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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. As cute as that dog is, I want to punch it. I hope its a rare item.
  2. Is it me, or am I the only one who hates the Nintendog?
  3. I hope Falco will be in it again. And possibly a Killer7 character. As for character costumes, I'd like to see actual different costumes, not just color changes.
  4. I was definitely hoping for more of an Xbox Live style of online play. Too bad...
  5. My one friend is convinced that when MC walks out he's holding the original Assault Rifle. I don't think it is, but feel free to prove me wrong.
  6. I went to sleep knowing about the Newcomers. Then I woke up with a trailer to watch. This is awesome.
  7. After I read this topic in school, I actually read a magazine (U.S. News). They actually had an article in there about E3. Only a paragraph was about Nintendo, but it did manage to say that the price will be $250. I hope they're right. Better yet, I hope they're wrong and its cheaper.
  8. I'm not gonna lie, I use Falco the most. Probably because he's good at arial attacks and I like using those. Not sure though.
  9. Wasn't there an arcade game that was sort of like this? Not sure, but I think it was call "Star Wars Trilogy."
  10. Boooooooo! First they take Rare and now they take Lionhead. Oh well, I'm getting a new PC soon though.
  11. Has anyone here seen the speed run of the original Zelda for the NES? Thats unbelievable.
  12. I'm hoping for a surprise release in the summer.
  13. I just want it soon cause I'm going to college in August (to Akron or Erie, gotta make a decision today) and won't have the leisure money that I have now. Plus I want the Gold Edition.
  14. I just don't want my $5 paid to reserve this game to be wasted. Come out soon! And on the GC!
  15. Quite interesting...
  16. My family, one friend of mine, and I drove to Florida (24 hours on the road) for a vacation at Tampa. All my friend and I did during the car ride was sleep and play Mario Party. It was pretty hard to do on the screen attachment for the GameCube though. Still, a good time!
  17. Ummm, did the Skull Kid have Downs?
  18. I'm hoping Sadness will be another Killer7.
  19. Slightly Nintendo related, but I can't wait to see how Too Human is turning out on the 360.
  20. For those of you who can't read the caption it says (and sorry if its been posted, I'm not going to read 35 pages of posts): "Notice how the in game gun reflects the angel at which you hold the controller."
  21. I'm hoping for some Pikmin characters (don't know how that can happen with the size difference) and some more Star Fox characters. And how bout someone from 1080? Haha.
  22. But yeah, in all seriousness, I'm trying not to hear or read any spoilers. They've ruined a couple of shock factors for me in recent games.
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