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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Man, thought I'd fluffed it when I forgot to set my tactics against Mcoy but it's nearly equal pegging after a draw for him. There's still some hope for my first trophy, but someone's going to have to produce the good against him and his amazing goal difference.
  2. That's great stuff Jay. Read a stack of Nevil Shute before you go, you'll fit right in.
  3. Just a nice friendly stroll/bounce through Kitty City. Niiiiiice and friendly like...
  4. According to Amazon yes - the choice is basically if you want the super-pimp gold wiimote or not. The difference in price between the editions on Amazon is £13, while a new wiimote is priced £26.97. So unless you've already got a full set of wiimotes, do the math. I mean look at it - it's a thing of beauty.
  5. Cool. Spoiler tags for the single player portion please, if you post anything.
  6. That's so good it's actually slightly bizarre.
  7. Features confirmed for Saints Row 3: -Pimps -Gimps -Burt fu***ng Reynolds.
  8. Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Skyfall - did I miss a memo or something?
  9. I take your point in relation to the classic version of the dish, but I'll still point out that "steak" describes the cut - you can have pork, mutton, tuna, venison or children steak if you want. Did I say children? I meant... something else. Anyway, they're both meals that involve potatoes & meat and usually peas on the side so shut up and be happy.
  10. I don't think I'm the only one.
  11. The difference between MW and Battlefield is like the difference between bangers & mash or steak & chips. Two different meals though still made from the same ingredients and after that it's a matter of preference - and it's OK to like both (or neither). Battlefield's my bag right now but I still don't regret a single penny I spent on either of the last 2 MW games. MW3 will be great, everyone who buys it is clearly gonna have a fuck-tonne of fun. Maybe I'll join in a bit later, but right now I have MCOM stations that need dealt with.
  12. It's the face that does it really.
  13. Choze bought them all. It's all part of his plan to stop anyone from playing it.
  14. Fairly dull race, Rowan aside - I feel quite bad for Massa, I was actually quite surprised that stewards decision went against him. Lewis too still seems to be struggling to get back on his feet, keeping fingers crossed for a decent pair of results at the last two races for both of them. Beautiful shot from the race popped up on tumblr though -
  15. Launch trailer, if anyone cares. I mean, I won't be rushing out to grab it day one either but isn't anyone going to admit they're interested? We all know it'll do gangbusters, someone around here has to admit to buying it.
  16. It's been an absolutely bloody awful week in motorsport - Wheldon (twice Indy 500 winner, the first Brit to win it since Graham Hill in '66) leaves two young kids behind and Simoncelli (125cc Champion in '08) was only 24 and surely on his way to big things. I'm at the point where I don't care if we get a good race or not in India, just as long as everyone comes back in one piece. Anyway, in the lighter side of the news: I'll believe it when I see it myself.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that Rainiiiiing, I hope your Dad is up to full speed soon and that work isn't too stressful either. =( Hug?
  18. http://doctorwhoquotesfuturama.tumblr.com/ Sometimes I think I spend too much time on Tumblr. But really, looking at this, I know I'm not spending enough. God, it's so hypnotic. It's like a lava lamp. A lava lamp doing the robot.
  19. Had to do an unexpected double shift because our manager had left the store understaffed, not anticipating a tour for next year's students. I was going to go the gym today but it was closed by the time I got out. Now I just feel ill. Also, on my way home I shouted at some poor girl trying to sign me up to Red Cross. I feel really very bad about it.
  20. Dang, that's awful. Hope your Dad is back up and running ASAP. =(
  21. Holy hell, a 10 in Edge, a publication who I generally hold to have the last word in any discussion. I'll be getting absolutely nothing done when this comes out. In between this, Battlefield 3, Ace Combat and Mass Effect 3 on it's way next year I feel positively spoiled.
  22. Demo confirmed for January - it will have both single & multiplayer sections and early access to the multiplayer section will be available to anybody who activates the Battlefield 3 online pass on any platform. A tool will be posted on the Mass Effect website that will let you check that your early access to it has been activated via your EA account. Fucking awesome. http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/324/index/8554052/1
  23. Phew, 2-0 in the big game against Mcoy - that puts me 6 pts ahead and one step closer to my first ever silverware.
  24. I have absolutely nothing good to say about any element of the recent Transformers trilogy - I will say however that Jason Statham would be a vast improvement on Shia LeBeouf and would be in any production you could think of.
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