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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. Real Madrid have agreed a 38 million euros fee with Lyon for Benzema. Surprised hes going for that little tbh both he and Lyon have said hes not going anywhere this summer. Unless Madrid are chucking a couple of squad players in as well.
  2. I keep hearing some ace dubstep remix of in for the kill, by Skream iirc. It's so awesome I cant listen to the original anymore. The boss didn't play born in the USA at Glastonbury, although most of the crowd stayed around after he had finished singing it anyway. :awesome: still on a bit of a high tbh from the Neil Young, Springsteen combo.
  3. Didn't realise I wasn't playing today. Even remembered to set my team up last night when I got in from Glastonbury.
  4. Anybody else go to Glastonbury this weekend? Fucking awesome my socks where well any truly rocked off. Neil Young was absolutely incredible seriously like best live performance I've ever seen. The Boss was the Boss, even over running the curfew by 10 minutes and getting Eavis a 3 grand fine :awesome: Blur also pretty good, Coxon was on fire with the guitar. Saw lots of other stuff as well, main highlights, the specials, madness and la roux. So awesome
  5. League one is where its at iirc. Newcastle will get a chance to experience it next year :P
  6. Fiscis double overtake at the start was quite awesome as well.
  7. The Hangover: Awesome funniest film i've seen at the cinema in ages. Still not as good as Old School though. 8.5/10 Transformers 2: Pretty good mindless action drivel. Too many annoying human characters, I don't gaf about Sam's college roommate, not to mention the one dimensional marines from the first film. I just want to see big robots destroying each other/ cities and Meagan Fox running in slow motion (which was delivered). 6.5/10
  8. This would be the same Ljajic who is 15 and still on loan in Serbia? Yeah cant see him stepping up to fill Ronaldos boots for a few years yet
  9. Top 8: Vettel, Webber, Button, Alonso, Rubens, Massa, Rosberg, Truli Podium:Webber, Vettel, Button
  10. Probably shouldn't gloat about quitting my old job going round the world for 8 months then getting the first job I applied for when I got back. I was unemployed for 6 months when I finished uni though and it was without a doubt the worst 6 months of my life, so er chin up guys and stuff.
  11. I assume so, I remember seeing it on sky sports news. Anyway Ze googles Flink Me
  12. Kaka has said he moved because Meeeeeeeeeeeeeelan have no money and by leaving he got them a shit load of cash. so he said leaving was int he best interests of the club.
  13. I have a Y reg Citroen Saxo, my first car still. Would have changed it by now (to a Honda Civic) if I was planning on staying in the country past the next 6 months. I will be selling it in October whatever happens.
  14. £5 to take to Glastonbury, look out for it if you're going. :awesome:
  15. Away to Norwich first day, we've got a better squad at the moment I reckon. As Norwich have about 7 players currently and any they do sign will have to gel. Quietly confident worryingly. Edit: Looks like we have a friendly against Villa in July
  16. Planet Terror >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Death Proof. 1 1/2 hours of zombies and explosions and awesomeness or 1 1/2 hours of Tarrantinos foot fetish. No question imo. I am stupidly hyped for inglorious basterds though.
  17. No doubt the Madrid council are preparing to buy Reals Training ground for 400 million again then sell it back for 50p or whatever it was they did last time Perez was president.
  18. its over £40 on both those sites though....damn the weak pound
  19. Would actually be the worst idea in the world. This place already has too many boards and massive generic threads really.
  20. I've been back in the 9-5 (or 8:30-5 for me) slog for 2 days now, after 8 months off. I hate it I want to quit already, probably would have today. But my overdraft/creditcard bill is far too large to do so.
  21. Urgh first shot in the game goes in. My team then proceed to do nothing until the 75th minute.
  22. Fantastic, got to love a bit of Franklin.

  23. I still have the last level to do. It's basically impossible. EDF EDF EDF!
  24. 8 charges for me
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