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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Oh right maybe in one post I got the impression you were a fan. And no, obviously having an open mind in terms or what you listen to it great, but say if I enjoyed the Spice Girls (which I don't btw) I wouldn't be ashamed to listen to them ya know? And Daft you summed that up well. Loads of people chant lyrics with purpose even though they don't understand what they mean. Sometimes I don't even think the artists know what they mean.
  2. YES DAFT! Good lad. Forgive me for saying it but do you (and I/me) have a taste for techno/repetitive music? Cause I love Daft Punk and Calvin. Having said that I like any music. Not ashamed of it either. if you like it, you like it. Ya know?
  3. Haha, I just got chills from reading that post! I'm as nervous as a pregnant nun!
  4. Well if you don't think of it too much I like it as shallow music. Not everything has to make sense, not everything has to be read into. His music isn't deep but for me along with the main-stream I find it good to dance to as well as singing the odd chorus without thinking about the words but just the general vibe. If every artist did this yeah it would suck, but I guess he's a niche. Probably will become popularised now. And I don't know how you can not like him for being egotistical when you're a fan of Gaga. Just searched to see if he was a dickhead in interviews, but I don't think he is, it's just like he comes across as a bit of a dipshit. However he is honest by the sounds of things, admitting he can't really sing and doesn't think about the words too much. Pretty much how I summed it up!
  5. Metroid Prime's music made me do that for some reason. I think it was actually Echoes, because after not playing Prime for ages, it came out and I when the main theme came on I got the shiver. Was such an epic title screen for me.
  6. Acceptable in the 80s is good but too long I feel. Tbh the band makes Calvin Harris, he just has a decent voice for his music. I think it's just groovy tbh. No complaints when he played it live! Lyrics aren't everything. I don't really know what the lyrics are. Apart from bad.
  7. Ahh yes. Thardy!
  8. Really like Calvin Harris' new dance choon I'm Not Alone. Was very good raving to it at big weekend.
  9. When I feel threatened or paranoid sometimes my head jerks to the side and my back shivers a bit.
  10. It's bloody scary when it happens though! My mum said she has had it before. If I was the only one that had experienced it I would be worried.
  11. I'm curious to know what weird sensations you feel occasionally. I'm talking pins and needles country, but less common or known about. I have 2: Sometimes I get this kind of quivering in my body that lasts a second or two, it sort of vibrates up my body from one end to another. It happens when someone says something with authority or purpose, usually speeches. Sounds corny, but this is what happened when I watched Barac Obama's victory speech I got this feeling for a brief moment as he ushered those last words. Also, this has only happened to me twice, but occasionally when I am lying in bed and start to drift off, not really awake when suddenly I get this falling sensation as though I've just fallen off the edge of my bed. It happens, I jolt and then open my eyes and I'm just in my bed and nothing has happened. These are probably some sort of medical conditions but certainly interesting.
  12. I know I've said it before but damn it's disappointing no-one plays Resistance here! Had some great co-op matches and some tense deathmatches, the game is so fast and addictive! When the 3rd comes out I will just go insane with anticipation! What's pissing me off is the time that it's gonna take to get the platinum. There's this stupid Gold trophy that makes you complete every co-op mission a certain number of times, and it's random unless you manage to choose the right one.
  13. Yeah I only have a 40GB only got 2GB left on it, it's amazing where it goes. Most demos are 500mb +.
  14. I just want some good solid platforming that Galaxy didn't give me (imo). The Conduit is a game I like the look of I just don't know what else there is that is a more taxing challenge.
  15. I PMd 5 people over on the official Eu PS forums in order to entice them to this forum so we can hopefully get a bit more discussion/games going cause let's face it this board is pretty dire most of the time.
  16. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I was thinking, how awesome would Fallou co-op be? If they managed to throw a few more enemies into the mix and offer coop that would be brilliant. I guess VATS wouldn't work that well unless you took it in turns to be able to use it, but that would be fun! Oh and I'm doing my evil run, have blown up Megaton, but I have forgotten where to go. The main quest points me to Arefu on the map but I don't see what there is to do there...
  17. Despite that being quite factual and correct Grunch it doesn't prove a whole lot in proving that you were right.
  18. Is this platformy enough to make me re-buy a Wii?
  19. dwarf


    Decent trailer. "Move over Dante, we want some opinion."
  20. It is just a farce. ITV really show how not to make a programme and basically insult their target audience. Well they probably know the only audience they get during the time it airs are thickos. Probably explains why I watched it.
  21. Unfixed. The online was good and I meant that it wasn't Metroid other than Samus' inclusion and familiar locales.
  22. ^ Well yeah but Hunters was an online game and was good. Even if it wasn't really a Metroid in many ways.
  23. dwarf


    Me and Aimless can enjoy it anyway There won't be many people to talk to about the full game by the sound of it. I bet it's awesome the way your powers progress and the way it ends.
  24. Posted it in the wrong thread so it's here now. Anyone else seen it?
  25. Is it possible to not have an accent? Because I don't think I really have one. It's kind of boring and monotonous and not special in any way.
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