trying to get rid of stock with the latest Wii price cuts. In this climate, I can't imagine more games.
  9. This makes me furious, more than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I like friendly animals, whatever type of animal it is. The vast majority of dogs come up to me wagging their tail, I say "Hello mate" and there's no problem. What annoys me is that some owners don't appreciate the situations in which a dog will become aggressive. They always guard their territory, for instance, so they absolutely must be kept behind fences and gates at home. As I say, if a friendly dog runs up to me in a field, no problem, but owners will insist on keeping them off leads in less appropriate areas. I was walking through tight, bendy woodland when a black labrador came running round a corner. We were both surprised and it started barking at me. I just talked calmly to it and it settled down, but I resented the fact that the owners hadn't taken enough precautions to prevent that problem. It'd just make the world a nicer place if dog owners accepted that, yes, most people like a nice animal, but if it does something like stop a jogger, they're in the wrong.
  10. Life imitates art: Etc etc... I know it's not related to the Rapture, but it made me laugh and reminded me of this cartoon.
  11. Oh, it's won me over, there's no doubt about it. I just want two different series now - a handheld one and a console one, in the same way I don't expect handheld Zeldas to match the console ones, but they can still be great. I tell you, I will be very disappointed if there is not a proper Dragon Quest for the 3DS where you can create your own characters like in IX. It's been too good not to repeat.
  12. I honestly can't see it happening, Hero of Time. I don't think it'd make sense to spend money on developing a complex game for Wii at this stage. We might get a Mario baseball game or something like that, but I think we're at the same stage as in 2005 when Twilight Princess was the only big GameCube game left. Square Enix could reveal Dragon Quest X, but it's not on their list.
  13. Oh, er... Wario and the Valuable Coffee Beans. My prediction is that a whole game will be saved for Wednesday, one that they think only the hardcore will be interested in, like Smash Bros Brawl at E3 2006. It might even be Smash Bros: Caffeinated (OK, I've used that joke twice now). Other than that, it could very well be F-Zero Café or Retro's new game (which might be the same thing).
  14. Yeah, sorry if I went too far. I despise cruelty of all kinds and was torn between risking the endorsement of violence and passing on potentially useful advice.
  15. Today's new Quest is just my sense of humour:
  16. There is a certain type of dog owner that is very selfish and stupid. Not all of them, but enough to be a problem. They think everyone loves dogs and wants them jumping up at them. I did read some advice about what to do if you are confronted by a genuinely aggressive dog and can't get away. Apparently you should wrap a coat (or similar) around your fist. When it bites you, grab its tongue and kick it in the balls. Probably difficult to do, and only a last resort, obviously, but I thought I'd share it.
  17. Marawa - Fun, I liked her. Pip & Buddy - Lucky dog. The Celtic Colleens - Liked quite a lot. Mr. & Mrs. - They weren't amazing, but Simon did misunderstand Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream". Antonio Popeye - I didn't like his audition, but this was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. If there are two things I like it's sexy women and madness, and this had both! When Jedward appeared that just sent it through the stratosphere for me. To be honest, I think it's the height of bad manners to invite someone on and then stop their act. If the judges thought he'd do more than that, they're stupid. Michael Moral - I think his audition was the best out of the three times I've seen him perform, but I just hope he had as much rehearsal time as Razy. Michael Collings - Do like him. There were a lot of decent acts tonight, but there aren't any I'd be sorry if they didn't get through. Actually, I want to see Popeye again, poor bugger.
  18. Thought this was interesting, from IGN: And: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/117/1172273p1.html And Fused King, Good-Feel are fine. I liked Wario Land: Shake Dimension's graphics, but not the gameplay.
  19. Shantae is the one I'll transfer. The only other game I bought was some rubbish RPG that seemed to have been designed for a mobile phone. Sorry, I shouldn't have put "Shantae" and "rubbish" in the same paragraph.
  20. Oh well, let's hope Café has a bloomin' good web browser. I want it already!
  21. Jai was 1st, then the judges picked Steven over Edward. Oh, by the way, I really enjoyed Jessie J. It was nice to see a professional putting full effort into a performance, because quite honestly some of them would get buzzed if they weren't "the act". Make Jessica cry, but give the sub par professionals standing ovations. But no, Jessie J has a powerful set of lungs on her, that's for sure.
  22. OK, let's look at how much RAM Nintendo's three web-browsing machines have: Wii - 88 MB main memory (24 MB "internal" 1T-SRAM integrated into graphics package, 64 MB "external" GDDR3 SDRAM)[118] 3 MB embedded GPU texture memory and framebuffer. DSi - 16 MB 3DS - 128MB http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii#Technical_specifications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_3DS#Technical_comparison The Wii specs are complicated, but if you add it up it doesn't massively surpass the 3DS (and that's if the browser can draw from it all). I'm a huge fan of the 3DS but if the browser doesn't have Flash, that will be a disappointment. The Wii has a fairly decent web browser (the main limitation is the resolution), whereas the DSi is puny and can't even view YouTube but is arguably better for reading text. So, I had hopes that the 3DS would outclass them both. As others have said the 3DS may be able to access YouTube via an app. If this is the case, I'm sure it'll run fine, as the Wii does, it's just a disappointment if that's the only video site we can view. By the way, how can the Wii view YouTube (but not other Flash videos) even though it doesn't use a special app? All that said and done, streaming isn't my favourite way of viewing video anyway. I preferred it in the old days when you could save videos onto your hard drive and watch them without the need for an internet connection. Do we know if we'll be able to save photos and videos onto our SD cards? Will the 3DS have an offline video player? This could make up for it all.
  23. Good point. A lot of good acts have missed out - Out of the Blue are more entertaining than many of the finalists, I'd say. However, if it's the public vote, that's fair enough.
  24. Yeah, it was The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston.
  25. Jessica Hobson - Felt sorry for her, she was good. Simon's criticisms were way out of proportion. Out of the Blue: Class Of 2011 - Top class. I was a tiny bit disappointed they weren't funny tonight though (I loved the "Look at that ass" line from the audition). Nathan Wyburn - Shame it didn't work out, but I did recognise Elvis. Steven Hall - Very entertaining, he's a good dancer. Would like to see him again. Edward Reid - Again, entertaining. I do like camp things, so the "Tinky Winky" line cracked me up. Ooh, tough choice tonight. I suppose I'd most like to see again... Out of the Blue and, er... Steven Hall.
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