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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Firstly, I remember Christmas 1998 and how Ocarina of Time completely redefined how immersive a game could be. I've liked Nintendo since the SNES, but this was on a whole other level. Sitting up in my bedroom on those winter nights, eating squares of the special Cadbury's chocolate that was available at the time... Sunset, sunrise, exploring, talking to weird characters, browsing potion shops - I was in another world. Secondly, I suggest that Nintendo created and owns the coolest character ever invented - namely, Link. Ironically, by intending him as a cipher for the player, they created an enormously iconic protagonist. Because Link is more than that. I don't care if he's not a macho, shaven-headed swear-monger, there is nothing like starting a new Zelda every five years or so and thinking "This is that rare time when I get to be Link". That moment, shortly before you take on the final boss, when you've done all the dungeons, can deflect light with your Mirror Shield, cast heavy objects aside with your Power Gauntlets, reach distant targets with your Hookshot and pierce evil with Light Arrows never fails to send a shiver down my spine. Thirdly, I point out that Nintendo now has a controller with enough buttons to replicate the brilliance of OOT, MM and WW. It has a console that has enough technical ability to surpass the immersion of Ocarina of Time, the drama of Twilight Princess, the clockwise activity of Majora's Mask and the sheer charm and enormous, explorable overworld of Wind Waker. All this could be presented with a bigger-than-ever draw-distance, more graphical detail than ever and in a series-best resolution of 720p. Yowser.
  2. A few days ago I'd have said Mario in general, but I always love them when I play them. Mario has become something that I don't get excited about and I don't like the idea of E3 (and other shows) relying on him, but I have to hand it to Nintendo... the games themselves are always great.
  3. I'm absolutely certain that 4K will take off, but only when it's the right price. Unlike 3D, there is no drawback, but it will definitely take longer into the console generation to take off than "HD Ready" did for the Xbox 360. As for how they will provide content for it... we'll see. The appropriate "Forum" must have planned for it. That's a brilliant image though!
  4. Neither. Well, I prefer having a hard copy, but that's not because I like having a physical collection. It's because I like to own something, and to be able to play it whenever I want. I like a download just as much, as long as it's in a non-proprietary form (even if it's not, I'm not too bothered). Now streaming, I can't stand. Whilst it may be convenient, you never actually own anything and you have to rely on a) having an internet connection working at that precise moment, and b) the content actually being available on a server somewhere. Physical or proper download please.
  5. I'm not very emotional, but I'll say Peter Jackson's King Kong. The idea that they'd taken this animal out of its environment, only to end up killing it, brought a tear to my eye. Just one though.
  6. That actually makes me want it more. OK, sold!
  7. Thanks very much, Retro, I appreciate the thought

  8. Yes, but I'm sure it won't be that bad. Personally, I suspect it will be just enough, but not the hardcore-fest most of us would like. I think we'll see EAD Tokyo's Mario, Mario Kart and the rest made up by casual/bridge games.
  9. I have to be honest, I'd be up for a screen on all three controllers. Not that I need Sony/MS to validate Nintendo's ideas, it's juat that the only "problem" I have with the Wii U controller (apart from lack of analogue triggers) is that I didn't think it would become an industry standard. If it does though, great, Nintendo would deserve saluting for its forward thinking.
  10. For example, I genuinely don't know if the Wii U needs a TV. I know it does for dual screen games like Zombie U, but I don't know if I could buy one, set it up and play New Super Mario Bros U without using a TV at all. When I first heard about Project Café I thought a console that doesn't need a TV is quite a cool idea. How much the Wii U will be like that and how much it'll be for dual screen gameplay is a mystery. Yeah, if they're not going to show the actual game, they might as well show a clip from Toy Story 2 or something! It's crazy, they make complete works of fantasy in CGI then (quite rightly) have to say "This isn't it".
  11. Couldn't agree more. GDC in March will probably be big this year, with a first look at Microsoft and Sony's new consoles. I personally think Nintendo should grasp the bull by the horns sooner rather than later and announce as many games as possible. Yep, all good points. I think the fact they said they'd learned from 3DS was one of the things that made people assume E3 would be a lot different than it was. To me, the 3DS had a much better launch, had more buzz, had better games at launch and better games on the way. I suppose Nintendo did the logical thing (on paper) by prioritising a "Mii" game and an NSMB game for Wii U, and they have been somewhat vindicated by the attach rates for those titles, but I think their focus on those two blurred the whole picture for them. Probably not. I think it's as you say. They only have so many studios (I was just reading a blog post about it actually), and those titles like Wii Fit and Wii Sports do take up some of their biggest teams. I do think Nintendo needs to rely on the old favourites, but partly because they offer something that newer IPs don't. With Zelda and Metroid (Prime) you get to explore 3D worlds. If a new franchise looked as good as Zelda, I think people would be just as excited about it, but a new IP often means puzzle, tower defence or experiments in controls. If they could get Kid Icarus, Raven Blade or whatever to offer the same appeal as Zelda/Metroid, then that'd be great.
  12. Just to clarify, All the Bravest is a Final Fantasy game for iOS. Even though Dcubed's post was very funny, this does not mean Bravely Default is not being localised at all! http://www.computerandvideogames.com/386923/final-fantasy-all-the-bravest-revealed-out-tomorrow-trailer/
  13. Do you know what I mean about how IX lost some of the style? The gameplay was fantastic, but the tone didn't grab me and it didn't have any proper Puff Puff or Pat-a-cake jokes! I'm rather hopeful for Dragon Quest VII in Autumn (presumably published by Nintendo). I don't know when it's out on Japan, but it basically seems like it's ready to me. Not exactly sure about the others, I'm afraid. Now what'd enthuse me even more than VII (and that's saying something) is the announcement of XI! Whether on 3DS, Wii U or whatever, I don't mind! As long as it can be played offline.
  14. I doubt I'd be good enough to play them. Metroid Prime took me years to complete and Super Mario Galaxy 2's Star 242 actually made me feel ill. Thanks for the suggestions though, I haven't ignored any of them.
  15. ...Coming to iOS in 2014! No, seriously, it's spine-tingling stuff. I meant to comment on it when Hero-of-Time posted it (seems it wasn't meant to be released then). It looks very polished. The graphics are creeping ever-closer towards the quality of VIII, and the music is a giant leap from IX. Don't get me wrong, Dragon Quest IX is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had (especially because of the community on here), but this looks as though it feels so much more like Dragon Quest. There's something about Dragon Quest's colourful graphics, sweeping music and slightly cheeky visual style/humour that grabs me more than anything else.
  16. My favourite eShop game is still Mighty Switch Force, but like I say to everyone, make sure you know what it is before you buy it. You need platforming skills, good reflexes and puzzle-solving skills. It has fantastic graphics and music, and I can't wait for more stuff from WayForward, personally.
  17. Honestly, I think they've got a point. You don't need to be thick to get the impression that "this is a console that doesn't need a TV" or "I can play any game on the GamePad". It could be argued that Nintendo's lack of clarity whether it's that (ie. a console that doesn't need a TV) or a "giant DS", as such, has created a lot of complication.
  18. Because... ...I got to this bit and didn't like it! Shadow Mario is a real pain in the butt. I hate that guy! Agree about the snow music and how the main theme could do with some real sax!
  19. I think there's a big difference between a console getting off to a weak start and it being on course to fail (which no one has said, to be fair). I'd say the Wii U has got off to a fairly weak start, but who hasn't thought that'd be the case since June 2012? If anything, it's done better than I expected, with most people who played it liking Nintendo Land and Miiverse being a success... but even so, it's a fairly weak start. That does not mean it's going to fail, though, not at all. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They'll make the console work, even if it takes a couple of years. They could be working on absolutely brilliant games - new versions of Zelda and Metroid, a new Mario by EAD Tokyo - which will gain their due respect when they're ready, but it'll take time.
  20. Actually (sorry if this has been brought up), but with handheld Pokemon going 3D (polygons), this would be an ideal time to establish a console series too. They could share assets. So many people want a console Pokemon RPG (and have done for ages), it does seem strange that there isn't one. (Please just leave Level-5 to other things though! )
  21. I think I'll have to give this a go, it's just that I don't normally get on very well with strategy RPGs (thinking particularly of Shining Force and Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones). I normally get some way into them and get stuck. However, this does seem rather special, and I can always ask you chaps what to do!
  22. I did the first five worlds last night and I can't believe how good it is. The graphics, the music... not only is the audio quality top notch, the tunes are incredibly atmospheric. Plus, the 3D is outrageously good. It's probably the only 3DS game that I have to play in 3D. What's really bowling me over is how good the level design is. Take the first sand level, for instance, or the first level you get the Boomerang Suit. One moment you're being fired from a canon, the next you're on an ascending platform fighting and dodging. The power-ups themselves - Fire Flower, Raccoon Suit, Boomerang Suit - are probably the best collection a 3D Mario game has ever had. All of them feel fun and worthwhile. I honestly think this is my favourite Mario game from EAD Tokyo and I wouldn't be sorry to have another one.
  23. Thanks Ike. I believe they're being reprinted and Play Asia are just waiting for that. News to come on this...
  24. OK, thanks chaps. I've read every suggestion and I really do appreciate it. I don't think I'll be ready to play this in February/March anyway, so my plan is to get a PS3 a bit later on, but in the meantime pick up Ni No Kuni and these games (if I can get my hands on them):
  25. Pay me directly and I'll play the whole PS3 back catalogue for you.
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