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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Killer 7 was such a treat for me. Great story and great art direction, and some alright gameplay. But it had a hell of an ending. I still want a sequal or an additional disc with all the missing chapters.
  2. I'm gonna have to catch up on my GameCubing after my season is over (which is probably soon cause I think I don't have an ACL anymore.)
  3. I played JonSt's position to clear things up. And another article was in another newspaper, I wonder if its online... Yes, it is: http://www.gatewaynewspapers.com/signalitem/ http://www.gatewaynewspapers.com/signalitem/53651/
  4. Read the article and look for my name (Kevin Stinelli.) :wink:
  5. Yes. Football. I always say soccer on here cause most of you would think I play American Football if I said football.
  6. Yeah, I'm honestly deciding whether or not to get an Xbox360 based on this gaming trilogy. I hope its great.
  7. Its been 4 years since my high school has made it to playoffs for soccer. Just yesterday we clinched our spot in the 2005 Western Pennsylvania soccer playoffs with a record of 11-6 (49 Goals For, 16 Goals Against.) This post was just mainly to tell everyone of why I've been away and haven't posted. Our first playoff game is either next Monday or Tuesday, so wish us some luck. And I'll leave you with a few links: News Article Schedule and Results
  8. I just miss my Perfect Dark for N64. I loved that game to bits. And woah, Too Human is coming out on 360?
  9. Women shouldn't have the right to vote. :-P
  10. I just reserved this game. Can't wait for April now.
  11. Nintendo64 without a doubt.
  12. I once had a 27 killing spree. Didn't die the whole match. Team training battle rifles. I was by myself cause my friends were already in a match making game. Since then, I haven't played. :P
  13. Falco Lombardi, without a doubt.
  14. Wolf from Star Fox, no doubt.
  15. Too Human. Because I'm still waiting for it.
  16. Yeah...I really liked the old boards....
  17. Yeah, I was waiting for some footage of games. Oh well. I suppose they don't want to spoil us.
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