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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Yesterday I set out to get the remaining skyview towers and geoglyphs. I managed to do that and actually ended up stumbling upon the Master Sword while doing so. Though it's looking like my story theory from however long ago is going to be wrong.
  2. I'm so poor in the game. Yes, just in the game.
  3. Looks like I'm doing the Goron main story quest next.
  4. I haven't even gone to the depths yet. But I did just complete the Rito dungeon. While I liked BOTW I just couldn't get into it. I'm way more invested in TOTK.
  5. I have a suspicion that this game will be good.
  6. I saw Zeltik speculate the same thing recently. Just here to pat myself on the back.
  7. Oh boy. Season 2 was great.
  8. I loved it. Again.
  9. I'm just hoping to read more books this coming year. Aiming for one a month. Seems doable.
  10. I'm intrigued and will very likely watch. I don't know much about the video games other than the very main things of it. And of course the outrage with the latest game. If I'm remembering correctly, the first game (post-flashback?) opens up in Pittsburgh. I wonder if they'll start the series off here.
  11. If I'm recalling correctly, his Metroid Wii U video had hints about Metroid Dread still being a thing. This was years before Dread was re-announced/announced/whatever you wanna call it.
  12. My girlfriend moved in at the start of July. Since then, I've finally started playing the Switch in handheld mode. But the joycon grips are murdering my hands. Any suggestions on grips or larger sized joycons? I'm thinking about buying the Hori Split Pad Pros.
  13. I cannot tell if Guacamelee is actually free or if the page is glitched: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/guacamelee-one-two-punch-collection-switch/
  14. I saw this posted on a different site a while ago. But do you all think this was meant to be Boba Fett as a background character in Solo?:
  15. According to my city's subreddit page, this was filmed locally. And the old guy with the white hair & mustache in the middle is Rick Sebak, a local documentary filmmaker. It is supposedly in the Omni William Penn hotel downtown. No clue why they made this in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  16. "Finished" the game today with 81% (that was it the last I checked). Gonna go back and try to collect all Charms and fight a few bosses I missed. Nearly defeated Lost Kin before I decided it was time to exercise. Will probably have a go at that boss after dinner in a little bit. The charms I've been using for boss fights seem a bit unfair. I'm using the Defender Charm with whatever the charm is that has little flies surround you who then attack enemies. Combining these two make the flies explosive.
  17. I've owned this game on Switch for a few years now, but am only just getting into it. Have got 12 hours played so far. Doubt I'll 112% it. Was daunting at first considering how often I'd get my ass handed to me. I dislike the Souls-like money recovery and much prefer the Metroid Dread checkpoint system. But I'm just a filthy casual.
  18. Judas and the Black Messiah
  19. Similar to EEVIL, I'm planning on brushing up on and improving my Spanish via Duolingo. I also plan to drink less and read more.
  20. I'm surprised that Cowboy Bebop isn't getting a second season. And for those that have yet to watch Arcane, please go check it out.
  21. 26 days. I've not ordered it yet from anywhere as I'm hoping to find a special edition somewhere.
  22. Been playing some Metroidvanias to get ready for this game. Completed Gato Roboto maybe 2 weeks ago. Now I've moved onto Axiom Verge.
  23. What if the Zelda timeline is circular? As in: Skyward Sword is the start of the timeline, BOTW is the end, and BOTW2 is the "in between"? That's a way that all timelines work. SS > OOT > whatever games/timeline > BOTW > BOTW2 > SS > OOT > (and so on)
  24. Ugh, I'm already seeing people complain about this being a full priced game. This video has the music more noticeable.
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