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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Oh yeah, that's what I forgot to say, the cutscenes in this are noticeably better than the ones in the rest of the Zenithia Trilogy. I'm guessing it was the first one truly designed knowing they had the SNES and its Mode 7 chip to play with (DQ V was also on the SNES but, from what I've seen, was designed as a NES game). [spoiler=]The scene where the boat descended was absolutely awesome. So was the one with Terry, I was really impressed with his skills!
  2. I have defended the 3DS and its games, and I stand by that, but it's definitely a concern if games for it are being cancelled. I'm still enjoying the initial batch of games, but we really need to see more that are on their way by now, especially from 3rd-parties. E3 in particular was disappointing, with (to my knowledge) Luigi's Mansion as the only 3DS game that hadn't been shown before. I can't remember if handheld games are shown at Tokyo Games Show, but I know GDC is the one where Nintendo shows off a really big handheld game like a Zelda. I think we need to see Zelda and Metroid ASAP, as well as some 3rd-party games. Nor would I. It's not like the PS1/N64 or PS2/GameCube eras - the other companies' consoles are now objectively better than Nintendo's, always a whole generation ahead. I could not see any problems whatsoever with playing Nintendo games on a PS3 or PS4.
  3. The only way I know is to ask at Alltrades. If they say you only need one more fight, then you do it and you don't go up, then the monsters are too weak. Hero and Carver seem to be much slower than the others. I'm in some pretty tough fights at the moment and Carver just won't go up. I really like the vocation system in this game, how it doesn't put you at "level 1". Instead, you can carry on with wherever you were in the game, and still be as strong as you were. I also like how the advanced classes are literally combinations of the lower ones - certainly shines some light on DQIX. Hard to believe paladin is priest + martial artist though. It's more like warrior + priest. Another great thing is how you can keep all your spells and abilities. I can make an armamentalist who really feels like they've been a mage.
  4. Ah, so they did manage it? Great! They said they were having problems with the 3D. Not that I play the 3D Classics in 3D anyway, they're just all-round improved.
  5. No, that's a hard one. I've made three and failed. It needs Charm, right? None of the vocations have that high enough to give you an advantage with the alchemiracles. Togas need Charm too - I've made two of them and failed.
  6. It's interesting that this chap has completed the Wardrobe, Items and Alchemy, yet not beaten the Legacy Bosses at level 99 yet. There's no right or wrong way, it's just interesting. That said, there's no way I'd reset any 3-orb equipment, Legendary or standard, until I'd beaten all the bosses. Personally, I just want to achieve all the "challenges", and then I may well leave it. Still got Nocturnus to beat at 99, then need to do two Quests. One of them should be fine, but I can't do the other one until I've got those bloomin' Borya's Boots!
  7. The problem with Star 242 is that you could waste hours and hours on it, and still not do it. I can understand that 120 Stars is the main game and the others are for completionists, but the thing is you can get the next 121 if you have the time. With Star 242, you may never be able to get it even if you have the time. It just put a sour note on what I still think is the best Wii game.
  8. OK, I did that bit, but I still think it's very badly designed. It pays to explore upstairs, as there's a very useful weapon. However, if you do this, you'll likely need to replenish your MP, and Magic Water can't be bought at this stage. The boss was a huge difficulty spike compared to the monsters before him. I kept casting Kabuff (which is my fault), but what you really need is Insulatle for his breath attacks, which... yep, you don't have yet. Forget tactics, you're best off just bashing him with "Attack". Anyway, I did it, but soon after ruined part of the game that has a missable character.
  9. Is it supposed to be grind-heavy once you've unlocked vocation-changing? I haven't done that yet. So far it's as fast-paced as IV and V. I'm loving the music and humour. There's just something about Dragon Quest that does it for me, nothing else is the same. I don't think it's got a chance of matching V though, as the gameply involves jumping between two different realms, which I don't enjoy as much as a straightforward quest. Plus, I loved the monster collecting in V, all the dragons etc. Another thing is that Dragon Quest V had amazing music. This is good, but V is amazing.
  10. Yep, and in real life, Bull Sharks can change the amount of salt in their body, so they can travel between fresh and saltwater. They've eaten a lot of people in Australian lakes and rivers.
  11. I bought this yesterday, £19.99 in GAME. Seems they only had four left too, so I wouldn't count on it being reduced to £14.99. Ah, it's fantastic! There's nothing quite like having a brand new Dragon Quest to play.
  12. I was on holiday last week, so missed most of the Erdrick's/Rusty and Orb sales. Been fighting the final Legacy Boss, which is a strange feeling, but it's 100% completed my Defeated Monster List. Nice couple of Accolades to go with it. I consider beating him at level 99 to be the last real "challenge" in the game, so I'm looking forward to doing that and starting Dragon Quest VI. The only thing that's bothering me is that I never picked up Borya's Boots, and apparently DQVC is the only way to get them (becoming a Mage then speaking to him doesn't work). However, this week's sale is "2nd Chance" week, so hopefully they'll be amongst the goods on offer.
  13. I had to laugh when I saw this was about a 2 1/2 hour train journey. I've done 15 hour journeys! Not recommended though. If I'm a passenger in a car, I just read the road map and navigate for the driver. Other than that, I like looking out for birds of prey!
  14. Well, I like the look of it. The in-game image looks totally professional.
  15. Hmm, do you actually read people's profiles, though, or fill out yours extensively? I remember when I first joined Facebook I said I liked Ghostbusters and left it at that!
  16. I went to a place in Cornwall called Restormel Castle. It was really nice; I saw a weasel on the way to the ruin, and buzzards in the valley:
  17. So true, I couldn't agree more! Bloomin' attention seekers. Don't get me wrong, if they're genuinely upset I'd want to help, but as you say, if it really mattered to them they should explain themselves. You mentioned dates. I don't mind people being able to see my likes and dislikes, but I do find it a bit odd that you are expected to put things like "...is in a relationship with..." In my day that wasn't exactly everyone's business, and yet if you refused to do it the person in question would be suspicious! Another thing is that it's not what you say, but who you are. It's annoying when popular people give one-word status updates like "beer" and get 20 "Likes". All the same, I do like Facebook. I think we should remember that we are totally in control of what we put on there, and it's just a tool for us to use.
  18. Simple rule: every time you post something on Facebook (or the internet in general), assume you're announcing it to the whole world. It really doesn't matter who's on your friends list; if you say it, everyone can see it, and the way people gossip, everyone sure as heck will know about if it's anything interesting. And yes, never announce when you're going out or going on holiday. Tell them when you get back, not before!
  19. I thought that too. I'm sure it used to be easy to roll between his legs, but I couldn't do it this time. I also noticed the Dodongo issue and how you can't attack Dark Link with the Megaton Hammer any more.
  20. It's just insulting to be lied to. I don't tell lies, so I don't expect others to. When someone lies to you, it's like they think you're stupid or not worth telling the truth to. Another terrible excuse is (over the phone) "I'm just getting money out". This has been arranged for weeks! You should have got the money out ages ago! I'm sorry, but 7pm means 7pm and 8pm means 8pm. Bring back National Service!
  21. Sorry to be boring, but the only one I can think of is Ghostbusters. I loved all the iconic puppets and just generally took it very seriously, even though it's a comedy. When it was released on DVD, I realised there was a large amount of sexual humour that I didn't understand at the time.
  22. Something's been bugging me recently: how people turn up late to events, without reason or apology. I've had a few social events recently where we've had a very clear start time, yet I'm the only one who was there on time. One time it took 30 minutes for everyone to turn up, more recently it took 45 minutes. Then I went to what was meant to be a StreetPass event today, and no one turned up at all. Now, maybe they were late, maybe they never turned up, but I didn't have the time to find out. My workmate tonight said "No one wants to be first". I just find it very disrespectful to the punctual people; the idea that it's OK for you to stand about waiting. Someone has to be first, as long as it's not them... Not only that, but maybe you don't have all day (or evening) like they might. It bothers me that people think turning up late is normal and acceptable. Is it a generational thing? Now all the youngsters have mobile phones, they can arrange things on the go, rather than sticking to rigid timetables?
  23. I go running every weekday (Monday to Friday), do weight training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and walk into town and back to get StreetPasses on Monday and Friday (although I might change that to Saturday), which is quite a few miles. The only day I genuinely have nothing to do is Sunday, so I do washing. Still go for an evening stroll though, get my Play Coins on the 3DS! Personally, I think people need to go out every day, certainly in the earlier parts of the day. With so much on the internet and so many games nowadays, I can't imagine being bored in the evenings (I'm usually at work anyway). So basically, exercise/walking in the daytime, work or games/internet in the evening. I haven't been bored for decades.
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