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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    Gonna have to play this tomorrow. Can't believe I didn't download it earlier, didn't realise it would be put up today! My friend told me but had to turn off because we played football and won't be at my house tonight.
  2. What I found with this game is that there are so many things wrong with it, so little originality, but it's just FUN. Will try multiplayer demo soon.
  3. They were miles better! I had a steering wheel for the game along with Colin McRae. IIRC there was a dinosaur that walked in front of the track in The Need For Speed. Hmmm after a google... Nothing. Maybe it was a different racing sim.
  4. Yeah I was going to guess that. The PC original no?
  5. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Ratchet & Clank (the first one) won't be topped by any sequel, unless they reduce the number of items/weapons by at least a half. 3 real-time inventories still wasn't enough for ToD...
  6. You were obviously wrong Matt.
  7. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I wasn't angry. I also regret downloading Socom. I haven't played it for ages, just takes too long to get into a game, and then once you die there is more waiting... Don't get R2 again, despite awesome controls and frantic online you may as well just wait for the third, which will be fucking awesome.
  8. Lol almost brought a tear to my eye! I'm going to look on Youtube to see how to get past that level. Maybe look at the ending. Funny thing about that game was the Story, beyond laughable! They may as well have not included it.
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Well I hope you enjoy wanking over those weather effects in a months time. I'll save the fiver for when something worthy comes out.
  10. /nando/ you're confidence inspires me! Correct. I have fond memories of playing it on the arcade machine in a pub. Good times! Later downloaded it on VC when I had a Wii. Got stuck on a level where you are chased by a screen. It took place on buildings and was very unfair because if you chose the wrong path you died. A lot of the things about that game were backward and retro (ala the lack of save function and weird perspectives which didn't really show where you were or allowed you to know what was an actual object or path) but it was still immense.
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    They could do more than change the brightness a bit though. The Vetka Cruiser was a refreshing map because you could actually see stuff. The ones in the trailer look like Pyrrus but a bit darker and Helghan Induustries but a bit darker. I don't give a shit about the different layout there needs to be a reinvention.
  12. You just like handing money over for anything Killzone. No-where in that video does it look like we haven't seen something like that before. If they're going to make new maps then make it radically different (not like the train where gameplay suffers) by making it more vibrant and adding maybe new functionality like vehicles or something a bit more different. They could release 10 map packs for 4.99 and the different designs would obviously offer variants in the action but what would be the point? Apart from stealing £50 off fans...
  13. Crusader: No Remorse Just one game from me this time. Used to love it
  14. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    It's not a must-see it's just a good narrator and dynamic music trying to cover up the fact that those maps look average and gimmicky.
  15. Why buy MGS if you have it on disc? I do like the fact that all (?) PS1 games work on PS3. You can say Crash is dated but I don't care, it has bags of charm and it seems I'm the only one that still wants some solid running jumping and spinning - the gems and relics in Crash were immensely fun to get. Just don't mention the Crash games that were made after NaughtyDogs reign, they aren't the same. Those maps don't even look special btw. 'OOOH! I got killed by a random lightning bolt!' Who gives a shit about stuff like that, Guerilla should make things more fun to play than good to look at. They looked distinctly average anyway.
  16. Adam Sandler just doesn't choose the right scripts.
  17. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Ah OK. Was it Broken Steel that got very good reviews across the board?
  18. dwarf


    Yeah that review has got me the most excited about it, partly because it shows you more of how the game works. Btw, IGN in one of their podcasts said that if you are going to do multiple run-throughs then you should do good moral on Medium and bad moral on Hard. (makes it easier for trophies)
  19. There doesn't need to be an undertone or smell of cynicism in every post you make. Including your next post which is almost inevetably going to be along those lines.
  20. Hence the end ammendment, which was edited before I posted it
  21. Tosser. In motion he's awesome, someone could take a picture of you on the toilet having a dump whilst looking surprised at the camera and you'd look retarded. Although you probably are anyway.
  22. WTF?! Why post the new model of him? It looks shite compared the old crash, who was fecking awesome.
  23. To be fair Crash did abuse his sister. I think part of the awesomeness of Crash was that it wasn't as popular as Mario but he seemed much cooler.
  24. Haha. Pretty much! Although saying that there's tonnes of people in my school that know and love Crash. Girls and boys for that matter. Even most teachers know about it as well. I need to stop going on about it, but I feel I need to get the world to know somehow. So I decided posting on a small Nintendo forum would be the best option. And are you suggesting that you don't like it?
  25. I love Will Smith, but I just don't see how a film with him as the main character could achieve a 10. Lots of 9s maybe. Independance Day is laughable in places, I'd say a 7.
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