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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Yeah they will have to be competitive, this doesn't have UMD drive - cheaper. I will buy one if it's £150. £200..... I'd rather get a 360. Actually nah, 1 home console is enough.
  2. Well there's no way you're convincing me that Soul Calibur is better than Tekken. It's just not.
  3. Well if that was the pinnacle I dread to play the others. Nightmare was the only iconic character in it, I don't actually remember many others... Asteroth. To me it seemed they were trying to rejuvinate it by adding Link etc (Darth & Yoda in new versions) so that it got more appeal. For me it wasn't exciting.
  4. dwarf

    PSP Go

    So let's say the games on the store are cheap and the line-up is good (which I think it will be) and the price was good for you. Who here would get one in the first month? I would definetly if it was priced at £150.
  5. dwarf


    No, I got the answer to a question right but apparently the website had ran out of codes. Someone from here got it but they have not spoken about it. May have been Aimless or Pit-Jr.
  6. No history for me anyway, Tekken was way more popular than Soul Calibur and no-one I've ever talked to has heard of it. When you say Tekken everyone spontaneously jolts, turns around and shouts their favourite character at you. My childhood consisted of a lot of Tekken. Had Soul Calibur on GC and it was LAME.
  7. Getting close to the Resistance 2 platinum trophy. I think it'll be the best trophy I have got so far, simply because it's pretty damn hard to obtain. Just need to complete a few more co-op missions, and then I can gloat to all of you who probably don't give a shit anyway.
  8. I'm not a fan of so many weapons yet I find it hard to not like that creature weapon. Hilarious!
  9. dwarf


    Did you Choze? Lucky Bastard!
  10. dwarf

    PSP Go

    I think a large part of the problem is the hidden economy where money is exchanged for second hand hardware and software. I know that I wouldn't pay for a new PSP 3000 or pay full price on games for it - so a lot of money is being lost in this area. On the other hand I would not buy a DS second hand because there would likely be problems with the touchscreen, and I can't complain about the game prices - mostly £20- new.
  11. It's so awesome! Best animated film series ever!
  12. dwarf


    I really should have picked this up by now.
  13. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is going to be an awesome PSP game. Pacific Rift is awesome on PS3 and I think racers tend to translate well on handhelds, and I'm a big fan of Motorstorm, so it should be a great game. Will there be trophies on PSP Go?
  14. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    It's actually very confusing the whole DLC front of this, there are so many questions. I'll start with: does the DLC just sort of make new people and places 'appear' on the map where you can go and explore? I noticed there are a few spaces where there isn't a whole lot to do.
  15. Watched the ending of Toy Story because it was on BBC1, and I almost forgot how awesome it was. Thinking back, I must have watched that film so many times! Thing is I was pretty young when I watched it, so I understood it a bit more than I did initially. OK it's not that deep but you get me.
  16. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Well it's not a failure but it could do so much better. I don't think people like the sound of 'Playstation' anymore. They'll think of it as an expensive games machine for more nerdish people. REBRAND IT!
  17. dwarf

    PSP Go

    I think they should stop trying to save the PSP. I actually think the product looks good, in that video when they are actually holding the thing it's impressive. I don't think people are right about the controls either, because it's so small it doesn't matter if you are using the analogue or the D-Pad, they are still far enough apart to use well. However, what nobody has picked up on is how you're going to hold the thing comfortably. In essence it is similar to holding a dual shock without it's prongs, so your either going to have to support the Go between the fingers behind the console and the thumbs on the front (right at the bottom of the console - aches anyone?), or you will have to support the console with your hands, like a DS, but you will have to reach down with both thumbs.
  18. Soul Calibur isn't good, it doesn't have the history and just isn't as visually appealing, even if the graphics are better.
  19. dwarf

    PSP Go

    I thought that Shino but the whole thing is so small I don't think it's an issue.
  20. Yeah 'Ain't no Sunshine' has been performed time and time again now. I hate how on the shows everything is a 'journey' and 'dream'.... Just no.
  21. She'd be so awkward to talk to. She finishes the interview quickly but leaves you wondering if she has finished speaking. Weird person.
  22. I thought the Superman thing was underwhelming. He just sort of appeared and then nothing came of it. Plus I don't think Diversity are that seamless, a lot of time they are running to get into position, and they aren't quite as well synchronised as Flawless. The judge beeping thing was good though.
  23. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Yeah but what's the point in the slide function other than storage? Otherwise the 'Go' can't do anything when in it's normal position. I call touch screen.
  24. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I lost Dogmeat when he ran off somewhere when I told him to wait. It was during a battle, I went and killed some raiders and when I returned he was gone. No message saying he was dead or anything, no mark on the radar.... I wasn't too bothered tbh and carried on.
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