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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. It's certainly a marathon, not a sprint. Well, no Dragon Quests are sprints, but you know what I mean.
  2. Is it me, or does the Compass do nothing in this game? I seem to remember it telling you which rooms still hold keys, items etc, and yet I don't think it shows me anything in this 3DS version. Maybe the boss room, but that's it. Also, can you not send bugs down the hole next to the man who sells Magic Beans?
  3. Oh, dash it, I've been lazy with the DLC and may not have got all the wedding gear. I may not be able to complete the Wardrobe 100% in the end. Oh well, I'm exausted, to be honest. Looking forward to beating Nocturnus at 99... after that, I wonder if I'll ever load it up again.
  4. Ah, now this I am not bad at. Or rather, I'm not bad at getting girls to flirt with me. Do men actually flirt? It seems more like a feminine thing to me. Anyway, make them laugh. I know it's a cliché, but it's true. I'm not much of a comedian (as N-Europe will testify) - so the secret is to be relaxed. If you're relaxed, they'll relax and it'll be much more natural for them to laugh at anything even mildly amusing that you say.
  5. I think the 3D itself is good, it's just that OOT is so action-packed, it's hard to keep your hands still, highlighting the small sweet spot of the 3DS. Anyone done Nintendo's survey about this game yet? It's great: Very in-depth and a chance to tell them how much we want games like this.
  6. Yes, I bought one from Tesco on Friday and the one from GAME turned up on Saturday. I've yet to receive the pre-order bonuses. Had a couple of really lame replies to my complaints: So, they're blaming me for choosing free delivery. Bastards. I won't use them again. That's great. It just goes to show not everything has to be Call of Duty or Wii Fit. People still want awesome traditional games too. Personally, I thought the 3DS launch line-up was good, but I could understand it if they weren't system sellers. Flying about an island system is great if you already love the machine (which I do), and Street Fighter IV was also superb, but people still want something as excellent as Zelda before they'll shell out for hardware.
  7. Er, well strangers call me "Tall Man" for obvious reasons (even though I'm 6'2", which I would call "tall", but nothing notable). Amongst friends, I'm known as "Muscles" or "The Tank", again, for obvious reasons, but I'm not exactly Schwarzenegger. So, that's good, but in terms of legacy... I love trees. If only I could plant an acorn that would grow into a giant Oak, I feel that would be fitting. The other thing I'd like to do is plant a Fir tree forest, I'm talking 200ft trees here. The one thing I'd like to achieve one day is to get out all the stories in my head. I've mentioned it before, but I have a character who is sort of an alter-ego to me. Actually, he's not even that, I just like him. When I was a teenager, I invented a handful of stories for him - I'd like to redraw the first one (they're comics) and complete at least the 3rd (which I've started a few times and is almost fully-formed as a script). I've mentioned before I have a few psychological barriers that have stopped me doing it so far (which I won't derail the thread with), but I'd like to do it some day, as it keeps coming back to me as something I should do.
  8. People have always given Nintendo a hard time about graphics. I remember magazines claimed Banjo Kazooie had better graphics than Mario 64. whereas personally I preferred the "solid" feel of the Mario game. I'm an "under the hood" type of person. Ocarina of Time 3D has gorgeous graphics and runs brilliantly, so I couldn't ask for more. And take Pilotwings Resort, for instance - thousands and thousands of polygons making up islands, mountains and tunnels - we may get prettier (not that either of these are any slouch) games on the 3DS, but I'm quite confident that Nintendo are already using the system to its full technical advantage, It's worth it though. Basically, you have to take chickens up high (throw them, climb, then pick them up again in some cases), then glide to other ledges, get the chicken from there and throw it down to somewhere you'll easily be able to pick it up. [spoiler=]There's also one hidden in a crate. I think you have to go and see Saria. Just take your time and explore, trying out your different items in different places.
  9. Yes, it seems to be the big issue with this game's 3D. I must admit, I am in constant indecision as to whether I should have it on or off. In some ways it feels like you can have it on full, but because of the double-image, I only have it on about 20%. Agreed. There was just one bit I didn't think there were enough clues about in the original. As for the actual mechanics of that dungeon... no problem. Exactly what I was thinking of doing. Traditional. It's the only way I could win the Slingshot game. Anyway, I must say, all the negativity of the late delivery has gone now, and I just love this game. It's so well-designed, I hope it puts an end to the claims that love for OOT is just "nostalgia". The only problems I had (apart from the 3D) is that my hand just doesn't fit as snugly around the 3DS as it does an N64 or GameCube controller, and as such I got cramp. However, that is not the game's fault, and could conceivably be fixed by a better-designed 3DS. Controls aside, this version is better in every way: sharp resolution, smooth framerate, Link actually looks like the concept art and, best of all, the movement is so fast and fluid, making up for the PAL conversions we used to have. Sheer bliss.
  10. People who got the game on time should be grateful and be enjoying it, instead of coming in here with an "I'm all right, Jack" attitude. My saga: Tuesday 14 June - GAME claims to have sent my special edition. Friday 17 June - Still, not arrived. I have to buy it from Tesco. Miss out on CD. Saturday 18 June - NON-special edition arrives, "packed" 14th June. So, on Tuesday they packed the normal version of the game, whilst claiming they'd sent me the special edition. What a muck-up. This was meant to be the biggest Nintendo release for years - it's Zelda, for goodness' sake! - and by far the biggest 3DS release, and yet between them, GAME and Nintendo have managed to completely ruin it. Turned it into a very negative situation for me, and even lessened my enjoyment of the actual game so far.
  11. Well, thanks a lot, GAME! Thanks a lot, Nintendo of Europe!
  12. Today I saw a Spanish girl with no knickers. She was crouching down and I could see her entire bum crack!
  13. Right, I pre-ordered this from GAME a few weeks ago. They said they despatched it on Tuesday, but the evening's here and it still hasn't been delivered. I had to buy it from Tesco. Whether GAME's fault of the parcel carrier's, it's very disappointing and has somewhat ruined my day.
  14. We've got to be very careful this doesn't happen here. Don't let anyone tell you it's racist - these zealots will try to control all of us, whatever our race. Be warned.
  15. Nice to know I'm not the only one. Super Metroid and Golden Axe (coin-op) are the only ones I've actually completed.
  16. Thanks, Hero of Time. This is all very well, but they should do the best thing, regardless of whether or not they did it last year. As it happens, I prefer what they're doing with Zelda, I just don't understand their reasoning in this case.
  17. "How is it for you, darling? ...Where am I in the game? Oh, I'm just fighting King DODOOOOOONNNNNGGGOOO!!"
  18. Yes, CBC. I believe that lasted all through the Russell T Davies era.
  19. That's unbelievable, Retro Link. You're too good at games! Considering you did it in that time, you can't have spent too long replaying missions. I've spent about 18 hours on it and haven't 3-starred Diamond.
  20. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I just didn't understand it!
  21. Oh, I agree, I think these relationships should be monogamous. Maybe I just have a problem with being serious, settling down etc. You're hardly missing out, dude! It is more northern, though. It's part of East Anglia, which has a different feel to the more "Estuary" bits of Essex (no offence!)
  22. Basically, if they want Wii U owners to have Motion Plus, I think they should make Wii Sports 2 for the new console and bundle a Wii Remote Plus with it (the game, not the console). People used to think peripherals couldn't sell, but look at Wii Fit and the Balance Board.
  23. I didn't mean to criticise your choice of words, Kurtle. King V - I think there's a balance. I don't think it feels natural to have casual sex with as many women as possible. At the other extreme though, everyone seems to have a "relationship" (another word I'm not keen on!) It's no surprise that there is the phenomenon of "Friends With Benefits" or "F**k Buddies" - at first they sound sluttish, but I think they're a natural way for two friends to get to know each other more without it being too serious. I bet most of them actually are monogamous and faithful, it just doesn't have the serious feel to it.
  24. Oops, sorry about that. I don't mind the Paladin's low speed, as Knight Watch always goes first regardless. On the occasions when we're all attacking, though, I would rather my Paladin acted before the Gladiator, as the latter is stronger and has more chance of getting a Critical Hit which, considering the multiplier system in this game, is best if it's 4th in the chain. The Sober Ring is 100% effective though. The Spring Breeze hat has high Magical Mending, so is good for your Priest (if you're not using the Agility-boosting Phantom Mask), but Murdaw has an ice attack, so I would wear Fur Hoods instead.
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