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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I don' know why but I never understand the maths I see online in this thread, seems so much simpler in the book. I can do some of it but thanks for the whole thing
  2. please do, complete the square lol. for extra marks show your working.
  3. Does anyone listen to the Ricky Gervais/ Steve Merchant/ Karl Pilkington podcast? I personally think it's great, but I know that a lot of people don't like Gervais.
  4. Maths homework: 1) find the equation of the curve of y=x^2 after it has been translated by vector (-2) (-3) 2) i) solve the equation 2x^2 + 5x - 1 = 0 ii) sketch the curve of y= 2x^2 + 5x - 1 marking significant points.
  5. Anyone download the Tekken 6 trailer on the Store? Wasn't a particularly good trailer but it does excite me that official confimation has kind of been released from Namco. Nothing was known about the game really apart from it already being an Arcade title. (PS3 version is different) The last tekken game I bought was 4, which for me was a let down after Tekken Tag, which is still my favourite. I've played Tekken 5 for the PSP which is impressive. I'm thinking about getting one but not sure if it is worth it.
  6. Gutting isn't it? The first few seconds you get a kind of numb feeling where you think 'nah it isn't really doing that'. Then you get a bigger hint that it isn't working and you're thinking 'please!? No!' From there it is just anger and frustration. I'm now at the stage where I'm trying to draw positives and I've calmed down. This has heightened my anticipation for Killzone 2. If only the stats could have deleted a little later lol. Then my wait would have been much shorter! I think I'll need another game to play through between now and Feb 25. What it's going to be I don't know, because there are quite a lot of good games that I'm deciding whether or not they are worth purchasing. Maybe I'll rent like you Daft? What do you do? There's the marmite splatter of Mirrors Edge, the non-preferrable horror game Dead Space and there's the average Tomb Raider: Underworld that despite combat boringness would be a great nostalgic trip. (not played Tomb Raider since I was 10) Unless you guys have ny suggestions for bargain bin games that I've missed out on. Or if there is a good game coming out in Jan/Early Feb?
  7. One time is bad enough for it to happen. I got to level 11 which is was just about bearable but I'm not even joking, I've played on it for such a long time for it all to be wasted. It still shows that I've won 50 deathmatches out of 130 which is pretty awesome but who gives a shit when nobody looks at them and it means you have nothing to show for it? I hope Killzone ranking system works, if it doesn't I may just shrivel up into a ball and die. On the flipside, this may be a subliminal message from a non-existant god telling me to stop playing games as much. Who knows eh?
  8. Well it is and it happens for shit reason. If you are involved in a match where someone glitches all of the people in that game get their stuff deleted to level 1. (this was just found from googling) I ranked up to level 21 in competitive which takes a bloody age, did really well and was enjoying everything when this shite comes along. I am just gonna stop playing it now and wait for Killzone 2 because that is bullshit and it has ruined everything.
  9. The piece of SH*T that is Resistance 2 has deleted my stats AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE F*CK!? NO! I don't put in all of that time in to play the game online for it to tell me that I am a noob again and take away all the stuff I unlock and upgrades I earn. WHY? F*ck off... Even my Profile says I'm level 29 and all the associated stats yet when it comes to playing there is jack sh*t in the equipment room.
  10. You've caught me twice mentioning graphics and therfore you assume me to only decide a game's quality based on the visuals. This just doesn't look as compelling, and yes more people can play it but that won't make it a better game. What is the problem? It may turn out better I am just speaking my thoughts.
  11. That's a point, I actually need to get my money's worth out of the game because I bought DLC and have only used the paint gun in one of my levels. Slightly annoyed I haven't made the sort of standard levels as I wanted to achieve. Thought it would be easy to make a cool one but it's hard to differentiate from another creator. Remaking a Crash level looked easy on the outset but when trying to make it genuine is another story.
  12. I'm not really sure how this has appealed to people this much, I don't really think it looks good. For me InFamous looks better visually and the bodies don't diappear after you've killed someone. If you look at the video it's only just pushing past Wii standard graphics.
  13. I haven't really found myself compelled to keep playing the game. In some ways I want to like it more than I do, but the fact is, I'm not playing it Yeah you get some really well made levels, but when I find them I don't think 'wow this is fun' I think 'how did they make that' and 'that's pretty cool'. There is usually little gameplay involved. I also have some blues in the creating stuff. It's quite a big flaw that thee aren't art tools, but instead there are only stickers. The sticker limit is holding back my remake, as are the things which I'm not sure how to create/wonder if it's possible to create (I think it must be, just the know-how is an issue). I'm still glad I have the game but its just that I'm always in the mood for playing another game because I know it'll be more fun or engaging.
  14. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I think they are slighltly too similar as well but that's why I think this will be better online. Supposedly after the first 5 levels there is a bit of a change though. Edit: I haven't seen a video that has been that impressive visually! That looked awesome!
  15. dwarf


    He can't use guns because they're metal because and they would shock him :/ Don't understand that if he can jump from any distance and cause an electrical blast upon himself... I understand why he can't go in water though.
  16. PS3 games of 2009: Killzone 2 Generally what everyone is mostly waiting for. It's going to be awesome InFamous Maybe not entirely original but it could turn out to be a great game. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Similar to the first but more varied environments and stealth options. Graphics apparently amazing. Tekken 6 New generation of Tekken! God of War 3 A big PS3 exclusive. Resident Evil 5 Looking to continue an awesome series, it will have to go some way to beat 4 MAG - 256 players online in one match? Impressive... Bioshock 2 - Everyone agrees that the first was brilliant Yakuza 3 - Interesting RPG
  17. dwarf


    Well I liked the second trailer, I just hope that there are more powers. 4 things that did look cool: Hanging off the edge of a train and picking off an oil barrel. Jumping off a huge building and shockwaving them off a bridge. Launching a car into someone's grid. Electric grenades I would agree though I fear it may become repetitive. Lets hope there is some sort of platforming element, because at the moment is seems a bit loose.
  18. Yes! Got realy pissed off at a guy that was beating me in a deathmatch, turned out that we played another round against each other and I won a round with loads of intensely good people. The LAARK saved the day really. Awesome stuff.
  19. I think it looks partly less interesting for me because of the tropical environment. I want it at night in freaky houses and churches and cursed lakes. Even in day time at 4 the place was still creepy. With this it seems more of a kick some ass type game.
  20. I have no anticipation for it even though I really liked 4. I think it's partly due to the fact that I'm not a horror fan, but also because it looks like a normal action game when so much else looks more compelling.
  21. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/sony-us-slags-off-rival-consoles funny article.
  22. Yeah it's hardly going to be a 'Oh! How have I lived without 3D television?!' moment.
  23. I don't really want 3D. Pirates 4D was annoying and wasn't even good, although the short 3D productions I saw in some London 4D theatre was quite interesting. Think it closed though because there was little choice. I went there 2 years after the first visit and they still showed the same things. No doubt horror films would be 10 times as horror-inducing with 3D.
  24. Yeah I meant Motorstorm. Im asking in the hope that the vehicles I'm using at the moment are slightly inferior because the Festival races are getting insanely difficult. I haven't been bothered to change the vehicles for a while so maybe if i did it might help? Probably not. And yeah I didn't think new stuff made a difference but I have an inkling it does. Maybe it's just that I'm improving.
  25. Maybe a step forward in games in the future, but not at the moment.
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