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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. I haven't really read this thread because I'd rather be completely surprised by everything in the game, like I was with OOT. But since you're on the subject of Koji Kondo, I may read it some more. And as for my favorite KK song, it has to be Gerudo Valley.
  2. I can beat two level 9s at the same time. But I can't do three level 9s at the same time.
  3. Guys...its not confirmed to be the truth.
  4. I concur with that statement.
  5. I get the whole "not ranking online matches" part, but I still want to be able to select what type of matches I want to play, who I'd like to play and whatnot.
  6. I haven't played any Nintendo games online, which is a pity. I'm really hoping for a Halo2-esque online interface with this game.
  7. Haha, good find.
  8. Well then, its definitely somewhat funny now. Why you lookin' at my anniversary thread yo? Haaa...
  9. Dude from Project HAMMER would definitely work well. I like the idea. Plus its also more acknowledgement for that game. As for Killer7, I agree that theres no chance for them being in SSBB. :\ And about that gif... I don't find it funny?
  10. Nor does bondage dude, but I don't see him really making the game... He is in bondage afterall.
  11. I just thought of this, but why not someone from Killer7? Suda51 seems to have a boner for Nintendo nowadays and I see it being a possibility. However, seeing as how the characters are all screwed up mentally and what not, I have no idea how Nintendo would translate them into SSBB. Another downside is that they use guns... Character list: Harman Smith Garcian Smith Dan Smith Kevin Smith Coyote Smith Kaede Smith Con Smith Mask de Smith Mills Andrei Ulmeyda Heaven Smile TRAVIS! Kess Bloodysunday Johnny Gagnon Kun Lan Jean DePaul Curtis Blackburn Punishing Rangers
  12. I'd like to see Wolf in there. The beginning CG scene from SSBM made me want him in there.
  13. I'm not sure about you guys, but I was a big fan of Pico and Beastman from the F-Zero series.
  14. Well, I saw the film today and yesterday and I'd have to say that its a pretty (emotionally) sad movie. The ending gives hope though. And on imdb.com they have Omega Red in the credits. Anyone see him in the movie? I did see something shiny during the last fight scene and it definitely wasn't Colossus.
  15. I've been wanting to see OldBoy, but for some reason I can never find it. The fight scene from Anchorman is pretty brutal.
  16. Amen to your amen. My character analysis: Bowser Keep. Just upgrade his speed and possibly change his Down + B attack; its too similar to Yoshi's. Captain Falcon Keep. Can't think of anything to change on him, other than making him less sexual. Donkey Kong Keep. His moves are perfect for him. Dr. Mario Get rid of. He is just Mario with a different skin. Serves no purpose. Falco Keep. Of course I'm going to say keep, but he's more than just a Fox clone (such as Dr. Mario with Mario). Seeing as how he's a bird, his appearance and moves can change without a problem. Fox Keep. Maybe make his blaster actually effect people. Ganondorf Keep. Instead of making him a Captain Falcon clone, give him his sword(s) and let him go at it. Obviously tone down some of his power and give him a bit more speed. Ice Climbers Keep. They add variation. Jigglypuff Keep. Is a punching bag until you take time and play with her. Keep the same moves, Down + B is the only thing that keeps her from completely blowing. Kirby Keep. An original from SSB. Not much else to say. Link Keep. Is already in the game. Perhaps give him a different Forward + B and a different B move. Luigi Keep. Is somewhat like Falco to Fox. With a little work he can be his own character. Mario Keep. Thats all there is to say. Marth Keep. Don't know much about Fire Emblem to suggest anything. Mewtwo Keep. He's the biggest badass of all Pokemon. Just give him some sweeter moves this time round. Mr. Game and Watch Keep. Although I didn't like him, he should stay due to the fact that he IS the beginning of video games. Ness Keep. I'd like to see a different Up + B move, though. Peach Keep. As much as I didnt like her, she should stay to help represent the female diversity. Just please, pleeeease give her better power. Pichu GET RID OF! The only character to hurt itself, what more can I say? Pikachu Keep. One of the originals from SSB. Plus he's already confirmed. Roy ??? Not sure here because once again, I don't know enough about Fire Emblem. Perhaps he could change, perhaps he couldn't. Samus Keep. Her moves fit her perfectly. Not much else to say about her. Yoshi Keep, although it is in a serious need of a make-over. Needs to upgrade speed, power, and coolness. If it were, lets say, Samurai Goroh, I'd definitely say to get rid of the character, but since its Yoshi he kinda has to stay. Young Link Change to WW Link. Although he won't really be changed much, I think that a visual change would provide enough to help bring in some freshness. Also, change some of the moves to make him not a mini clone of Link. Zelda/Sheik Keep. Perhaps make them two completely different players, but I really don't know. It'll be up to the developers on this one.
  17. One autistic black kid in school the other day ruined the movie for most of my friends. He told us the spoiler...
  18. I couldn't stand when my Pikmin died, so I could never complete the first game.
  19. New stages... How about a new Yoshi stage. Yoshi's mountain from Mario Kart 64? And I'm definitely for the Phendrana Drift stage, that may be my favorite video game area of all time.
  20. Thank you for your great input. And to clear my post up, I meant "I knew that Ninty has talked about Pikmin. But I'm still surprised that no one here on Revo Europe has talked about it." Funny how so little can be said yet so much is meant.
  21. How come noone has talked about the possibility of this game yet? I was pretty surprised by that. Now, don't you think Pikmin was made for the Wii with its Wiimote. Being able to throw your Pikmin by the flick of your wrist would be entertaining. (I don't like creating threads that much, so sorry for the lackluster first post.)
  22. Basically, I'm all for new characters. Except for the ones that the dorks beat off too.
  23. Personally, I'm hoping for more Star Fox players. However, the Star Fox characters I would not like to see would be Krystal, Pigma, and Andross. I mean, come on, how are you going to fit Andross onto the stage? Maybe he could be a boss...
  24. Haha, a Killer7 sequal would have been nice, but seeing as how the first one didn't sell, I can see why. Really complex game though. Possibly the best twists ever in video game history. And I'm now a fan of Suda51, so I can't wait to see what Heroes will be.
  25. Perhaps the item is a leash? I guess it could work that way...
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