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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I think if you can buy a PSP for £40 and play Crazi Taxi on it then it's a success in my book. I love that game, well ported too. (disagree with the reviews). I may need to pick one up somewhen, just don't know what version...
  2. Im glad it isnt MGS4 on the 360 because I would have died a little inside after buying the PS3 largely due to the game. I'd still have bought it for the other exclusives still though. I tried some games on the Touch recentlyand was pleasantly surprised at the quality - maybe iPod could become slightly more games-focused.
  3. ^ Nicely written hehe 'pants are shat'
  4. I think Dual Analogue would be a great feature - I'd love to have a PS2 that I could hold in my hands - but I also think more original/pick up games should be made as well.
  5. I was probably the only one that was let down by the third - My opinion is Prime>>>Echoes>Corruption. I just enjoyed Prime so much more - the feeling of being alone, the more interesting landscapes and lore, everything basically. Of course it would be better with a pointer, but it definetly had something(s) that Corruption lacked.
  6. So decisions... Just saw the advert for the game, it looked great yet I haven't really considered buying it. Neither have I played a Lara game since the original PC/PS1 games. Looks really cool, what does everyone make of it? Were the reviews right?
  7. Are you talking in general or about the issue of suspending any material in the air? I think the easier method is to make a thin plane of Dark Matter and whack it in the background. After just place the material in front and hold down 'x' to stick it and hey presto. But yeah it can be hard to get things to work exactly like you plan - I've had to compromise by level somewhat.
  8. I've almost finished the foundations for my new level. Can't wait to spice it up once it's done.
  9. I wonder what the step up for PSP2 will be? Graphics? Dual analogue? More mulitmedia features? God knows, but I'm interested.
  10. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uh_dJz8Avw slow mo lol. Fair play on his first dodge.
  11. Yeah the Shadow Moses moments were brilliant - I loved the bit when he has the flash back of the surveillance camera and it falls off the wall - so saddening yet so immensely cool. Get the 60 GB, the 80GB only has more memory. I only have a 40GB myself because I sold all my PS2 games. But yeah it's a good choice and you should get it soon!
  12. Looks very cool!
  13. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I am level 20 now What's strange was that I managed to get the level 20 positive karma trophy, even though I'm guessing that I could have achieved it by using another save file at level 19. I'm glad they resolved the freezing issue when there are notifications.
  14. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves : going to look stunning graphically and the first was a great action game. Killzone 2: The most impressive looking console game imo and I've played the beta - I predict an immense FPS Gran Turismo 5: I haven't played a GT game for a while but they are extremely fun to get into, may even get a wheel if it's good enough. That said it may not be out this year. Tekken 6: It's Tekken! God of War 3: Everyone seems really excited about it - I've played a bit of the PSP version but don't understand the fuss for it yet. Infamous: Cole looks like a badass character and using electric powers to pummel people into a car sounds and looks awesome. Yakuza 3: Interesting looking RPG/Action game all about chasing and beating people up. MAG: The sheer amount of players promised to be competing in one match is insane Timesplitters 4: If this comes out I'll be very happy, I'm a big TS fan.
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Damn, it's so annoying that you know you have most of these yet you have to play it again. I'm going to do it just don't know when and in what style.
  16. I am looking forward to getting this at Xmas, hoping it is really fun and that the graphics are as good as they are made out to be.
  17. It is if you listen to it constantly, but otherwise it is a great tune. And Rummy, that is an awesome idea!
  18. I actually don't know how to do that. You could just keep laying them down individually but that would take ages. If you use the capture object tool that i mentioned earlier you can just keep laying them down which would save time. An alternative would just be making a thin layer of a material and then adding horrible gas to it... Browse around and you'll probably find out, maybe someone here could help.
  19. I went to Villa Park yesterday and it was one of the best games I've seen in the Prem. Agbonlahor is insanely quick, and Young seems to be improving too. They seemed in control of the match for 70+ mins of the game and it was just a matter of time before they went into the lead. Lee Dixon pointed it out in MotD - Bolton were playing a really high line which is the dumbest thing you could do with quick players. It could have been more for Villa if Agbonlahor hadn't been caught offside about 8 times though.
  20. Yeah but it's showing real-time action - I don't get what it wants to achieve. I think I may have seen a video of it before on IGN and the people showing it off didn't seem that impressed with it themselves.
  21. Saria's Song? That tune is quality!
  22. That game looks terribly generic. If you need a 3rd person fighting game there's already the decent Heavenly Sword or you can wait for God of War 3.
  23. The PS2 still churns out good enough games so I really don't think there is much point in discussing next gen this early.
  24. That Guy - You can either use Dark Matter, which just floats there, or you can make the object using wood or any normal material and bolt/stick it to something else. A good way of doing this is making a thin piece of the material and drawing it from the ground in the plane you want, and then you can just stick the object to it by holding 'x' when placing it. For the spikes you need to use a piston - for the spike floor you'll need to make a small bit of material to put each lot of spikes on, but you link the spikes and the material with the piston. Then you adjust the pistons maximum and minimum lengths so it move up and down at the right height. Remember: if you want to replicate that object, go to the goodies bag and select the tool that says grab object (I think), then make a box around that object and press 'x'. This will save it to My Objects in the goodies bag so you don't have to keep making it.
  25. 100% agreement. I don't understand how Pepsi is better, yet there are many that do. I guess it's just taste-buds.
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