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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. If you have to see a similarly ancient artist, but someone who still has a degree of dignity, see Alice Cooper. Not this bunch of kents. Or equally, go to a Kylie concert.
  2. dwarf

    Halo: Reach

    Or 237 hours 54 minutes. You could count that on your hand Caris.
  3. Guns And Some Roses lost their credibility anyway. GNR is awesome in other respects: Audio
  4. Got 130,000$ in first double cash plunder game. Sick.

  5. I'm looking forward to them continuing the drugs case in 3. I just liked the characters in the first season too much, even the mean, horrible baddies. Avon Blogsdale is cool. I suspect he may die in this upcoming series but I can't wait to watch a couple of 'sodes.
  6. Have yet to pick up Season 3. I preferred Season 1 to 2, but they're both amazing amazing amazing.

  8. Tomorrow fool, tomorrow

  9. I will now delete so nobody else knows the potential amazingnimity.
  10. not today my furry friend, sorry

  11. I thought you were going for the diarrhoea effect, by dropping small stones into your toilet. (even though it would probably destroy your pipes) Also, idea for you (and you only). Mwahahahaaha they'll never know!
  12. Just move your console forward if the cables aren't long enough.
  13. He rented it you gimp. (probably did play the demo though) I played the demo and thought it was good, I would've preferred it if they showed off more mini games and shizzle though.
  14. The Sun doesn't have journalists. Resorting to self deprecation as a display of forgiving. I like it.
  15. Eughhh. I lied when I said Jamieson Reformed. That was just weird, in the bad category.
  16. dwarf


    But this is single player, and so far we've seen one environment. Plus, I don't think it's as fun.
  17. The man speaks sense. :Z
  18. Moaning/Nagging parents. They call it teenage angst. I call it f**king annoying c**ts
  19. Yeah, if the controller wasn't there, and you were holding a DualShock 3 instead to shake your sword, you wouldn't be as immersed. What gets me is how the tracking ball makes everything true 1:1.
  20. What I like about the Playstation Move controller is that it seems to be quite precise. So when I play a sword game it'll be intuitive and I will be able to swing the sword, like how I would swing a sword in real life. It could be fun.
  21. Why have so many people responded to Chode? Christ Almighty, when did people start taking the thing seriously again?
  22. To be honest that is what I miss when I'm playing on my Nintendo. I guess I'll just have to put up with Strictly Come Dancing with Mii's and Mario's Housemaid, featuring in-game tile washing. Occasionally I miss having a challenge, but at least I can have fun when my grandma is round so that I can knit virtual Y-fronts alongside her in 2 player, I like it because we both wear Vitality Sensors so we can monitor when we need to take her back to the hospital after our high octane knit-work masterpieces. Which is more than I can say for you with your ponsy, ambitious, competitive, action packed troll of a console.
  23. Maybe I like the Wii more than you? As I said, you're childish. It's pathetic, you almost rival Zechs Merquise, but opposite. One day maybe you'll learn that it isn't about which console has the best graphics and the best games, it's about the one with the best sales and cooking peripherals.
  24. dwarf


    Pfffft, you're just getting silly now. Grow up.
  25. Should I jump up or down or is that what homosexuals do? I wouldn't know because I don't usually interact with other humans, I'm actually going red just speaking to you hahaha.
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