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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. It's sort of irritating that everything I would ever want to play ever has been released within a couple of months during a time I need to save and work hard - but I can live with it. Still know next to nothing about this game, can't wait. I may save it till after work or even for my Sunday off. To savour it properly. First thing I'm probably gonna do is load the soundtrack into my Xbox and play Battlefield with it.
  2. Great job with reports Peeps, keep the good work coming.
  3. Great race today - not the best ever but seeing Lewis back on top after a fairly close race against Fernando has left me in a good mood. The battle between Button, Webber and Massa was great to see, some decent wheel to wheel stuff along the way. Shame Vettel basically didn't get to race as his luck finally ran out - if he gets beaten I prefer to have the champ beaten fair and square, but that's just racing as Lewis will be able to tell him from experience.
  4. As an individual with no great love of previous iterations of the series, who only spent half an hour in Oblivion because of the voice acting, who has never engaged in any part the fantasy genre in any meaningful way, who prefers sci-fi and action games and who just happened to give this ten minutes or so of it because his house mate had it around... Skyrim is good. Skyrim is very, very, veeeeeery good. That is all.
  5. A couple of good tips in here.
  6. BF2 is a difficult comparison with the console limitations, but I can absolutely affirm that this is Battlefield, albeit for a console. If you want more Battlefield you may go forth and purchase in confidence.
  7. I rather guessed it would turn out that way, as I took pot shots at the 4 or 5 poor bastards who actually tried to do anything other then rolling around the carrier deck sniping and waiting for a helicopter. Unfortunately I had stuff I needed back on the boil and I figured you could probably manage the next round without me. Glad to hear it went well, lets do it again sometime. I particularly enjoyed the Bazaar attack we made together.
  8. Man, thought I'd fluffed it when I forgot to set my tactics against Mcoy but it's nearly equal pegging after a draw for him. There's still some hope for my first trophy, but someone's going to have to produce the good against him and his amazing goal difference.
  9. That's the sweet and sour of the Battlefield experience. It's like performing on stage: When it's not going your way and your team isn't shifting it's weight, it's a hideous experience. When it's going right and everybody is playing their part, it's a multi-faceted radiant beauty.
  10. That's great stuff Jay. Read a stack of Nevil Shute before you go, you'll fit right in.
  11. Before I friend him who is "Tegg?" Do we know a Tegg?
  12. Just a nice friendly stroll/bounce through Kitty City. Niiiiiice and friendly like...
  13. Nope, you've got to quit when the next game starts - it's a bizarre omission.
  14. Got my hand on EOD bot - nifty little thing but it steers like a shopping cart with a pig attached to it. I tried to go for an MCOM station but the ruddy thing either wouldn't fit through the door or wouldn't make the step. I'll give it another go now that I know it's parameters.
  15. According to Amazon yes - the choice is basically if you want the super-pimp gold wiimote or not. The difference in price between the editions on Amazon is £13, while a new wiimote is priced £26.97. So unless you've already got a full set of wiimotes, do the math. I mean look at it - it's a thing of beauty.
  16. Cool. Spoiler tags for the single player portion please, if you post anything.
  17. Oh man, I didn't realize you had joined. Those were a couple of great games though, I hope I acquitted myself well for you. Looks like we did our fair share of damage. I saw you online when I first came on, couldn't figure out how to join your rush game, must've been full or something. I'll pop you an invite next time, or you pop me one if you see me and we'll be bustin' heads together in no time, sir. *salutes* Pro tip to everyone - the M1911 pistol with tactical light should be your sidearm of choice. Ideal for recovering from an unexpected situation. I wiped out a full squad just by dazzling and popping them in the head one by one. Especially effective on close quarter urban maps.
  18. That's so good it's actually slightly bizarre.
  19. I played a game of Conquest where both sides did that - it was me and a duo from the other side duking it out while the other 21 players in the game were all skulking around the edges somewhere. I spent forty minutes on Rharg Island taking and retaking a single point, occasionally destroying or getting run over by the same two guys in a jeep. It was pathetic. I've had numerous far better games since though - some of the chaff already seems to be burning off.
  20. Features confirmed for Saints Row 3: -Pimps -Gimps -Burt fu***ng Reynolds.
  21. Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Skyfall - did I miss a memo or something?
  22. I take your point in relation to the classic version of the dish, but I'll still point out that "steak" describes the cut - you can have pork, mutton, tuna, venison or children steak if you want. Did I say children? I meant... something else. Anyway, they're both meals that involve potatoes & meat and usually peas on the side so shut up and be happy.
  23. I don't think I'm the only one.
  24. The difference between MW and Battlefield is like the difference between bangers & mash or steak & chips. Two different meals though still made from the same ingredients and after that it's a matter of preference - and it's OK to like both (or neither). Battlefield's my bag right now but I still don't regret a single penny I spent on either of the last 2 MW games. MW3 will be great, everyone who buys it is clearly gonna have a fuck-tonne of fun. Maybe I'll join in a bit later, but right now I have MCOM stations that need dealt with.
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