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Everything posted by rizz

  1. 5 Alex Reilly's I think that says, I am as rare as a wombats wingnut apaprently.
  2. He craves to look l33t :P
  3. Seeing you come from Cardiff, wildo, then seeing your pic, you reminded me of the dude with the hearse from pimp my ride :P
  4. I agree, music is far too big to be generalised.
  5. I just though Goldeneye's opening was awesome, first time I saw it I was like 'omg! just like the film!', 'omg! photo-realistic!', lol.
  6. Used to get NOM anymore, but stopped when saving for a trip to america, which got cancelled due to 9/11, after that I just never bothered getting them anymore. And now I don't really get any mags to read. I did get 1 issue of Cube, but that was just for the Splinter Cell demo really.
  7. Yeah, they said that when I emailed them about the reggielution.
  8. From skim-reading your first post, fuck 'em. Screw the tossers and rape the church. Everything I see is messed up, usually the people, but everything else, yeah, I have no hope for anything else. I have never once in my life been truly happy, and I doubt I ever will be. And it's their fault, so fuck them, all of them. I'm not sure what you were on about but I have a good idea. Erm... what atif said really :P
  9. rizz

    new here

    Because rep points so arent the new post count
  10. rizz

    new here

    I'm new too lol.
  11. OMG! Copy-cat! You all know it would rock.
  12. http://www.last.fm/user/rizzly/ Joined. Mine is not that accurate though, as I had it turned of for maybe 6 months so MJ would have been plus a few thousand. Other than that i'd say it's all good. Although I have no recollection of listening to MCR 44 times, 20 at the most.
  13. I still fully support silver :P
  14. Over the twat-faced moon :P
  15. Jesus, that is terrible. Perhaps the games should have a playing hours limiter or something :-/ Lol, I got addicted to c-e when I was like 13 and slowly I lost friends as I never went out or anything, just stayed on the site, rushed/didn't do homework and my school work suffered. But since it sucks these days () I have gotten through and have a small number of friends again. Though I should be doing homework right now really, naughty c-e!
  16. No fucking way thats Ford, he didn't swear once in that post.
  17. Blue task bar xp >_< I prefer silver myself, although my sister likes the green one, which I think is worse than the blue. Well Odwin, tbh, the old Xsorbit are the only boards that has never once played such a trick on me.
  18. It would need Michael Jackson from Moonwalker (so what if it wasnt on nintendo :P) I guess he would have same moves as in Moonwalker, including making everyone on the screen do a dance routine and die. And lets not forget the arcade version
  19. rizz


    Black. Just has to be.
  20. o_O . . . . *watches trailer* XD Awesome!
  21. Yup, the restore poitns thing is great, totally pwnd my HDD with it. Even now I still have 11.7gb left. Slowly filling it up again with music though.
  22. I hate VGcats so much, that whenever I see a real cat, I hit it with a spade.
  23. I probably wasn't going to get the Revolution, but now I probably am, I really like it, I think there could (and will) be some really fun silly games on there which I will probably like :P
  24. I keep clicking the banner at the top to go to the main index, even though it takes me to the main site. Annoying :P
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