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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I cannae believe you're missing Deagle Weekend >>>> the montage!?! so many possibilities. We could do a marvel sequence we we take the whole team, in the same camera

  2. Oh Em Gee Schnauzer Pokemon!! (Haderia)
  3. I'm sorry, but that is just bullshit. Games I want now (got the Urge for burger king) Fallout New Vegas Borderlands 2oooooo! Yakuza of the End - seriously, if this is anything like what I'm imagining (run and gun 3rd person zombie-fest with brutal weapons) then... Knees tremble. Resistance 3 Killzone 3 Need something shooty very soon though, I may have to resort to Black Ops. Oh, and if someone could get Reach and a 360 for me, wouldn't mind that. I sicken myself that I enjoy shooters so much.
  4. dwarf


    Let me know how you two get it on.
  5. You're a self-professed founder of the Incremental Unitary Recording Society. Quite frankly I'm ashamed that you have not read up on it, and am starting to doubt your dedication towards your position.
  6. You obviously haven't read the revised edition of the Measurements Quad-table. Don't be ashamed though, it's a rookie mistake.
  7. You find that on N4G? I use it, but when I saw that article and it wasn't on the 'hottest' list I just took it to be bullshit (which pretty much all of it is anyway). I don't actually know of a decent gaming news website. You have to flick through multiple webz. As for puusperation 2, my interest levels lay at around 0.3 ferlongs cubed i.e. 4 micro hectares. (That's 58 litres per square attoparsec for those who aren't in the know) If I get a handheld it'll probably be when the Go dissipates to £30.
  8. I'm sorry but I'm not buying the graphics debate. As far as I'm concerned they're as good as PC. Of course there's the odd game, the odd bit of immense hardware, but where's the integration and the constant releases? For 4 year old consoles (kind of) you'd be wondering if better chips weren't available. Crysis 2 is a showcase at best anyhow. Technically it's quite astounding but when you compare it to stylish monster titles, there's not a whole lot of difference between them.
  9. I posted that link and then realised you posted it too. You beat me though.

    Not lol.

  10. It displease's me you didn't note my italics.
  11. It please's me too.
  12. I didn't go for the obvious in all fairity. Edit: God this is desperate (Live TV Shindig) It's just weird, seeing a bunch of dead old men, a bunch of presumably fairly intelligent people, and a bunch of people who can't even see the stage, just idolising this prick as if he's the coming of a new batch of monarch pokemon trousers.
  13. Visuals can still get a lot better before getting anywhere near to real life. Hence trailers always look better than the game, unless they use in-game cutscenes of course. Plus, game engines can get a lot better. Size/content is still limited.
  14. I was just being polite.
  15. Even though I don't know the guy, I can safely say that he's a c*nt.
  16. Erm. Gameplay please? It's all well and good looking awesome, but I can only be so interested from that type of trailer.
  17. I will buy this game. They've basically pushed me over the edge, I was tempted by past Yakuza games, but this is just ticking boxes like crazy.
  18. dwarf

    Tokyo Jungle

    Holy shit this looks awesome! Now for what I actually mean: What in mother's name were they thinking? Eurogamer are cocks: A pinch misleading I'd say.
  19. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/sep/13/charlie-brooker-google-instant that, tbh Google Assault is a great idea
  20. Well, I can imagine the set-piece sections being OK, and there's a couple of neat effects (whilst you're on the plane) however, overall it's just shoddy. It has high hopes for itself cinematic-wise, it's just that the engine is holding it back. The jumping is robotic, it has Uncharted like platforming but it's even less precise (you basically press up/down/left/right and X when hanging on a ledge, and it'll just teleport you there even if you didn't realise there was something to grab), and it feels slow. The combat is decent, but from the demo you can't really make a proper judgement. Generally underwhelming 'filler' material. I don't see the point in buying filler material in games. If they aren't especially noteworthy, save your time.
  21. Just played on Unch for first time since you were on. Go on deathmatch and put invalid and half loaded on. 2nd round, I get 22 kills, 9 deaths, 4 assists and yet my team only win 50-49. Do you know why we won? Because I get a pistol double down matchwinner, plus a defender medal for those kills.


    Not that I'm skilful or anything.

  22. Enslaved is awful.
  23. Holy shit, the amount of demos that have released today is ridiculousnessity.
  24. £23 for a navigation controller. Bargain.
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