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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Anyone going to buy mega man 10 when it comes out? I'm tempted, partly because of the difficulty and the challenges in the game.
  2. All I want to know is how prominent the Battlefield theme is. That piece of music is so awesome.
  3. Dicking around is what you do in Battlefield! Obviously there's a lot of team-work and effort into completing objectives, but there's so much fun to be had in just trying shit out and nonchalantly exploring for any cool crevices.
  4. I hope you heard wrong. What gave you that idea?
  5. £24? Is that the PC version? Where from? Or are you trading in games to reduce the price? ?????
  6. Anything but Infamous 2 and I'll be happy. Except maybe a sequel to this:
  7. Ah cool, so if I get it new at Tesco everything will be fine. Phew. That's quite a good idea to be fair to EA.
  8. Thing is, in none of the pre-order sites does it say you get access to maps. Just weapon unlocks.
  9. It's amazing how bad the news coverage of games is. There's not been one report where I haven't cringed at the presentation/fact that has been used.
  10. If you pre-order the EU edition you don't get the 2 bonus maps like you do with the US one do you? I'd personally like to have every map there is without a fee for them later. Currently I'm just picking up a copy from Tesco on the day.
  11. Well it's not surprising in the slightest that they come across as childish. There's a lot more depth to them than people realise but they are still naive. Plus videogames don't cause irl violence, that's just what the critics want you to believe.
  12. dwarf


    If I still had Borderlands I would probably buy this. The GT review footage & comments looked promising.
  13. dwarf

    Halo: Reach

    That's a bad thing? It does look slightly better anyway. To be honest, Halo stopped being all about the graphics after the first game. The series has staying power because the mechanics are just so solid.
  14. Apparently it's finished and will still come out. Not that I care too much, but it might be interesting to look at their take on war. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/107/1073461p1.html
  15. Hopefully I'll be getting it Friday. If I do I'll prob have some peeps round though so might have to ditch you lot for the time being.
  16. Though Keighley's a good lad, he's probably bullshitting for (s)hits & giggles.
  17. Well Insomniac hinted at their change in focus going from 60frames per second to better graphics at 30fps. Then Keighley said something like 'you think GoWIII looks good? Wait til you see what Sony has in stoor soon.
  18. I was going to say that (in a different way). If it is, and if the game really does look as good as Keighley hints at, then I'll be chuffed.
  19. If I was the head of Activision I'd being doing exactly the same and I wouldn't be worried about some sweaty gamers insulting me on a forum whilst I'm playing beachball in my private jet.
  20. Wow you really are a prick aren't you? I was asking because I wanted to know if it was worth using a silencer and cold-blooded at the same time if cold-blooded meant permanent exclusion from radar. I was pretty sure that cold-blooded wasn't THAT good but just wanted to check.
  21. If you have cold-blooded on, do you show on the radar if you shoot without a silencer?
  22. Yeah it's terrible. "I'm happy I'm being paid so god damn much to badly pretend I'm a gamer."
  23. That's just the prologue to the campaign, apparently the new weaponry is noticeable in the next level.
  24. I don't think they've judged there to be console discrepancies, it's probably a communication mix up or something similarly stupid, like IGN.
  25. IGN UK gave it 8.5 on this link, which is weird. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/107/1073333p1.html Same review, different score. There are inconsistencies in the component scores too. Something to do with the 360/PS3 site difference I guess.
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