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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I meant in terms of difficulty and extra things to do after completion etc. It wasn't really new back then but it does give it a certain replayability, and I must've done so a fair few times, because getting some of those platinum relics were damn hard. How dare you belittle the game (and my obsession with it) !
  2. Oh that is a totally acceptable explanation, do not fret.

  3. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/ New brief video preview. Looks like it's going to look and play almost exactly the same. Good and bad. The engine really does look like it is struggling.
  4. You are deserved of the C word for that. And it isn't clever. It is not overrated and still holds up well because of the gems and time trials and stuff like that. The graphics get the job done and don't scream of the outdated. The only thing about it really is that it's a platformer, other than the Mario series, which is good. And it's a bit short, but you can forgive it for that.
  5. Don't worry, Caris has been known to be a c****** waste of space, that makes non-sensical posts because of his absolutely terrible dyslexia problem that plagues his boring bloody opinions and writing. He knows I mean that it the best possible way.
  6. Glad I got you, but can you edit your post so it's less obvious that it's a Roll? Cheers. And Unch btw ftw lulz

  7. Radio is on iPlayer, don't you forget it. (I actually don't care for radio but still)
  8. Naughty Dog has bought back Crash Bandicoot and is making a new entry in the series! I've been waiting for this day, it's been going downhill for so long! Unbelievable. Announcement video is now on Youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK2tWVj6lXw AWESOME!!!
  9. Isn't that a spelling error anyway, not a grammatical one? I want less obvious incorrect application of literary terminology S.C.G. It makes me eyes bleed.
  10. Syphon it up Bear Grylls' ass and make him puke it into buckets, until it's all gone. Or use strategic falcon punches so that it lands in a bowl.
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Badass teaser trailer. http://www.killzone.com/kz3/hub.html When I think about it, Killzone is probably the flagship series that makes me happy that I'm owning this system and not another. Obviously there's a big variety of games that make the console good, but for me personally, this is the equivalent of Halo's 3, and not just because it's an FPS. I just loved the online on it, but it does need to be expanded.
  12. Message from Rare's website.
  13. Maybe we need to help you find out what type you are and what your weaknesses are. If your skills haven't evolved enough we may need to hone them in order to make them super effective.
  14. It looks like a sitting crowd (of 2 people) that are experiencing motion blur from a static position. It also looks like something I could've made on Paint.
  15. dwarf


    Hmmm. King Boo does not remember you.
  16. When I was 5 or 6 years old: embarrassing story win - Me and family were just watching TV when I suddenly stood up and farted. I started laughing, everyone else followed. Then I just stop laughing and run away crying - they were confused and thought 'why is he upset, was it because we laughed at him?'. What actually happened was that I followed through horrid and mother had to help clean up my pants. --- On the school bus, and I tried to make a friend feel really awkward. He was sitting next to a girl I knew he was fairly interested in, but I didn't know much about her myself. We were all talking about a party we were going to when the girl says "Yeah I'm bringing some wine. I get so drunk so quick on it, only takes half a bottle" To which I say "*Dan's taken note" Then I get a look from him as if he didn't understand, and the girl is just confused by the social violation and ignores me and just speaks to Dan "is he trying to be cheeky?" to which Dan says "I don't know, I didn't know what he said" Then there was an awkward silence as I was left cringing at the situation. My friend later told me that he actually found the comment funny but just denied all knowledge during the situation. --- A few years ago: I pulled my sister's chair from her as she was about to sit down. She obviously fell down and I started laughing. However, there was a nasty sort of, I dunno, a clicking sound. Whilst I chuckled, noone had joined me (there were a few families round for a barbecue) and they just stared at me. That was when I remembered that she had a back problem. I'm pretty sure there are more embarrassing moments I've forgotten about, so I'll come back when I've remembered some.
  17. I have justified why I dislike it previously, but I won't do again before devolution. I am totally open to Nintendo pulling it out of the bag, I've tried the console and its best games before, so I wouldn't say I'm basing it on no grounds. There is one fatal flaw in that post. You spelt 'losses' wrong. The rest of your post is totally fine and can't be argued against, well done Zechs. Argument King win.
  18. Literally just asking - what games are you referring to? It isn't a snob question (well it is, but in disguise). I will not make any further remarks once you've posted examples.
  19. No I think he meant better depth of field, so certain layers pop out more. You can have 3D where camera angles don't change.
  20. Didn't realise people with OCD had a comical abnormal appearance.
  21. Player control in Pro-Evo is like handling a 60 year old Dodgems cart. Mechanically terrible and unbelievably clunky. Fifa's slightly better but gets boring like all football games that aren't irl. Any guesses on what Move titles there will be at E3? Other than Pippa Funnel Compilation games?
  22. I reckon - Pokemon: Shit Brown and Bile Green Fused King, you like Paper Mario too much. TTYD is probably my third of fourth favourite game, but if it got a sequel it would have content too similar to its predecessors. Let them fade away. You must let them go! LET THEM GO FUSED!! *sobs*
  23. Don't worry, you can find a fairly cheap version here, just ordered one myself: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nintendo-Metroid-Prime-Samus-Phazon-Suit-Statue-/280505045343?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Collectables_SciFi_fantasyCollectables_EH&hash=item414f67515f#ht_2458wt_1137 lulz
  24. My version of Uncharted 2 has the same old PS3 spine logo as my copies of Resistance 2 and Fifa 08. Bad Company 2 is my only game that has the new black PS3 logo that's parallel to the game title font. Then again I only have 6 games.
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