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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. SR2 would've been better with trophies. But a shit game that becomes marginally less shit is still a shit game. I wouldn't call myself a whore for them, but it would've been nice to have gotten something to show for wasting 10 or so hours with the thing. The trophies in the sequel will probably be made with chavs in mind anyway, what with all the boring character customisation you can do, creating car emblems, different varieties of spray paint you can choose to throw at passing grandas etc. I enjoyed Infamous a lot more than SR2 and I didn't really like it that much. It's probably because controlling a superhero than can zip around at pace and blow up whatever they like is much more entertaining than being a human with big guns that has to conserve ammo and 'sprint energy'. The only good thing about Saints Row 2 was the brutality and the black man banter.
  2. I told Saints Row 2 to fuck itself when I put it on eBay yesterday.
  3. I didn't mind the other players really. Those two are wankers though. This is coming from someone who can tolerate Drogba.
  4. Ribbery is a cunt. Robben is a whiney cunt. If anyone else had scored that goal I would've had an ounce of respect for Bayern going through. It was a great strike, but both the above make me angry. Especially Ribbery's persuasive antics when De Silva was on a yellow.
  5. How would a smoke grenade in that situation be beneficial? Edit: After a bit of work I'm gonna have a fest on this, so you legendary PS3ers who have the game, cometh to meh! I summon you, noble Cookyman, Drahc, and Masher of E!
  6. I detest sandbox games. I seriously hate them. It's because they aren't actually designed for fun gameplay half the time, the same building blocks are repeated over and don't actually make for fun interaction and there's no sense of being somewhere special. Levels that are designed with the player in mind are far better, whereas open-world titles can get away without being play-tested, because each location is essentially the same. I could go on about how shit they are for a fair while, in a lot of depth, but right now I can't be fooked.
  7. I'm just guessing it's an April Fools, but I wouldn't put it past him. Anyone got any news/info on the subject?
  8. That's just ridiculous. Why have they called it Metal Gear? Edit: I call bullshit, thinking about it. Was it a late april fools?
  9. ? Squad Rush was available to everyone since release. I'm making a start on trying to get the demolition man trophy.
  10. It's between these (didn't get the Danny reference) Imma give it to Daft.
  11. That's purely for game sales. Money is going to Kojima's head.
  12. Please don't thank this post, otherwise it'll come across as me thank-banking, but this stuff is sheer genius. .... It just is! jesus! Are you? and there's tons more genuine laughter moments within that blog
  13. Unwinding after an eventful day is awesome. Even if the events have been good. I hope those cupcakes haven't been poisoned.
  14. I meant more in appearance. The voice acting still looked awkward somehow with expression-less faces like they were empty. The demo for Dark Void (is that the jet-pack one yeah?) had terrible presentation. The 'cut-scenes' were horrible, as was the dialogue. I hate bad presentation in games, and it's so common.
  15. If I remember correctly I scraped to rank 7 and could not bare losing any more races. It becomes outright unfair.
  16. Topical to this thread: I didn't like Arkham Asylum. The fighting was good but the items/exploration possibilities were just superficial. The Unreal Engine graphics put me off, the faces of the characters looked horrible, and in general it was more obvious that they were just shells of actual people somehow. It felt like the characters were solid and real when I was playing as Nathan Drake, heck even when playing protagonists in GC/PS2 games they seemed believable. When Arkham grabbed the UK GotY award over much better nominees I couldn't help but sigh. I swear the fact that it wasn't a crap game rocketed the ratings to extortionate levels.
  17. Haha! AHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (I genuinely chuckled when I read that)
  18. x 10
  19. Every other party would have done the same. The thing is, whether you like it or not, Lib Dem supporters will usually vote for Labour/Conservatives because they adopt the 'we won't win so lets vote for the one I prefer' policy. A big problem I find is that our country is full of blithering dweebs that watch X-Factor and join hellishly dumb and awful Facebook groups who have no idea about how they should vote.
  20. Cameron... Must.... Die!...
  21. But if you like the formula, and the footage you've seen, you'll probably buy it. He bought it in spite of the reviews and it ended up being a good decision because to him it is a great game. I rarely buy games that review averagely, but sometimes I wish I did (or could afford to) because sometimes the bad can actually just click with you.
  22. I will rack up some money from Heavy Rain/Saints Row 2/Fallout 3/R&C sales and bag it on eBay. It's been at the back of my gaming mind for a while now. I'd imagine it would be pretty annoying if you're fighting a boss when a soul comes in online to murk yo' ass.
  23. Defending FFXIII from a forum retard is not the best start to a birthday but have a good one anyway.
  24. This game just sounds incredibly cool, but there's a hell of a lot I still don't know about it. I remember watching the ZP review and Yahtz said that there was a bit where you have to cross a bridge, when, without warning, you get murked by something and it's really unforgiving. Care to share any info on that?
  25. You always get a stream of comments going against you in 'other consoles' Sheikah, and almost every time I wince when I read them. Mundi, you are massively misinformed and I'm not really sure how you got thanked for that bullshit. You're assuming he bought it because everyone else was buying it? If he's a fan, doesn't he have the right to try it anyway, to see if those opinions were true, and hope there was still an enjoyable experience to be had? Before it was released I expected the game to be slated to be honest. It seemed everyone was against it before much info was revealed. Once one bad review came in, everyone thought they'd jump on the ol' wagon just to prove the point that it wasn't as great a game as it could've been. I haven't tried it, really don't look like the look of it, but then again it isn't the sort of game I enjoy so I don't feel the need to talk about its flaws, especially if I haven't played the thing.
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