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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I've sent you the instructionz email, gonna start sending the vids now

  2. Awesome. I'm just trying to figure out whether it's possible to get this unidentified file (it was fine like the others) to work. Looking it up naow.

  3. ^ Phew, like Rez I was thinking Sony were only offering this deal hypothetically by keeping the store down during the 'welcome back' period. Glad that's been cleared up. :P
  4. Ah K I'll send it here then:


    OK so basiklee I have put together a couple of short vids of me doing football skilz for my blog, i was wondering if you could do me a massive favour by cutting them in sequence (one or two also need to be rotated 90 degrees) and putting a song over the top?

    Thanksmuchlove! x


    Could send the files over msn at a specified time if thats easiest?

    [email protected]

  5. It was average, I probably won't bother with P.3
  6. Keighley bantaz!
  7. In all honesty I think this has been irresponsible of NaughtyDog. They should never have revealed the Hammer locations before Rez has even played the thing, the destruction has a certain inevitability to it now.
  8. Surely 'winnuendo'? I liked the lame Star Trek rant, and I agree with your reasons even if they are watery.
  9. Should deffo start a Tumblr Jay, or did you? I could discuss this at length, mais je suis fatigue.
  10. Well that was lol. "You're a fat faggot, you probably play this your whole life you faggot" (faint Rez interruption - "but you're a higher level")
  11. We'll have to get a long clan name going [ere] [ctp] [eni] etc. If they're on much. Not today obv.
  12. Strange crackdown on Giggs here, I'm pretty sure he got the injunctions to stop from the 'allegations' leaking, which is fair enough surely? He wants to sue because he denies the claims, and he might well be innocent. *muffled disagreement*
  13. Boxart Without the shitty Move logo that would be a nice cover.
  14. Yeah, it looks really cool when you get to zone 75 doesn... Oh wait.
  15. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I like pretending it's gospel. It is in my eyes.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    You should see the multiplayer.
  17. Just went into an Unch 2 pre-game lobby and asked 'does anyone know if the PSN is back yet?' Replies of 'you're playing online now you prick!' <3 Online gamers Then proceeded to score a standard 15-2 game. And I haven't even played it in weeks!
  18. YOU CUNT xxx

  19. UNCH NOW!!!!11

  20. A peace treaty of some nature, I think.
  21. Season 4 absolutely blew my socks off. I think seasons 1, 2 and 3 were largely similar in being extremely high quality but by fuck was this something else entirely. I'm not in the mood for explaining why right now, but it's quite possibly my favourite season of any TV show. Offered so much.
  22. Fucking 'ell Micro Condom, look at yourself. Calm down, take a sip from your mug and relax, we're all friends here. We know who you are, and we don't need to hide ourselves from each other anymore. Maybe we'd be better of as Daz eh, hearts on sleeves who's with me? I'm joking, he's a cunt This is why I love the other consoles board. We're losers too, but we do it in style.
  23. Well, that looks awesome.
  24. Hmmm, could be interesting. I only ever played the Warhawk demo and wasn't impressed, but that's because it was a very primitive offering. I'm sure the full online experience is fantastic. Issue is, my flight coordination skills are absolutely shocking. And being good in online competition is a must for me. I'm sure practice gets you into the swing of things. I heard the on-foot aspects of Warhawk let it down a bit?
  25. Geoff Keiley's Twitter - 'Big Sony PS3 reveal tonight on GTTV! Single and multiplayer footage coming your way. The countdown to E3 begins!' Not sure what it is, we probably won't find out til tomorrow. --- Played the Motorstorm Apocalypse demo, was very impressed with the sense of speed they've nailed, the boost system finally works and it seems as excitable as Burnout. The only thing is, the track and precision doesn't feel complex enough, it's become a bit more arcadey in that department. Anyone else bought it/tried the demo?
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