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Ninty 182

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Everything posted by Ninty 182

  1. why take a chance? just go for pre-emtive Nuking
  2. Yeah agreed. It's quite entertaining the first time round but not funny as such and it gets old quickly. Kudos to the guy though, he ended up appearing in a BBC advert doing his stuff. He's probably made quite a bit of money
  3. I agree he didn't project-manage well in that task but to fire him for that is short-sighted in my opinion, micheal hasn't relly offered much over the series and the last time Raef managed he did it really well, showing he has the ability. Micheal though seems to have some kind of hold over Sir. Alan, I can't help but get the feeling he's being duped by Micheal
  4. Come on now don't name-call I agree that Big Gay Following isn't very funny. The funniest thing about him is his entrance video thing. Other than that he just asks if people fancy a bum and they say no and walk off - the kind of thing that's only funny if your mate does it while you're drunk
  5. Toju is funny but the jokes worn off pretty quickly for me. He just does the same thing each week As for the host, I quite like him. He does it in a fifties, old-school way with obvious set-ups and I can see why people don't like him. However if he came on and acted like Neg, for example, the whole show would just seem much more crass (sp?)
  6. What's that?
  7. God Micheal is awful. He must be fired next week. I'm still backing Raef and Claire and am now also backing Lucinda to be in the final three. Alex and Lee are good but don't quite have enough to make it in my opinion, though Lee does seem to be getting better every week
  8. There is no meaning to life. Life on this planet exists as an accident, where conditions, in the infinity of space, happened to be such that life could flourish. There is no afterlife. We live, we die and try to fill our life the best we can.
  9. wehey, someone who agrees with me! tbh I reckon Sir Alan has a bit of a soft spot for her, if he didn't she would have gone when he started yelling at her
  10. Am I the only one who's really liking Nick & Margret. They come up with some really funny stuff, make some of the funniest facial expressions and stitch people up in the boardroom. I they're the hidden heart of the show - Like ringo was for the beatles
  11. I'm still backing Claire & Raif. Raif was so awesome in this episode just with his clothes. An amazing episode though I don't think Jennifer should have been fired. Micheal should have gone. As Margret said "a waste of space"
  12. I got an Ash album at the same time as I got Pikmin and by the time I'd finished the game I'd got bored of the CD (only bought it cus it was 35 songs for £5), but yesterday I listened to it again and it took me right back. It was really nice to be reminded of that again. It makes me want a Pikmin game for the Wii now.
  13. Where are you getting all this from? What have you seen, heard etc. that makes you believe this. I'm not having a go i'm just genuinely curious.
  14. I think the general rule is more is less. Showy CGI only makes things worse. As a championer of SAW I'll point out that what most people forget is that they started as budget films. They take place, generally, within 1 or 2 locations and all the traps and everything are made to work. Anyway I think a beer or 2 beforehand always helps to make a horror movie a bit scarier. Things suddenly seem to jump out at you a lot more.
  15. Have you seen the Saw movies!? They're brilliant (not so much the fourth but...) its a great concept and Jigsaw for me is up there with Hannibal Lecter as the greatest horror villain (if that's the right word to use). The original trilogy is brilliant. Amazing plot twists and well directed with the awesome dynamic scene shifts - no CGI. For me certainly up there with the greatest horror films of all time (and I've seen quite a few) One of the scariest things for me though is that the traps used in the films actually worked in real life
  16. I've never found a horror film scary. There are moment when like a loud bang can make me jump but that's not being scared. However, suprisingly, the book of The Shining I actually found scary. I felt the hairs on my back stand up and just felt pretty creeped out. The film was a massive let down.
  17. I'm starting to think i might be wrong about claire. I thought she seemed quite practical and well organised at first but in the ice-cream task she definately should have done better - just organised better, set up the taste test properly and booked appointments. Her team was lucky to win. TBH I thought Lindi was quite good as well - wasn't she the one who came up with the selling tickets for the restaurant task? I'm not enjoying this series as much as the others though. The tasks seem a bit repetitive and mundane
  18. The next time she's on the losing team I'm sure Lucinda will go. Everything she's done she's done badly. I'm still rooting for Claire, despite her rocky performance last time, and Raef
  19. I thought he said he had an IQ of 170. I quite liked him but not good as a leader.
  20. Claire & Raef are gonna be the last 2 standing I reckon. Claire hasn't done much so far but seems to have a good grasp of things (i.e. she isn't a moron)
  21. This is an amazing song, using a similar melody as 'To Ramona' by Bob Dylan. Due to the way it's sung it was hard to make out some lyrics but these are pretty much correct. It Cuts on Either Side well let me tell y' baby y' got me 3 miles down an' 3 miles underground. My head was lost is a guillotine machine and my body ain't never been found when y' lose what y' got y' don't get what y' need; y' feel like you outta recieve when I hear the lies and learn the facts it cuts like a double axe Well let me tell y' baby that in this world there's too many people to like. They lie and decieve an they multiply but they don't get satisfied. We kiss the dirt, We all get hurt, our brain's anethetised. 'Cus you my love are a mindless slut and you cut on either side Well the world's gettin' smaller with nowhere t' crawl up and no one can quite be alone. I can't worship success when I know that it's less an I can't believe your sacred tone. With glitter an' baubles y' say that I outta But I don't quite believe, and now that I see you I wish that I couldn't and my heart is startin' t' bleed Well this is the age of the young they're out there havin' their fun. This is the age of the sophisticated and the worst hasn't even begun. We're made t' buy what we don't need, We're forced to scrape an believe. But when my mind it comes to the facts it cuts like a double axe Well the world don't seem fair, it don't seem right, y' say you don't want t' fight. But the schoolyard bully will knock y' down and flex with all his might. Well man is a bully born and bred, he'll kick you in the head, and when y' crawl upon the floor he'll bury you as dead Well let me tell y' baby that what you lack is the will t' kill and attack. No-one's your kind and you lost your mind watchin' someone elses back. You don't seem t' evolve, you feel your world will dissolve. Stop. Dead in your tracks. Cus when y' die they'll hear y' cry an it'll cut like a double axe 'Cus when my mind it comes to the facts it cuts like a double axe Pete Molinari
  22. Calza, who're those lyrics by? what's the song?
  23. how do you get into tropical fish keeping? It's quite an obscure hobby
  24. I've asked this before at some point but can't remember the answer Do blind people blink?
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