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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Taking his comments as sincere, Reggie has always been a fan of the Metroid Prime series, mentioning it to Matt at IGN on many occasions (how I miss those days). In that regard, I don't think it's a hint, unfortunately! Safest bet would be to make Metroid Prime 4. GameCube controls, Retro Studios, simple. However, I would take seriously the idea that the Metroid game in Nintendo Land is an experiment for the future of the 3D series. I still think a 3rd-person Metroid could be as good as the Prime games, but as yet it's unproven.
  2. Oh, I want Metroid V (2D) so much... Whether I'd prefer it by Nintendo or WayForward I'm not sure. Fusion and Zero Mission are awesome, so there's no reason for R&D1 not to develop the next one. On the other hand, yeah, I'd love to see what WayForward could do with it. Either way, I'd be massively keen to buy a new 2D Metroid, so I just hope there is one! Alternative suggestion... how about making Mighty Switch Force 2 a Metroid clone? Different lasers, missiles, loads of bosses... It needn't actually be called "Mighty Switch Force 2" (in fact, I'd rather not have the puzzles/switches), but it could still be a Metroid-type game with the same character.
  3. Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 & 3 being removed from Virtual Console: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/11/donkey_kong_country_trilogy_to_be_pulled_from_wii_virtual_console Improved eShop versions on the way? Hopefully this will be the same for all SNES games... although I wonder of the rendered look is easier to make HD?
  4. If anyone is interested in how long it takes to produce one of these games, apparently this one took three years: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/11/iwata_asks_reveals_new_super_mario_bros_u_took_three_years_to_develop
  5. I'm a Spear man, but the Falcon Sword is a pretty good weapon to start the game with!
  6. WayForward is my favourite developer, as they seem to get everything just right in tone and style. I'll be buying this, although I can't say I thought it needed extra difficulty!
  7. Going by Letterbox, it's great if you want to draw something or say something impulsive, but when you want to express yourself a bit more you can't beat a keyboard and a good forum.
  8. Thanks tapedeck. I can see it now... "Ah, so that's what you're meant to do with HD?!!"
  9. Same here. It's just so hard not to cheer for Nintendo as they are the only company out of the three I'm fond of. It's nice to see Nintendo got an opportunity to fight back, but it's also reassuring to know not everyone at Nintendo was all that keen on the idea... I won't deny I found this a "challenging" generation, but I think we're out of the woods now. Analogue triggers (and Z-button) aside, the Wii U has a good controller. It's also much more powerful than the Wii, even for the time (more RAM and a better GPU than any existing console is very positive). It doesn't matter all that much to me this time whether it's weaker than the others. The important thing is for Nintendo to stay in profit and in business. Perhaps the most important thing (and I can't stress this enough) is that it's a true generational leap above both the GameCube and Wii, in my opinion. When I got my GameCube I loved seeing how much better it could make my favourite series. Amazing draw-distances, camera control, huge worlds... Wind Waker was so good I was baffled as to when and if Nintendo would ever better it. With the technology in the Wii U, they have the technology to do so. Of course, this aspect of the Wii U (ie. the really big games) is the biggest mystery. Can Nintendo better their GameCube games? The kid in me still believes they can.
  10. Oh yeah, the wagon. Sorry, my brain's not fully-functioning at the moment! That's a shame - I always feel bad if I steer someone onto something they don't like. There's no doubt about it, I was gutted to hear IX was going to be on the DS, as I thought it would be a massive step-down from VIII... and it was. IX doesn't have the graphics, the music, the immersion, the charm... the list could go on. On the other hand, it does have supremely good gameplay if you get into it and it was an absolutely epic experience. I just hope you enjoy it at some point.
  11. Something it took me a while to notice is that this is the first remake to use IX's system of having all your party visibly following you.
  12. Trust me, flameboy, as one of the people who was a little bit disappointed with the XL when I first got it, there's no way I'd want to go back to the smaller one now. Your first instinct was to get an XL, so I'd stick with that. Besides, it's only the launch day 3DSes that were particularly good (as far as I'm aware) - just getting a smaller one doesn't guarantee it'll have the best type of screen. As for how much you can afford - sorry, I just can't advise about that.
  13. I've just read an exceptional article on CVG about the Wii - how it began as Revolution, how Microsoft and Sony rejected the technology and how there never really was a motion control attachment for the GameCube. This article is just fascinating and well worth a read! http://www.computerandvideogames.com/378029/features/revolution-the-story-of-wii/
  14. Nope, and it's a crying shame! Not that I ever sold my copy or my PS2, of course! There are actually quite a few "tidy-ups" it would benefit from: 1) The ability to reset your Skill Points I'm perfectly happy with the amount DQ VIII gives you, but it could be frustrating if you got to the post-game bosses and hadn't developed your Spear/Axe skills. 2) Instant Alchemy ...As seen in IX. You had to wait a long time (or more accurately - steps) for your goods in VIII, and it wasn't fun. 3) Visible Skill Trees ...So you know if you invest in Spears you'll eventually be able to get Lightning Thrust etc. VIII did have women in churches that would tell you how many more points you needed for the next skill (which should be kept, sure, otherwise it wouldn't feel the same), but IX's system was better. 4) Visible Armour Basically, the ability to see what you're wearing, like in IX. At least for the iconic "Metal King" equipment. 5) Screenshot/video capture OK, I'm pushing it now, but it'd be nice!
  15. You could try "non-adolescent". Sorry, I can't think of anything better at the moment. It reminds me of when the TV channel More 4 launched - they were in the same predicament as they knew "adult" had sexual connotations. What they did was actually have fun with this - if I recall correctly they called it an "adult channel" and had adverts with lots of neon signs (the types you might see in a seedy area of town), "XXX" etc.
  16. The town map screens are exactly like VIII's, and the screenshot with the green-hatted character with trees and the ocean in the background could almost have come from VIII too.
  17. I've just bought a 3rd copy of Etrian Odyssey! The 1st was for me, the 2nd was for a friend and this one is so I can replay it! It is brilliant.
  18. I still get ridiculously excited when I see something that genuinely does it for me, like the recent announcements of two 3DS games - Shantae 3 and Dragon Quest VII! There's no reason I won't do the same when there's something like that on Wii U!
  19. Yeah, I do very much like Stewart Lee, although I'm not as up to date with his material as I should be. I used to love Fist of Fun in the '90s and I greatly enjoy Comedy Vehicle when I watch it. He's a real master at developing a theme - if you stick with him it usually becomes hilarious.
  20. Zero Mission is the best of the three, and I actually really like Metroid Prime Pinball! Just like the title it's based on, it's satisfying when you beat the Metroid Prime!
  21. Ever since the GameCube, I've thought the biggest challenge facing gaming was how to make games understandable to less experienced players (and those of us who simply get stuck) whilst still keeping all their exploring and integrity. For example, I thought it was such a shame my friends couldn't play Wind Waker, but at the same time I don't want it set up scene-by-scene like more modern Zeldas. To this end, you'll never hear me complaining about "helpers" like Fi, and I actually think the Super Guide, Super Leaf and the Oracle Stones in OOT 3D are works of genius - easily some of the best innovations in recent years. There was a bit where I just couldn't remember how to get up the steep slope in the Water Temple - I simply climbed into an Oracle Stone and it knew which set of obstacles I was stuck on. No connecting to the internet and looking at an FAQ... brilliant, in my opinion. Regarding Paper Mario, it does sound like they've made it a bit too obscure, but we'll see. As one of the "system sellers" shown many years ago, I don't think it ever needed to be a work of genius. Future "big" titles will probably be held to higher standards. For now, I just want to play it!
  22. Ah, yes, I think you're right. (Has a listen) Yes, that's great; that's exactly the style. Another thing is that, considering this has a pirate theme, I wonder if there are going to be sea shanties? The sea is one of my favourite themes - I can't resist sea shanties done on the accordian and fiddle. One thing I keep forgetting to mention: does anyone else think this sounds similar to Metroid II? Seeking-out 30 Tinkerbats reminds me of finding 40 Metroids.
  23. Pretty darn serious, in my opinion. As serious as it can be without it being an outright "bad" controller, if you like. To me, it's largely about legacy. OK, the 3DS doesn't have them, but nor does any Nintendo handheld (to date). The 3DS can technically play any Nintendo handheld game. Ever since the GameCube though, I've had doubts about which features Nintendo puts in because they genuinely believe in them, and which are put in just for a selling point. GameCube had analogue triggers, Wii had motion control and Wii U has a GamePad with a screen... which of the three wil be in the next console? For the record, I think analogue triggers were the real deal. It wasn't just FPS. I can't find a full list, but as far as I recall many games used this feature - Super Mario Sunshine, F-Zero GX, Rogue Leader... It was an important part of the console. If they were left out because of weight restrictions, that was a terrible reason. So yeah, it won't fully ruin the Wii U for me but it's a massive shame nonetheless.
  24. Yeah, Animal Crossing is not something I buy every time (I skipped WW and LgttC) but, I don't know, it just seems like it will fit the 3DS somehow.
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