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Everything posted by rizz

  1. Someone clicked that they want to meet me on my profile Sadly I don't find her very attractive, even more sad as she's one one of those 'lets be super cute' cosplay girls.
  2. Well, I put myself out there... and I generally don't like doing that at all
  3. Just as I'm about to sign up for one of these sites, I notice someone I know has recently signed up. It's kinda off-putting
  4. So I went from not looking amused with long hair
  5. Girls love cute stuff like PokéMon; I bought my ex quite a few PokéMon cuddly toys etc. I'd say having the website surely gives you a +1 for a good number of girls.
  6. I think I may have to get in on some of this action in the near future. It makes total sense in my head that it's the best way forward but still! Fingers crossed for your response!
  7. I think we still have good instincts when it comes to that. I usually feel like I can tell what a person is generally like almost instantly, or after a couple of minutes.
  8. I play pretty much just on PC atm. But I think I will always prefer Nintendo when it comes to consoles, they're the only company that strike me as having personality.
  9. Not my usual kind of thing, but atm this: It's gentle on the outside, but crushing on the inside. Or maybe I'm just getting old and soft.
  10. Get driving licence, get job, meet someone new. I feel like it should be done in that order for maximum efficiency (not sure that's the word I'm looking for. Effectiveness maybe?) but kinda want to jump in there reverse order.
  11. Broke up with my girlfriend and bought a new guitar, cut my hair for the first time in nearly 10 years, all in all = win.
  12. I got Alpha Papa on DVD. I hadn't seen it yet, enjoyed it
  13. Haha yes! It could do that. I had it tied back most of the time though so was there really much point in even having it? I haven't told any of my friends it's gone yet, they gonna have quite a surprise tomorrow
  14. That one part about an animal, I just hope it was a sheep. Beyond why they would do it in the first place, I don't know how high profile people think they can get away with it. People are too interested in knowing everything they do anyway.
  15. Shortish hair is working out for me /relief
  16. Last time I posted a picture on this forum I would have been 14 or 15, and looked something like this:
  17. I am better suited to long hair, but there are so many reasons to get rid of it. Ofc I won't have short short hair, and I'm sure some people will still tell me I need a haircut! :P
  18. Haha I know right! When it looks good it looks awesome, but that isn't most of the time.
  19. I'll put this in the good thread and be positive about it, rather than the bad thread though it does make me quite nervous. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut for the first time in nearly 10 years
  20. Seems I don't have to pay again, and they will even compensate me for the money I had to pay for use of my instructors car.
  21. I think time for a few more lessons will do me good tbh, even though I'm capable of passing I wasn't feeling 100% on some things.
  22. I was supposed to have my driving test today. I was walking to the car with the examiner when she cracked her head on an open window and had to be taken to hospital. There was a bit of blood but I think she will be ok, needs stitches though. Now my test has been delayed by two months.
  23. Fair enough. I have my opinions about that, but I think that's a different topic :P
  24. Having children depends upon your sexual orientation, I think that's a pretty big deal myself. There are the people who say things like gays are just the same, and then have things like gay pride to celebrate their differences. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but they are different (in a very important way) and that's why they are labelled as such. And just to clarify: I am not saying anything is right or wrong; I think he should keep his private life private.
  25. I'd completely forgotten until reading these comments now, but once upon a time there was a girl I was talking to and thought was interested, and I just showed up at the shop where she worked and asked if she wanted to get a drink sometime. It seems rather out of character to me, but I did it She said yes too, but after I decided it was a no go. Also, I just realised we still have the old Xsorbit emoticons. was always my favourite.
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