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Everything posted by Kav

  1. The only thing that interests, and will annoy, me is how the Neo will effect competitive online multiplayer gaming. If it gives Neo gamers an advantage, then I'd be pissed off.
  2. [tweet]773476214765981696[/tweet] Worth a read @Ronnie, it may ease any annoyance about Neo.
  3. It may well be around 50/50 in opinion. I've seen both for and against in similar quantities across the net. One thing I feel it does do is make PC gaming more appealing.
  4. The XBO situation has been turned around to some degree, fairly well too really considering how it initially started. Sure, it's still getting outsold by PS4 overall, but it does sometimes outsell the PS4 in the States some months, which is quite the thing to do! It's just that in Europe and Japan, especially, it's not competing. I think Nintendo will be ok revealing the NX this late, as long as they market it as a handheld primarily. If they market it as a home unit you can take with you, it'll be ignored somewhat in favour of the new consoles and VR, but if put-forward as a handheld you can play on the TV then people's mindset will see it separately somewhat to the other consoles. I think it has to be judged against the DS & 3DS to be considered a success or not.
  5. I've enjoyed the first two issues of Red Hoodand the Outlaws (Rebirth). I'm still not thinking much of Bats, Supes and Justice League though... I just don't see why they dropped the Rebirth stuff without explanation. Iron Man was good, I like how Marvel tie all the comics together even though they have their own storylines. It's done so much better!
  6. I'm still praying the thing will have Party Chat at OS level. That's pretty much all the info I'm desperate for.
  7. Haha, yeah, there is always that danger! I reckon my Ant & Dec idea above could work though. You could also have Ant gaming on his NX on the go outside somewhere whilst playing against Dec who's sat at home playing on the TV on his. I'd say it's rather simple of thought about for a few seconds... unlike the WiiU ads, I'm sure no thought went in to them! :p
  8. I mentioned this in another thread, they need the celebrity adverts back like they had for Wii and DS. Something like the below maybe:
  9. I'll not watch it myself, but here's a 2 hour video from them:
  10. I don't use any extra storage on any of my consoles at all.
  11. Pokémon Go makes it into Marvel's Amazing Spider-Man:
  12. Marvel are knocking it out of the park with their comics compared to DC Rebirth I feel. Spider-Man (both Parker and Morales comics), Iron Man and Civil War II (of those I'm reading) in particular are amazing! On a side note, loved this in the latest Amazing Spider-Man:
  13. Buy David Luiz for £21m. Sell him for £50m. Buy him back for £30m. I like him but he will almost always make at least one HUGE error during a game!
  14. You should've seen me snipe in Call of Duty! I'm no slouch with a pad myself, members on here can attest to that, but with the Wiimote I was beating guys at close range who used even a sub-machine gun on a regular basis. It was insanely unfair when I used a sniper rifle on CoD.
  15. I disagree. If the controls are fully customisable then the level of control at which you can set it up as is crazy-good! On Black Ops on the Wii, I had the controls set up so that I could just swiftly point at an enemy and be as precise as any other control method. The difference was, I could aim at that person more quickly thanks to the pointer. I had an almost non-existent bounding-box so I didn't need to stray far from the centre of the screen to turn, the sensitivity was perfect, the speed of camera movement was perfect. The unsteadiness of the arm argument gets me, how are you guys playing these games? Do you hold your hands out whilst pointing? I sat in my chair, my arms wrested on each leg and only moved with the slightest of twitches from my wrist. It was as stable as can be, pixel bloody perfect. Of course, the game has to allow you to have PLENTY of control when customising the set-up. The wider the range of parameters, the more finely tuned it can be.
  16. It's a problem both ways, you criticise and are met with snide comments too. The fact we're all on here says something in regards to us being Nintendo fans though @Ronnie. I love their games but feel let down with decisions they make with regards to some of them and with regards to their hardware for not enabling us Nintendo fans, and my friends, to game online together socially. As a life-long Nintendo fan, I feel I've every right to talk about this on a discussion forum. I feel Nintendo aren't catering to all those that have stood by them all this time. It's why, barring the Wii, their sales have dropped with each gen.
  17. That's the only thing I really noticed, that the colours look a little washed out. Still looked great to me though.
  18. I thought that games looked great on the Gamepad and played almost exclusively on it... am I half blind to have thought this?
  19. They just need call any new revisions Nintendo Sports/Fit etc. Get rid of the Wii moniker but keep the series. I'm happy for them to have motion controls but feel that they shouldn't have Wiimotes compatible with it. To distance itself from the Wii branding further. FPS pointer-control is still outrageously good!
  20. Antigua, Cocos is the hotel. We're both a little sunburnt today, even after applying a lot of factor 50!
  21. I liked Unlimited Blade Works. It's nothing to write home about but it certainly is enjoyable and the animation is great!
  22. @Hero\-of\-Time, I can't believe you referred to his Mrs as his Toad plushie! :p
  23. COD is selling brilliantly still, over 22 millions copies of Black Ops 3 sold and DLC selling more than ever. It's still very much a powerhouse!
  24. Nah, the scars on my chest probably stop me from reaching that level... thanks though! The view from where we eat... Just below where we eat... ...scars on my chest, ouch! This moment, right now...
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