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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Can't believe how good the prices for things in America, they prices there are similar but they have high inflation so it's just begging for Brits to flog stuff from there over here. Which I'm sure many businesses and travellers do.
  2. Well just in case someone brought that up, I thought to myself, well, why would you make a gore-filled romp and sandbox game? More linear levels would've been more suitable, ala Madworld, instead of block by block running so that you can get to a destination. They could've still had a few buildings to drop from but it doesn't make sense otherwise. And if it's just a mindless romp then I could see why it would be fun for that, but the ambition in design makes it seem like it was intentionally made for more. And Shino the things it isn't are things you would've actually liked.
  3. That's pretty much what I said. And other things as well, so at least I have some backup evidence if it was ever needed.
  4. Oh dear, smugglers run was awful. I think I had warzone but not sure, had one of them anyway. The AI were just too strong I remember, very hard missions.
  5. That's the one! Aw god what a good/bad game. Most parts were just frustrating and it always gave poor grades at the end, but remember there being some cool missions in it.
  6. I should ignore you, with arrogance like that. Rarely do I become so bored when watching gameplay footage, after 2 minutes of the video there was a paint-dry moment. And your classic assumption of 'oh you haven't played it' doesn't apply here. This sandbox game, like many others, gives you freedom that can't be taken at face value. OK if you like wandering around constantly killing people by shoving a car into their face then fine. I've had enough of that stuff.
  7. Mostly on the IGN writer as well as the videos. Many parts of the review are opinion but the parts I've shown are pretty much fact. It looks like it'll grow stale quickly.
  8. Well it's a 'go here, do this, then go here again, do this again' structure. You wouldn't want to roam this city just to have a laugh, the motions get boring just playing. Plus you aren't invited to explore (why you'd want to I don't know, there isn't anything interesting about the architecture) because just flying around makes the police follow you so you'd be constantly caught in fights.
  9. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    http://ps3.ign.com/objects/811/811232.html'>More Heavy Rain News & Previews</a></div>&allownetworking="all"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='425' height='279' > The guy playing may is made of pussy juice but it looks interesting. Following parts play automatically, like normal. It's raining heavily here right now.
  10. Well no you can only put into it what they give to you, which in this case isn't a whole lot. It lloks like they give you powers but when the streets are just an assortment of copy and pasted crowds, repetitive attacks with boring buildings (no proper vocal points) and you can't even see that far because it doesn't load fast enough then it's bound to get boring. The video posted back shows you how bad it is.
  11. Well the review kind of confirms what I thought about the video - boring game world with repetitive attacks and missions, which really is what a lot of sandbox games suffer from.
  12. I don't think there is a magazine that produces BS scores in such high quantities as Edge. They really outdo themselves sometimes. Not saying this is going to be bad.
  13. Can anyone here remember this game I'm thinking of but forgot the title for? It was a sort of time trial objective race where you drive a gadget packed sports car where you have to machine gun opponents, blow stuff up and drive around to get points in order to reach the end? Was my first Cube game and had to wait ages before I got another.
  14. Well no because I just said that to make me sound open-minded, when really I think both Afrika and this look turd. See I think this is a case where you've bought something for a different experience than the usual whatnot, but you weren't really impressed so general adjectives like 'relaxing' were used to describe it - see when I pay money for something I try and convince myself that it was the right choice, and it's the same for games, but I've seen footage of this and if I went out on a whim and bought this because of the intriguing concept and review comments then was greeted by a sack of shit, I would've openly admitted that it really wasn't worth getting. In the likelihood that you will say I'm wrong, well... Kinda obvious but worth a guess I think.
  15. Haha if that's meant to be a windup then you lose, and no it doesn't make the opinion null and void.
  16. 'Awh the way you can take photos of digital fish is just awe-inspiring, really useful and there's no way I could use pictures of the real thing and nor is there any point in doing the real thing now.' Heavy Rain yes, Afrika maybe... Aquanaughts holiday, NO.
  17. Rallying is great, that guy is obviously shit but drifting in Colin Mcrae on PC was great, really mastered it, shame it couldn't master helicopter flight.
  18. Well I don't know about you but I never pay £40 for a game. £30 on some cheapo plastic and art drawings..... No way is that worth buying.
  19. Hmmm I really don't know why I said that, I mean if it's a brick game and it looks that good then I don't know why I would've have said it was bad. Flashback: I think when I opened it I only saw the first few seconds and thought it was a new sort of Tetris. Which I wouldn't have been interested in. Not that it matters I'm just curious as to what my mind was going through.
  20. Yeah but were they too afraid to tell the great N'Gai before it happened or did they just not know?
  21. Huh?! I really don't remember watching anything like it... You must've edited that video in the post because I definetly don't recall seeing anything of the sort, maybe a different game. I'm freaked. Thing is I'm a brick-breaker enthusiast, there was probably another video I mistook for what you posted. Can you link to the page? I'll find it.
  22. Btw Flameboy I have looked at ICO on eBay and it is way too expensive, however I'm currently winning a bid for Farenheit for £2 inc postage but losing Shadow of the Colossus at £15 inc postage. I'm not going to pay more than £15 for a ps2 game I've decided.
  23. When it does happen a tragic ending can cap off a great adventure and leave you thinking about it. Sacrifices you make or occur at the end of the game can make the triumph worth it and a feel-good finish, but not if you title it Fallout.
  24. You've nailed it. Seriously though, no it's not a massive issue it's just people were enquiring so I thought I'd answer. And yeah it'll probably get worse, a couple of minutes in you'll probably get used to ripping of heads, eating them, and then shitting their brains into a monsters eye. Only in God of War.
  25. Hmm must've missed your post.
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