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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Nope. tenchar.
  2. Well if I just saw that part it would have sold it for me, even if I hadn't heard of Uncharted. I can see where they may go with the sort of real-time events like the bus exploding as you try to walk past it. I reckon it'll make it more cinematic and increase action/pacing. Stuff like that will happen all over the shot, although sometimes more subtle. I think that's what Naughtydog was getting at in their past interviews for the game. More immersion and vibe.
  3. Yeah, but did Splinter Cell have the one where he pulls the guy around the corner and slams him into the wall? Cause that shit is insane!
  4. Only just realised the second vid Choze posted was longer. Man it looks so good!
  5. Someone knows my favourite TS character! Or did you just look through the character archives? Moogle 5 Goaferboy 9 Shino 4 D_prOdigy 1 Deathborn 2 Coolness 1 /nando/ 3 You'll kick yourselves at 16) unless this comment inspires you.
  6. Yeah I don't like it when people leave before the end. Unless your team just aren't trying you should always stay. It's also a waste of money. Oh and btw I've done 2 autograph signings there and they were both after the final whistle. Still managed to get a lot, like Patrice Evra for example.
  7. Yeah I'm sorry to fuck some of you over with the 'close' comment but there can be quite a large difference between the franchise games, sorry. Although it seems you got it first anyway Shino. Justice prevails. Moogle 4 Goaferboy 9 Shino 4 (Uncharted and TTYD correct) D_prOdigy 1 Deathborn 2 (cheeky bastard nabbing that point lol, yes it was TS2. Bonus point for the character name) Coolness 1 /nando/ 3 Which leaves pictures 1) 16) & 21) And btw Shino I have already hinted someone was close for 21)
  8. Yeah Fallout is all kinds of awesome Bethesda some how rolled into one game. It's so addictive. Just so you know, without spoiling it, make sure you make a seperate save file before the last quest.
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    So why didn't we see any of that stuff in the game?
  10. Angels & Demonds 7/10 Well I hadn't read the book, watched the 9:00pm showing and thought the same kind of. The plot i managed to understand pretty much all of it, some parts were predictable, some parts unintentionally funny, but I guess I enjoyed it. I think it suffered from what a lot of films fail at - believeability. The securtiy is laughable, the operations and the way the alliances are organised is dumb and you just felt the Poirot feeling the whole way through. The film did hold your hand quite a lot and and another ridiculous ploy to get tension were the reminder of the lights switching off because of the search. 2 parts I thought were funny: the weird noises the professeur was making when he was in the archives. Tom Hanks may have just jerked off over the books. Can't remember the other part now. Throughout the film I couldn't stop thinking/reminding the to-be Pope was Obi Wan.
  11. I can see why autographs could be frowned on but I like them, because they are kind of a reminder. I don't get them for evidence to show to my friends, but more evidence for myself. Have quite a few autographs but cba to name them. A few from United, a few from Villa, a few from Pompey. And Rockin Robin, the Swindon Town mascot lol. If you watch a game at Villa you have a good chance of getting an autograph, it's like THE autograph place. By the wall/gate surrounding the players car park/bus.
  12. Hmmm? Anyway I played Ragdoll for about 15 mins and it was pretty good. Kind of like a poor mans smash bros but with a few cooler things too. Scratch that it's a good game in it's own right! The challenges are brilliant and it's bloody deep! I really like it! There are loads of moves, it has great motion control use and is really deep. I may have bought it if I knew it was this good!
  13. You haven't finished Uncharted? Do it now! I've done it 3 times, and am looking to play it for the fourth time on HD TV some time.
  14. OK hang the fuck on, have been at cinema. Moogle 4 Goaferboy 9 Shino 2 (you're close on SPM but were first to get RE4) D_prOdigy 1 Deathborn 1 Coolness 1 (close with 21) /nando/ 3 Jonnas (close but only have 1 more guess) Correct answers have been 3) Crazy Taxi 4) Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped 5) Metroid Prime 6) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time 7) Fallout 3 8) Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 10) Tekken Tag Tournament 11) Super Monkey Ball 12) Warioware: Mega Party Game$ 13) Mario Kart DS 14) Super Smash Bros. 15) Metal Gear Solid 4 17) Diddy Kong Racing 19) SSX 20) Resident Evil 4 22) Quake 3 23) Resistance 2 24) Gran Turismo 3 25) GoldenEye 26) Enter the Matrix 27) Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Which leaves pictures 1) 2) 9) 16) 18) & 21) Christ this has taken me ages.
  15. You had 2 choices, 50/50 guess and you managed to get it wrong. Only joking you were correct. Moogle: 4 Goaferboy: 9
  16. Correct Moogle: 4 Goaferboy: 8
  17. Moogs: close, only 1 more guess for that game Bolded ones are wrong (please give me specific MK - 1 guess only) Moogle: 3 Goaferboy: 8
  18. All correct sir. I think I'll post scores just cause round is quite big, unless someone gets the rest in 1 or 2 goes. What the heck: Moogle:3
  19. Yeah that's what I meant lol
  20. I have Laursen's autograph Yeah!
  21. 27 pictures. In order to score you must put the state the number as well as the game. I have a suspicion that at least half of these will be solved by one person. I think maybe too easy? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)
  22. Duke Nukem Never?
  23. Yeah I'm slightly jealous of this exclusive but again it's one of those I could live without. I've not really had much playtime with a splintercell game, mostly just watched my cousin do it and then I tried and failed. It's more stealthy than an MGS game probably, maybe not than 2 though. Is it me or do the boards seem more alive now this thread has been made. It's like I'm the only that posts anymore! that comment could backfire
  24. dwarf


    I reckon the game will get progressively better, the gradual power building is going to be brilliant. I told you all it would be good! Although that's only reviews saying it.
  25. That video looked awesome. I can see why the developers were excited about the fluidity and animations. It's going to be fucking awesome.
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