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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. The Wii doesn't need a system seller though. Gamers young and old are snapping em' up as fast as Nintendo can pump the things out. Personally, I'm happy to wait and let Retro Studios do whatever they need to do to make the best damn game possible. Besides, I still haven't finished Echos.
  2. For a console who's whole business startegy is sustainable games sales, this and the situation in other territories doesn't exactly bode well for the future in any case.
  3. Does this have Miis? It had better - can't be bothered running a soulless identi-eleven of mushrooms around, no matter how obnoxiously cute they may be.
  4. I hated Serenity. Hated it. I just don't get what's so great about it, to me it just seems like about 2 hours of meaningless dialogue and action. My friend kept telling me afterwards that if I had seen the TV show, I would know what the characters were about and would probably have found it more interesting, but then, why should I have to watch fourteen hours of TV just to make two hours of film make more sense? It's hardly good writing economy. I mean, seriously - Better then Star Wars, Blade Runner and Alien? 2001? Back to the Future? That's just wrong for so many reasons. *head explodes*
  5. ... someone's gonna have to run that one past me.
  6. This one seems to have slipped under my radar, though I'll admit I sadly haven't played the first one. It looks... insane.
  7. In one level (and only level disppointingly) there's a section of track littered with barrles which explode as you drive by them. Add to this the screaming sirens registering by hitting a power up which allows you to obliterate rival trucks as you sail gracefully through the upper atmosphere due to the sudden and very rapid formation of a full mountain under your wheels as a medly of Queen hits screams at you from your SD card, "Excitetruck" seems all too apropriate. have you ever considered a career in game design?
  8. I hope you have the option to take performance enhancing crack or anabolic steroids. Imagine the urine test minigame!
  9. Very true. Also very true. BelleVille Rendevous One of greatest films ever. A swirling cacophny of spectacular dreamlike worlds made utterly believable by insane and superbly full and realistic characters. Intense and immersive, this a first class treat for the senses. Flawless. 10/10
  10. Unless there is a high powered electrical device involving large, rusty blades digging into your testicles which will be activated if the phrase "Yes" is detected, I reckon you should totally go for it.
  11. We need to fire McLaren now before it's too late, because the best he's likely to achieve is getting fired when everyone realises it is too late. I don't care if we were playing away, and I don't give a damn about the 3-0 "victory". If England can't make an easy job of a loose rabble of builders, how are we expected to stack up against an actual football team?
  12. I hope they basically go out and make Wii Sports 2. With online. That would be amazing. Also, I think it would pretty cool to see the full range of Nintendo and Sega characters. For you average party game prehaps not, but the official olympics license I think deserves a salute from the big guns. I'd love to see Tingle in a hammer throw event against that purple thing from Nights or something.
  13. Resident merchant sailor? Chilling out on yer boat on the river wistling sweet shanty tunes. Someones got to do it anyway.
  14. Hot: Five and a half feet, perfect skin, fantastic smell, delicate blonde hair and azure eyes so deep you could spend hours swimming around in them. And she's in my drama class. Not: I'm 5ft 9 inches of blotchy, pale surliness who, for no reason I or anyone else can idenitify, looks cronically tired at the best of times. And I still haven't found the courage to even ask her name.
  15. Hot: Lewis Hamilton. Not: Hondas F1 "Earth car."
  16. Good thing this isn't the London olympics edition, otherwise the whole project would just end up hopelessly overbudget and cost everyone a fortune. Plus, only half of it would be built by the time it was released.
  17. This is basically 300-the game, only with Romans (billions of them) and Jason & The Argonauts style skeletons and mythical creatures. Remember the bit in 300 where the camera follows the king as periodically goes into slow motion in a combo strike fashion? That's almost exactly what the fight system in this game is like. There are couple of dull levels, but nothing bad enough to stop you enjoying the rest of it. It's not clever, but certainly big and entertaining.
  18. Also, how come I can't find England games on TV any more? Trying to protect public sanity or what?
  19. For gods sake, get Downing and Lennon up the front. They seem to be the only two players who can be actually bothered. We need players like them who actually try for the goal. I've long since lost faith in Rooney. He's a good footballer, but he's just not performing, and even if he was as a manager I'd be sitting there on the side telling him "Mate, either calm down or get out of my team." A professional team just doesn't need someone like him blasting off every time things don't go his way.
  20. Simply cast your eyes back up to the earlier post good sir
  21. No wait, just had a better idea...
  22. (EDIT) You would probably be the local market trader, selling rare good and produce from other provinces, both local and from mystical distant lands. You soon develop a good reputation for somehow keeping your goods just so damn fresh.
  23. You would be the young page boy, ferrying messages around the village for village VIPs and making proclamations in the square on behalf of the various town authorities. You call everyone "Sir", "Marm" and "Squire", and wear disturbingly tight tights. Meanwhile, I eventually climb out of the well and spend my days wondering the local hills at night, causing people to become superstitious as they become convinced it's my ghost haunting the moors.
  24. (Dammit, where did this thread come from? This why I don't normally start threads, this happens almost every sodding time. I checked and double checked, I swear, there's a great cosmic internet entity out there who really doesn't like me. Damn you Neo!) I'm also quite surprised by the game itself, working on the assumption it's not a hoax or what have you. What part of the Beijing Olympics made someone think "A-ha! Mario versus Sonic! Awesome!" Still, I suppose this makes Sonic a dead cert for Brawl. I hope this has online and Miis. Can't wait for the mini game when Sonic and Mario are detained without charge and then tortured for holding beliefs "that undermine the national interests of the people."
  25. This has to be a joke, surely: From Kotaku: Tell me this a joke. This is a joke... isn't it? I'd say April Fools, but it's still definitively March.
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