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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. So when exactly is Twilight going to be released in the US? I go to college soon and it better be out before then...cause I won't have any money.
  2. I could never say this before, but: hiyaz!~, I hope you get kicked in the balls and then drawn and quartered. Oh the benfits of not being on Staff anymore. :P
  3. Steelers were the last place team (out of the playoff bracket) and the Seahawks were first place (in their division.) How could you not want the Steelers to win? Haha. And just to let you know, the Steelers beat the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place team to get to the Super Bowl...and then beat the other 1st place team to win. Woo hoo.
  4. Yeah, the touchdown Roethlisberger scored probably wasn't a touchdown. But atleast we won by more than that touchdown.
  5. We won. !
  6. Finally! My hometown team has made its way back to the Super Bowl. Lets Go Steelers! Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Seattle Seahawks http://sports-att.espn.go.com/nfl/index And yes, I know most of you don't care, but hey, watch for the commercials. :wink:
  7. I completely loved this game. Just wait til you complete it for the ending.
  8. I don't think its so much of an endurance issue as a leg strength issue. My legs always kill me at the end of a match. Oh yeah, my team is 3-0-0. And a team didn't show up twice, so we're actually 5-0-0.
  9. The last two days I've come in contact with cheaters. Its just sad how people think its fun.
  10. I've just recently been on alot, so feel free to add me. jxrpo4
  11. Haha, yeah, sometimes it seems like forever ago I joined. And then other days it seems like I just joined yesterday. For many years to come! Thanks everybody.
  12. Wait, Omega Red is in it? Anyone have a pic of him?
  13. ...my 4 year anniversary since I joined CE (December 10, 2001.) But since RE launched I haven't been around as much. But whatever.
  14. I'm not sure if this has already been said, but Bryan Singer isn't attached in any way to this film. I hope it still succeeds in his absense. But yeah, that trailer is pretty damn sweet.
  15. I just started liking Pantera about a week ago. And it definitely doesn't seem like a year ago that it happened. But still, RIP Darrell.
  16. White, black, or silver.
  17. Yeah, it sorta took me ages too to get back here. It happens. I miss CE.
  18. You, sir, have a very broad imagination.
  19. I always wanted a Dreamcast. Matter of fact, I still want one.
  20. I'm 17 and with a 10. Just kidding. Thank God.
  21. Yep. Thats exactly it.
  22. I love my state.
  23. Wow. I haven't been on in what seems like forever. Sorry to those who send me party invites.
  24. Killer 7. You will either love it or you will hate it. I loved it. After I'm done with replaying Wind Waker I'm coming back to this.
  25. I love all of the weapons from Perfect Dark 64.
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