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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Sequel whore here: Milfzone 3 ftw
  2. Riiiiidgggeeee Raccerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
  3. Sorry if I've missed the official thread. It has started, discuss http://www.youtube.com/E3
  4. Where's teh conference thread?
  5. I was referring to a film that I thought shared the same title, but what I was actually thinking of was 'Epic Movie'. Silly me. But my point still stands.
  6. Don't ruin it for me, the contemplation kept me in good spirit.
  7. I wouldn't say SMBW was an improvement, more like an expansion. But yeah, this revival is pleasant. I'm glad that crazy slag didn't come back to Nintendo's conference. Let's hope she's out somewhere, crying in a gutter looking at her ungenerous redundancy package, remembering the words Reggie cut her waistline with - "We don't need you, we're hardcore..." Lulwut?
  8. Would if I could man :/
  9. 8.00pm I think, I used this link for the Nintendo Conference, on the whole it worked fine, and it should update with Sony's one in 1h 10 minutes or so. http://www.youtube.com/E3
  10. I thought overall it was a good conference. The actual gameplay of the big titles was lacking, but the announcements themselves were nice. After development time they could be quite amazing. Kid Icarus looked terrible, if you look at it honestly you can only hope they give it an overhaul. OtherM had a nice trailer, Zelda was a bit iffy. I don't think it's established itself yet as we weren't given a story direction with proper environments that would let us know what the game would bring to the table over its predecessors. Kirby looked pretty Rad. Can't say I've played 'Country before, don't kill me, but it looked quite nice for a 2.5D platformer. Nothing that excited me for that game though, I guess I'd have to be a fan.
  11. Yeah, I'd like a summary too, from someone on NE that isn't overly biased. So Choze....
  12. 3 Duus ftinteresting Analogue stick victory. Edit: sorry, "Slidepad" 3D photos is pretty good too.
  13. I wasn't blown by the Zelda art style, in fact it seemed a bit unpolished and badly implemented. I understand why it still has a year to go. It could still be good though. Goldeneye was a pretty cool announcement and looks awesome. '8 characters' is hardly a boast though is it?! Epic Mickey? That was a film, and it was shite (not that I've seen it). The title will probably live up to its epicly poor name.
  14. Lol @ the n00bs getting to their seats late. Reggie Win. Interesting controller speak.
  15. I saw the thread title and was like 'No fucking way, I've wanted a HD reboot so bad!' and I looked in, was slightly disappointed by the character model, then I looked at the gameplay and was a bit more depressed. Call me classical or a nostalgic bellend, but I do believe these reboots should look and play similar to the originals, otherwise you're just gonna let your audience down. I like how they have combined the original 2D stuff with the almost equally brilliant 3D stuff - features like the picture-taking savepoint, and the character Globox. It could still be good but, nyah. I guess it just wasn't to be, ah well.
  16. I missed out on the Microsoft Conference unfort, so I'll have to read through the designated thread, won't bother watching it, will just have to see if there's any gameplay that's been recorded, for stuff like Reach. I am deffo watching Nintendo, partly for the funnies, but mostly because I want my spine to shiver somewhat in the hope they will reveal the new Zelda in an awesome way (minus the Miyamoto Sword/Shield thing, that bit was shit). Then I want to see some major sequelage from Sony, because I'm a boring fuck and want comfort zone winneth.
  17. Lulz I can now access NE after not being able to since last Wednesday (I think) so that is a win. So many posts to catch up on and E3 discussions to partake in. YAYzor. As for my day - boring, standard school day.
  18. Sources have confirmed a pink feathered flying Raiden to feature in an HD image for the PS3 version.
  19. Just wondered if you've ever played Waverace? It may be like that where each lap some aesthetic change is made to the course. In this it would obviously be more extreme, I think the way it'll work is that as the first person crosses a point, an event will trigger, and if you get caught and destroyed in the rucus, you'll spawn in front of the accident after a time penalty or something, then the next lap you take the new opened up routes. (or should I say closed-up?) I'm genuinely excited about this, as the guys behind the project seem to really be pushing for a blockbuster title, and taking MW-like ideas in their online modes. The IGN preview gives you a good idea of the passion: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/109/1095814p1.html It seems like the sense of speed, the rush to avoid hazards, explosions and slightly looser handling could make this an absolute stonker. I'm pretty sure I'll buy it unless there's a major faulty component, I initially had doubt about the environment, but the multitude of circuits and surfaces and environments really appear to match the gameplay of the series. I must say I hadn't really given any thought to the game showing at E3, but the memories of how close Pacific Rift came to being incredible have started spinning my mind. Exploding through office buildings can only ever be described as a win.
  20. Sorry 'bout tonight Rez, you didn't get back til later that I was expecting and I was at a school meeting and then went for an unscheduled meal out with my parents. I PSN messaged you saying I wouldn't be back til 9, so I was wondering why you had badgered me with texts once I was back. (I'd forgotten to take ma phone with meh)


    Another time it seems, shotgun weekend tomos win.

  21. Massively stressed at the moment. I started revision 6 or 7 weeks ago, and feel as though I've done pretty well so far in my first 4 AS exams. Tomorrow I have my final 2, and they're looking dodgy, especially the second part of my history which I haven't even made time to revise for. I just hope I can wing it. Tomorrow at 3 a world of weight will be lifted from my shoulders, but the time is going to completely dribble by with uncertainty. I feel for you Fish Hopefully everything will turn out fine in the end.
  22. I love the NE banner, it looks awesome, and is generally very excitable. I may have to buy this so I can play it on my mate's Wii. Boo featuring heavily on the banner is awesome, such an awesome foe.
  23. But it wasn't common sense, and I provided an explanation. You've just phrased your posts provocatively for no reason.
  24. I share that with you it seems because I was thinking of Zombie Apocalyse, but after a Google I saw it was a film so it put me off my quest to find the comparison video. Here it is:
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