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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. You know what? I'll miss the cel-shading, but I hope they don't change this too much. The screenshots look absolutely outstanding and I think it would be disappointing if the final game didn't look as good as this. So, extra dungeons instead of the Tri-Force quest? GamePad used for Pictograph-taking? Sure, we all want a brand new Zelda, but they are always (by their nature) an unknown quantity. Remakes are a brilliant way to offer a top class game early in a console's lifespan - this is meant to be out by Autumn, right? That's at least a year before I'd expect a new Zelda. To me, they literally could not have announced anything better than this.
  2. And maybe the camera (for Pictographs), like in Pikmin 3. I think they said something like they decided that whimsical style was the best. I certainly inferred they'd be using it again, but I agree I'd like to see the Twilight Princess HD style as well.
  3. That's a bit like going to a lapdancing club and then saying "Apart from the sexy, naked ladies, what's the point?"
  4. YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! They understand! They understand! Nintendo, you beautiful company! That was the best thing I've EVER seen from Nintendo. Better than any E3, better than anything. First of all, SNES and GBA games on an HD screen? Yes please! Surprising that GBA is coming to console sooner than handhelds. but who's complaining?!! Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission on the big screen! The Monolith Soft game looks excellent, just like Xenoblade 2 really - going to give that one a go. But this was all about Zelda! Windfall Island in HD? They have correctly identified Wind Waker as the best game with the best graphical style, and Windfall Island as the best town! Wind Waker completely remade in HD? This is better than any upscaled Virtual Console version (which I wasn't expecting anyway)! And a brand new Zelda, presumably in that style? That was so good, I have to check I'm not dreaming. I need to go and lay down.
  5. Stuck on Special World 8-3 now. Darn, it's similar to the last one I was stuck on but even harder. I don't know, I think I'm in the minority, but in my opinion EAD Tokyo go overboard with the post-game content. It seems much more difficult than anything in 64/Sunshine to me. EDIT - Done it. 4-starred the game. Here we go for all 5!
  6. Another thing is that if you look at the Mii, it actually tells you when you StreetPassed it (sorry I didn't remember this sooner).
  7. I'm sure @Daft is right. These things (Orbis and Durango) are basically meant to be PCs, ie. very, very different to the PS3.
  8. I agree, but not just in NSMB. I think you're letting the 3D games off the hook! The thing I like least in the NSMB series is the Mini Mushroom. If there's one thing I could rid the Mario series of in general, it'd be 1-hit runs, followed by Shadow Mario.
  9. Woohoo! I've finally beaten the bit I was stuck at when I bought Super Mario 3D Land in 2011! I had previously got further into the game than I thought:
  10. That is a genuinely impressive achievement, and proof gamers still value dedicated handhelds. Glad to see the eShop is prospering!
  11. No, just ones you have access to like your own, McDonalds and (I think) GAME, places like that.
  12. SpotPass is the blue light, and is sent from Nintendo over a Wi-Fi network. StreetPass is the green light and happens when two 3DSes have been fairly near each other. If it's not Iwata or someone, you must have StreetPassed a real person! (Are you sure it wasn't one of your neighbours when you were at home?)
  13. Unbelievable! I'm getting this just for the sprite work.
  14. The difference is that they will play host to the games people buy yearly iterations of (eg. Call of Duty, FIFA), so they will simply have to buy the new consoles in order to keep up. What the Dreamcast, Vita and Wii U show is that the masses just aren't keen on gaming enough to be excited by new hardware for its own sake. I don't want to be too snobby though, because I think Orbis and Durango will both be very powerful and it will be more obvious what you're getting for your money (than the Wii U).
  15. Can you really not do much past 10pm? That's when I play games! I do remember with the GameCube original, all I did at night was dig up fossils and such, only to receive letters from my neighbours (effectively) telling me I was anti-social!
  16. I just thought, there are threads for the other three games. Etrian Odyssey II is the only one without its own thread, and it deserves one without me moaning about the Primevil! Watch this space... (the darn thing probably won't arrive now!)
  17. I don't think it was the actual gap though, just that they didn't know how to put Metroid into 3D. If they had made one on the N64 it would have either been a 2.5D platformer (not very successful at the time - ie. Yoshi's Story) or a low-res 3D game. They had to wait for the GameCube to do it justice.
  18. Exactly, I absolutely love that programme. They're actually setting up themes and scenarios for Karl so that he can (hopefully) come up with a brilliant punchline. Will try to watch the series of Derek, as I regretted not watching the pilot.
  19. Boringly, personality is most attractive as you can't really do anything otherwise (unless you're into casual one-offs). Physically, I like legs and bums because they're muscles - they actually do something. They move the body, look much better depending on how much they've been trained and can tell you how fit someone is.
  20. I can't disagree, but I still blame the Wii for that - it hardly encouraged inspiration or passion. Let's just give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they can make a great game for Wii U. If someone showed me a console only slightly more powerful than the GameCube, with a motion controller that didn't have nearly enough buttons, then asked me to design the next great Zelda I'd think "Ah, stuff it!" More like get it back, I hate to say.
  21. If all goes well, I'll be joining you! I don't think there's a thread for it though? We'll have to make one.
  22. The thing with Zelda games is that they're not always good, but I'm always gagging for the next one. Mario = platforming, Zelda = exploring. It's Nintendo's main and most important tool to cater to that need. Yes, I want them to calm down, forget about gimmicks, forget about trends and such, but Zelda can be about anything. I always want to see what they can do with any console, even if the results are sometimes better than others.
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