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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. It'll be a loooong time before I complete this game. Can you tell me what this was?
  2. I haven't even taken the cellophane off of the game box...
  3. I just pre-ordered. Every sale of this game is important. More so than other games, that is.
  4. I'm 95% certain that chick I went to get drinks with on Tuesday has a girlfriend. That sucks for me. Especially since we had a thing 2 years ago and definitely had another strong connection Tuesday.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. @drahkon Blah. Seems like you and I are going to become best internet buddies. We're kinda in the same boat... Maybe?? About two years ago I matched with this person on Tinder. She's got amazing eyes and a weird enough personality for me. She deletes Tinder soon after, but we were already following each other on Instagram. We exchange numbers on there. We text back and forth a few times. I ask her out for a drink. No response. Text back and forth some more. I ask her out for a drink again. No response. Then I meet my now-ex-girlfriend and that was that. Tinder girl and I text each other here and then just about random **** throughout my previous relationship. Nothing flirty. Just BS'ing, talking about beer and food and Pittsburgh. Something jogs my memory about her and pizza last week. I text her about it and we chat back and forth. Last night I asked her if she wanted to grab dinner. No response. For a number of hours. This morning she texts back, something similar to "Dinner as in a date?? I'm seeing someone... :|" Followed up by, "We could grab drinks today though" I obviously say yes. But then I think about her social media pictures and whatnot. No dudes. Is... is who I thought her best friend for these last 2 years actually her girlfriend...? So many thoughts going through my head. After work today, drinks happened. Went well, lasted almost 3 hours. Ended with a hug and her saying "We should hang out again." Technology.
  6. For me, I take personality into account on the "attractiveness scale". Seems like it went fairly well, though.
  7. Thanks bud. I took a day off from work today since I got little to no sleep. I'm slowly coming around to it.
  8. Blah. My girlfriend of a year and a half just broke it off with my quite abruptly last night. There wasn't much indication that anything was wrong except Sunday morning when she left soon after waking up while I was making breakfast. I asked if she wanted a ride home, she said "No thanks, I'll walk and get some steps in." Then I asked her if I'd see her that night. She said, "Maybe." That's when I realized something was off. Then, yesterday when she came over I could tell it was over as soon as I saw her. The first syllable out of her mouth and she started crying. Said that [paraphrasing] I was great at working on things when she brought them to my attention. It's just that it just no longer felt right and that she didn't want to drag it on. And that she still loves me. This is so shitty. She was my girlfriend AND best friend.
  9. Stay safe, people.
  10. I only got the Camera Rune last night. Not enough hours in the day for me to get meaningful playing time in...
  11. Are your eyes open the entire time you're playing?
  12. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm honestly not that good at video games anymore. Luckily, I've become kind of good with the bow and bombs (as well as stealth) in order to keep my distance.
  13. After leaving the plateau I activated the tower near the lake. Took me forever to clear out the area below it. Did some stealth kills at night, then went up on a ledge and bombed/arrowed the hell out of the enemies. Once the tower was activated, I jumped off, soared around, saw some horses, decided to sneak up on them, and then got kicked in the face by the one I eventually tamed. I named it "Biggus". A+ experience.
  14. And how many of them have actually played it...
  15. My Amazon Orders just updated to: Arriving Friday Not yet shipped
  16. Seems like Amazon may not have enough WiiU physical copies. And it seems like I won't be receiving mine on Friday... I'm angry.
  17. I hope we get to fight The Imprisoned 3 more times.
  18. Wait, NeoGeo on day 1? I didn't know that. And I've wanted to play Metal Slug for a long, long time.
  19. I'm only on the Polygon video preview right now, but:
  20. I don't work tomorrow so I'm just here at my computer drinking beer and watching Zelda YouTube videos. Is this part of being hyped?
  21. I somewhat regret not pre-ordering a Switch. I'll most likely get one once I can go back to riding public transport for work. Or when I get moved to the middle of West Virginia for work and will have to do a bunch of sitting around.
  22. I'm sure I'll be terrible at the game and will die. Back on WW for Gamecube I never died or came close to dying. Then for the WiiU HD Remaster, I was terrible. Shows how much my game playing abilities have fallen. But sure. I'm sure I'll make it to the Temple of Time before dying...
  23. But what's my My Nintendo account log in ID?
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