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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I've run out of "Thanks", but that's brilliant! Gonna have to pick up this game, but like others I'm also getting Denpa Men on Thursday. Furthermore, I didn't exactly pick a good time to replay Etrian Odyssey (I'll defeat that Primevil this time!)
  2. Yoshi's Land is almost a cert. I'm hoping Satoru Shibata confirms more 3DS localisations, particularly Bravely Default ("All The Bravest?"), Code of Princess, Etrian Odyssey IV and Dragon Quest VII. Just some footage of that last one would be brilliant. I'm afraid I don't think we'll see Zelda 3DS until GDC!
  3. The reason people defend Nintendo about poor battery performance is because there's nothing they can do about it. Battery technology simply doesn't advance as fast as computer chips. Almost every modern device has "poor" battery performance compared to how advanced the computing is. Yes, there are 3rd-party battery packs, but they stick out physically, which is not a problem but it's just a fact. Batteries = size.
  4. I think it's about £7.19. When you hover over it on eShop it tells you, but I forget the exact amount.
  5. I didn't try the demo because I don't really have time for it at the moment and, also, this is one game I'm sure I want to experience. I don't know if the demo lets you catch your own Denpa Men, but it'd be a shame to find a really good one and then have to start again when you get the full game! Nah, I hate to be unappreciative of a demo, but I'm 100% sure I want to buy this. I probably won't even be ready to play it on Thursday but I'm going to buy it then just to support them.
  6. It does sound like they would favour "All the Bravest" over "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy". Personally, it doesn't matter to me what the name is, but you can understand that was always quite a strange one. Very encouraging!
  7. Haven't got mine either. Checked Junk Mail but I don't think it's in there. [EDIT] - Got it! Thanks Nintendo!
  8. Hero of Time is awesome at New Super Mario Bros games. Remember how fast he got 5 stars on the 3DS game too?
  9. Not all of us do, though. I personally think innovation can be bad as often as it's good. These days it's frequently used as an excuse to do something different just for the sake of it, rather than follow someone's vision of something genuinely different and good. For example, the upending the teatable, "Change what you've done" sort of philosophy. It's not that Thousand Year Door is an unassailable classic, it's just that it was the last time Paper Mario was done to the "right" formula. Personally, I am not hesitant about buying this. I will certainly buy it, but it's a little bit frustrating when you were expecting another RPG and you know some within Nintendo had the same instinct too, but were thwarted from above.
  10. I think that's exactly it. You can't impress people by saying something is important and from a previous game. You have to create new legends!
  11. Just a thought, but maybe they make Zelda too grandiose nowadays? All this talk about the Tri-Force and Master Sword... I wonder if they're giving them too much importance, and they can't live up to it? It's like when Link finally got the Master Sword in Twilight Princess... I didn't get a tingle down the spine at all. I can't help but feel these moments would mean more in a more charming game that is less focused on the series' mythology, if you know what I mean?
  12. We do need a Wind Waker 2. The worst thing about Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks is if they've made people think we've had enough of Toon Link and the Wind Waker world... We haven't! We need to see a sequel done on a machine that can exceed the original. We need layers and layers of cel-shading (heck, the DS games weren't even cel-shaded!) We need those magic tones when you use the Wind Waker to play a tune. We need the same atmospheric lighting, but even better! We need that feeling again, where we're in the middle of a vast ocean, the wood creaks as you bob up and down on the waves. You could go north, south, east or west, or anything inbetween, but whichever way you went you know there's be an island to explore. We need that sense of "play", where you can pick up a Darknut's sword or a Moblin's staff, or put fire, ice or light on your arrows. Basically, we need another Zelda with charm!
  13. Sounds like Miyamoto upended the table once again and saved us from a true sequel to Thousand Year Door. I wonder how many great games he's "saved" us from over the years?
  14. Looks like it could be the best 3DS game so far!
  15. Exactly. Once I'd heard the Twilight Princess music orchestrated (as on the CD that came with Skyward Sword), it became probably my favourite Zelda soundtrack (although it's always hard to beat Wind Waker).
  16. Whoa, Nintendo are being top class at the moment! You love customisation, don't you? I'll never forget that epic Dragon Quest IX experience... Indeed. I could be wrong but I don't think I've played it on my XL either.
  17. Well done, Mokong, that's extremely impressive. I thought that shield was hard enough to get in Normal Mode!
  18. Jessie J (with Brian May and Roger Taylor)? That was the best bit of the closing ceremony. Of course, they'll never replace Freddie Mercury, but there's nothing that can be done about that.
  19. There's no way Stooshe's version of Waterfalls is a bad cover. I was around for the TLC original but I think Stooshe's version is even better.
  20. Denpa Men demo! I might not play it too much as I'm pretty sure I'll be buying the full game. I just hope I can finish Etrian Odyssey before it's out!
  21. Personally, I never had it on pre-order but I'm still quite interested to play it... just maybe not at full price. I'm hoping it becomes around £20. If not, never mind. It's just that I'm hooked on Etrian Odyssey at the moment.
  22. Personally, the screen is the last thing I'd spend more money on, but I do wonder if it's been downgraded. Hands-on reports from last year stated you "couldn't see the pixels" (ie. it's the equivalent of "Retina"). Not that I've used one, but it doesn't sound as impressive as that now. As I say though, it's the last thing I'd spend money on (handhelds are a different matter as it's the only screen). This is exactly what frustrates me. Most of us here love Nintendo, but they do have a habit of showing you something to excite you, then not delivering. If you rewind to E3 2011, everyone loved the Zelda demo and I think most people were expecting a more powerful machine. Of course, to expect Nintendo to match future consoles from the other two would be unreasonable, but I'm staggered that its CPU (and apparently now the RAM) can't match the Xbox 360/PS3. That's the thing that's disappointing - not that it 's not up there with the PS4. Nintendo owes us nothing, but at the same time if they want our money they have to make us want their products. Sometimes I think they forget about how to excite people. Well, they know how to do it, they just choose not to most of the time.
  23. Don't think I'll be able to resist this one, for old time's sake! Same goes for OutRun and Afterburner. Actually, I remember having all three on a disc for Saturn called "Sega Ages". They were smooth as anything, so here's hoping for a solid 60fps! Good call by @Lens of Truth for Model 1/2 games as well, which I don't think I'd be able to resist either. I would suggest Model 3, but I think that'd be pushing it for 3DS, unfortunately. Overall, just very pleased to hear there will be more 3D Classics, by Sega as well as Nintendo (hopefully).
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