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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. *Wakes up covered in sticky fluid* Gah, thanks you guys.
  2. I've been thinking about doing the same, though only because all the clubs and pickup joints around here are shite.
  3. We should get together. Have a photo shoot. Page 3 tomorrow morning, I'm telling ya'.
  4. But are they not then giving away a lot of their own personal freedom just to get away from making their own decisions?
  5. Yes, but surely finding your own direction might be better then joining an organisation where it is dictated to you?
  6. Yes. I find it slightly insidious.
  7. Armed forces service is really something I'd personally only consider in serious circumstances, like if I had completely fallen of the social ladder or we were all being drafted anyway because of WWIII or something. My advice to you would be to think it over. By the sounds of things you're in a funk because you're not sure what to do, and I suspect you'd be much happier once you've found what you need in your Uni education.
  8. Yep, looks like it could destroy the party. Dear god though, don't vote Tory, they'll just be the same but worse.
  9. Just press the buttons. You can get away with just mashing left or right really.
  10. Yes, I was rather pleased with that one. Jordan a mod. Those were the days.
  11. I've played Astro Boy. The story is actually not bad all told, very much in the franchises running theme of man's relationships with robots and vice versa. The game's so bloomin hard though I haven't been able to finish it.
  12. Is it just me, or is it that 360's always seem to break down around about the same time as a major release of some kind?
  13. Eternal Darkness. That was a good one. Excellent voice acting as well.
  14. I absolutely agree with you, Mass Effects joy is found in it's characters and sub plots. Though I'm not yet very far through it, The World Ends With You is a remarkably enthralling tale, but I'll have to wait to see how some of the characters play out before passing final judgement. A slightly odd piece of dialogue or two in there as well. "The proof is in the pudding... of their doom!" On another side note, CoD4 is an odd little gem. The story itself isn't really up to much (Arabs, communists, nuclear weapons, time running out you get the picture) but the way it's told is simply astounding.
  15. The Star Wars arcade game was pretty funking awesome.
  16. Oh god, it's just so dreary and cold, I just want to hide in bed and pretend the outside world doesn't exist. Grah, where's that toffee ice cream?
  17. "The proof is in the pudding... of their doom!"
  18. I'm still predicting a June 6th release date after what Nintendo's head man in France said (also Amazon recently changed the estimated delivery date to the 3rd-5th, which is oddly specific to say the least). It's still a complete mystery though as to why they've neglected to officially even pencil in some kind of date.
  19. There's a repeat Saturday evenings.
  20. Earning PP points for not playing the game is an interesting dynamic.
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