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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Updated the Survival scores then. Anyone have ideas for upcoming competitions?
  2. My PS3 competition thread failed
  3. Hi, I think there is a need for the NE massive to compete against each other for awards, high scores and in a trophies tally. So this thread is for little competitions between the PS3 users here. Got a great survival score in SSHD? () Maybe once we have NE tournies going we can have online scores to post up for kudos to the winner? And I Will also make a trophy table for each PS3 user, but I'll only include any golds or platinums in them. If there are trophies such as 'complete game on medium - Gold' and 'complete game on hard- gold', I will note both of them so it is fair for everybody. If you want to join in give me your PSN ID When you have a new highscore, a suggestion for a competition, or you have a new gold/platinum trophy, PM or post to let me know. If you decide you don't want to be part of this anymore, please say. Soon there will be a lot more games that support trophies, so whilst this may be stale at the moment, over the coming months I'm sure there'll be plenty to update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trophies List
  4. I'm actually quite a completionist, so there are very few games that pass me.
  5. Got my Jabra headset today, I haven't really experienced voip before so looking forward to it. Thanks to whoever it was that recommended it btw, looks sleek. Don't see how it could ever be sold at £49.99 though! (got it for £8 new on Ebay if anyone's asking.)
  6. How did you play it?
  7. dwarf

    FIFA 09

    I'm one of the few that didnt like the demo then. I thought the play sort of felt clunky. Maybe I just need to get used to it. For me however there wasn't enough change. People still have poor touches, although i noticed there was less of the crappy re-bound you sometimes get when two or three players meet each other (usually resulting in one on one for the attacker) even though you tackle the person. Anyone else had this. What I thought was pretty cool was this skill shot thing that Malouda did for Chelsea when I scored. I layed it back for him in the area and he kind of flicked it in the net whilst facing the other way for deception. Pretty funny. I wonder if it's more likely for people to score screamers as well, because the ball floats and slowly rises, whereas in 08 screamers were rare because it can just ping of anywhere.
  8. Edit, just got the NE high score for Lave with 7 mill, placing me 3031 atm lol. Hang on I haven't added rez have I? He's probably thrashed it hehe.
  9. Just looked at your Lave score and gulped. 6 million and I have just under 4 million. :0 still, 2nd in NE team.
  10. Oh that's good cause I was just thinking, we should have a weekly challenge to see who can get the best score on a certain thing, but if we could keep to the non add-on stuff for now. How about planet one highscore?
  11. The second one could be the consequences of major disasters, ala the anarchy and theft/violence as well as maybe a discovery mission to find/save people.
  12. So what do you guys think of HD? Do you think there's much difference in quality on PS3 when you have the HDMI plugged in?
  13. Ah cheers for the responses, may have to get that headset Cooky. As for my wireless connection, it is fine with Resistance, it's just on Unreal and Fifa it can be very annoying. So will plugging in ethernet help the problem? I hope it does!
  14. I already have a wireless box, but with games like Unreal there is almost always 120 ping absolute minimum, and that happens rarely, most of the time it's 500 + ping which is unplayable. Is it as simple as buying a wired router, plugging it in near my T.V, linking it to the PS3 and changing my connection settings on the system? If it is I'll be happy.
  15. Ok PS3 people, I want to become an engrossed PS3'er. I want a headset, a nice T.V and a good network connection that will reduce lag (wired box?) What has everyone here got? When does the official headset arrive? What do you recommend for the best PS experience? Enlighten me!
  16. I'm getting this game.
  17. Well I could probably whoopass your score if I could be bothered to do arcade normal all the way through, I'm winning on Arcade easy by 20 million on my first run-through, didnt get 10 x on it either. It's just a case of whether I can be bothered. jk
  18. 50 Cent meets 50 Pence Both men make sure that Wipeswap, the inter-racial series, only lasts for one week.
  19. 40 gb has ps1 compat, 60 gb has ps1 and ps2 compat, but they are harder to find now.
  20. So would I actually get as replacement without a receipt? And also, would they be able to reput trophies and saved data onto it?
  21. I know this is a dumb question, but I was thinking of sending my PS3 to Sony to get it repaired because it keeps coming up with these installation errors when im trying to install a demo, and sometimes (well quite often) I end up with corrupted video files. Thing is I'm not sure where the receipt is but I was wondering if I need one? What can Sony do? I've heard many stories of PS3 and Xbox consoles that have been sent away for repair and the company sometimes in a way of apology packages your console with a couple of games or maybe even upgrades the console to a better model. I'd love that to happen to me!
  22. What is the next big game (s) PS owners are looking to buy? As in new ones that are out soon?
  23. Sorry Lilster, but you've basically just posted loads of random crap about the Wii being brilliant, when at the moment it's clearly not. It didn't appeal to my demograph because there only a games that hae depth to them. GTA isn't at all why I bought the PS3 either seeing as there are so many better games available or are coming out. 'Metal Gear Solid 4 is overrated' ..... You don't belong here! Do you realise how much stuff you can do in this game?
  24. I think standard third person shooters are getting old, which is why Infamous sounds interesting to me, giving it a little twist.
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