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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Trees not withstanding, this looks rather promising.
  2. Beautiful. Absolute dying to get my mitts on this game. Good to see they haven't skimped on giving each army a distinct visual style.
  3. The soldier is my personal favourite "Meet" video. "And then he used the fight money to round up two of every animal onto a boat, and then he beat the crap out every single one of them!"
  4. I like the look of the bikes, and the vehicle designs are excellent. I like Waluigi's Mad-Max style roadster and the various retro-style vehicles on show.
  5. Episode 2, then. So anyway after <SPOILER> in that AMAZING <SPOILER> (lovely soundtrack, BTW) I was heading through the <SPOILER> and his witty homosexual banter + ass kicking <SPOILER> He gestures us towards a <SPOILER> and I was like,<SPOILER> with yer ma last night." NOTE: Deleted all possible spoilers. Just to tease you. Actual spoiler tags a tad too messy.
  6. There are people on the steam forums saying that Portal was a rip-off beause it's only took them three hours to complete. I personally would equate this with complaining that Picasso was a crap artist because most of his paintings were little bigger then about 6 foot square.
  7. Man, Portal's a tough little cookie. Got a good sense of humour too. "Please vacate the test chamber. Prolonged exposure to 'The Button' is not part of the current test parameters."
  8. Updating now. Nintendo been very busy today.
  9. Oh gawd, it's PGR4-uproar all over again.
  10. Did anyone have any idea that Nintendo would have so much for E4All? No wonder E3 seemed so quiet. I was totally unprepared for all of this.
  11. This morning is a good morning to be a Wii owner.
  12. I am... pleased.
  13. Now decrypting Portal & Ep 2.
  14. A decent Wii line up I think. I'm still gagging for more Battalion Wars info.
  15. This is worth seeing if you need the current rivalries to be put into some perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SXbGDcMeo8
  16. Why are some people hating this season? This the most exciting season we've had in well over a decade. All this "whining" and foul play is nothing new to F1 and is nothing that every other sport doesn't deal with every day. It just seems all over the place because there's so much interest and so much at stake.
  17. Can we hang someone in a well, because if one of them was armed and they had a fight, that's slightly suspicious, no?
  18. Does this indicate that it's these two who are trapped in the well?
  19. Peggle truly is one of the finest action-puzzle games I've ever played. It'll suck your life away, but still.
  20. Pro Evo is not to football games what HL2 and it's Orange-Box buddies is to video gaming itself. Pro Evo is a pretty good footballing video game. One of a number. HL2, TF2 and Portal are rare singularities in the medium of video games itself.
  21. Jordan's right Hobbz - holding the next Pro Evo instalment over something like The Orange Box would be like saying watching Scrubs repeats on TV is better then seeing James Cameron's Aliens on the big screen with that girl you always fancied. And the popcorn is fantastic.
  22. TF2 is beautiful. It's like an elaborate puzzle - individually none of the pieces make much sense, but when placed together it reveals itself as beautifully composed landscape of orgasmic cartoon violence.
  23. Think though: He wouldn't dump the body outside his own house though, would he? Like I said, he didn't kill Shino in this instance, but Shino investigating him twice tends to suggest that he was up to something that wasn't on.
  24. Personally I'm equally stoked for both.
  25. Hamilton I think has been pretty edgy in the traditional F1 context, and it is also part of why he's such a breath of fresh air. He's less of a team player and more of an old fashioned racer. Get in his way and it won't matter who you're driving for, he'll cheerfully rip your wheels off without a second glance. Very Senna-esque in my view. As for Brazil, I think Alonso's experience will make up the points difference, and I think he's learned not to underestimate Hamilton. In a straight fight I think Hamilton can still out-punch him though.
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