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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. No, don't sate your lust for revenge, it can only lead to more fighting. Take the middle way to spirtual elightenment.
  2. Everything's just a rumour until I see it on my TV screen. Richard Hammond isn't even an F1 fan is he?
  3. Ok, just to prise it out of the HWYD thread: Windfarms. They've been out and about causing arguments again. Some think they're a nescerry piece of green energy technology, while others reckon they're an impractical eyesore. What do you think? Personally, I think they are a nescerry piece, but only a piece, of the green energy puzzle. Obviously they're never going to produce all the energy we need by themselves, but it'd still be foolish not to use them where possible (and resonable, I might add). I'd like to see more examples of other green energy tech being researched and built. Wave generators, for example.
  4. He writes some proper weird stuff. Good stuff too.
  5. Sometimes I'll buy a jar of nutella and just eat the whole thing with a spoon.
  6. Jesus. A win finally but 2 goals from 11 chances is poor. The new boy is doing well though.
  7. That would be one of mine.
  8. Can't have been though, ITV terminated their own contract two years early. They claim it was a "commercial decision" but with the resurgence if F1s popularity, especially in Britain, it just doesn't make "commecial" sense on the face of things. MPs are already questioning exactly how much the BBC actually coughed up for it.
  9. I did that once. Caught sight of a Maxim cover while walking along, cost a small fortune having that kid's eye treated for brusing. Also based on what Letty's told us you'd just spend the whole day accidentally knocking over office equipment and poking holes in the double glazing.
  10. Is this David Goosen, the malfunctioning marketing droid who told 64 owners to look forward to a "great christmas" with Mario Party 3?
  11. Get some posters of your favourite characters and half-naked men up, you'll feel right at home in no time. Works for me anyway.
  12. Oh fan fraking tastic. I wonder if they'll bring back the old theme tune too? Interesting decision by ITV to drop it, I wonder what prompted that? While I am glad to see it back on the good ol' Beeb, as Murray Walker said, I figured they were doing a pretty solid job.
  13. This is probably the first I've agreed with everything he's said, the only exception being I rather enjoyed Halo.
  14. What kind of psycho? Steam cooked house pets, midnight penis amputation or pouring hydrcloric acid on percieved emotional rivals?
  15. New Police Story Jackie Chan beats up some crazed gunmen in Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had. Project A Jackie Chan beats up some pirates in colonial Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had. Project A Part II Jackie Chan beats up some corrupt police officers in colonial Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had. Armour of God 2: Operation Condor Jackie Chan beats up some mercernies in the sahara. Much hilarity is had. Jackie!/My noodles!
  16. I'm still up for it, though I'm away from my Xbox for Easter, so I won't be avilable for another week and a half. If everyone else is raring to go though, just drop me from the losers brawl if I'm not around, I'd probably only loose anyway.
  17. You mean the newpapers have been lying to blow up an otherwise pointless and mundane story? Who'd have thunk it?
  18. Agggh! I just don't understand. Every match so far I've dominated on possesion and shooting, and I'm still coming away empty handed.
  19. "Plot" seems seems far too strong a word in this case.
  20. Without going into any specifics, Spring seems to be idiot season. Mind you, every season seems to be idiot season.
  21. *crosses fingers* Newinhousestarfox, Newinhousestarfox, newinhousestarfox....
  22. Yes, but Ep 3 was so shittacular overall it's difficult to tell.
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