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Everything posted by Kav

  1. What I take from the question is this: 1. Home console on the go: A fairly powerful device, similar in fidelity to the PS4 & XBO and you can take the controller with you as the portable. 2. Portable plug in at home: A powerful portable, not as powerful as the PS4 & XBO, similar to WiiU. Can play it on TV, not necessarily with any upscaling. I'd like a hybrid in the sense that it's both of the above, So the NX is two devices that are actually one console. The first device is the "portable" part of the device and is where you insert the cartridges. It's a fairly powerful machine, powerful for a portable for sure, at least allowing enough for a relatively decent battery too. When playing at home, you detach the controllers and connect the portable to the second part of the device, the "dock", which is the Supplementary Computing Device we saw the patent for. So the two devices combined form the "home console" which then has increased power in the same breadth as the other consoles and more functions/features. So the handheld has similar features to the 3DS, but when plugged into the dock it's range of features increase... Party Chat, Netflix, game recording/streaming etc. What you'd expect from a home console basically. So I've voted for home console on the go.
  2. My reaction depends on Party Chat. I so hope it'll be a joyous reaction, I don't want to think about not having Nintendo in my life anymore.
  3. Smash: Melee - everything just felt so right in this game. Mario Kart: 64 - I preferred the battle mode to racing, Block Fort was an epic stage. I needn't say any more. When the games were out, online wasn't the big thing it is now and my friends and I all still lived locally and so split-screen multiplayer was still a thing for me. With the later games my friends and I all lived apart and so there was no more split-screen gaming for me and online was the big thing... and Nintendo have only let me down when it comes to online gaming so there was no chance for their other games to beat the above two.
  4. What time is the reveal at today @Serebii? :p
  5. A boy of 8 and girl of 5. I think they wanted to play just because I had the console and they'd not been on one before. I'm not too sure why they preferred the other games over these, they just didn't seem enthralled by the WiiU games at all and appear to have much more fun on the other games. They both do love building stuff in Minecraft though, they're quite creative in that respect, the girl is always making stuff out of anything, bottles, boxes, card etc. The lad has said before how when we're out and about he looks for buildings he likes the look of and then mixes their features together in his mind for him to then build them in Minecraft... he loves the TV program Grand Designs so it's that creativeness that brings out their enjoyment. I think their gaming started with the Wii and a PS3. They had Mario Kart Wii and the Disney Infinity game as well as some others that aren't really worth a mention (shovel-ware). It was only those two of note. I'm not sure about what games were there on the PS3 as it was their Dad's.
  6. I'm so tempted but I'm waiting on the NX reveal. It'll be one or the other methinks.
  7. I set mine up last weekend after my girlfriend's kids asked me to... after a bit of SM3DW, Rayman, MK8 and Splatoon they quickly wanted to go back to Minecraft, Rocket League and Battlefront on the Xbox One. Are Nintendo losing their appeal to kids?
  8. Why is Mario cupping Miyamoto's balls?! I thought Nintendo were a family friendly company?!
  9. My favourite pastime at the mo is asking Nintendo about the NX at every opportunity... here's my favourite... [tweet]786265188798439425[/tweet] [tweet]786306982168956929[/tweet]
  10. Scratch & Sniff gaming rearing its head again confirmed! :p
  11. Don't get me wrong @Serebii, I do actually hope you were right the first time!
  12. From these posts... ...to these posts... ...is back-tracking. You've gone from practically smugly certain, to now being perhaps 50/50.
  13. True, haha. Well I deleted it at Serebii's request as I don't actively want to upset people.
  14. @Serebii knows just as much as us. It's why he won't say anything that holds any merit. If he did he'd say whether it's a full reveal or just an announcement of when the reveal will be or whatever else.
  15. Just when I think I might be done with Superman, Justice League and Batman, the Flash throws this out there... Wally West, the button that Batman has... I can't stop buying the others now, can I?
  16. When you say all, do you mean a full reveal?
  17. Most likely fake I imagine, but still, better than silence... [tweet]786081723759099904[/tweet]
  18. He's not suggesting you shouldn't prefer them. His post clearly explains why he said what he said.
  19. @Sheikah not even MK8? Granted, it's a total different aesthetic, but still...
  20. "Shoddy" porting was thanks to Nintendo making the architecture so different to the others though. It's Nintendo's problem, not 3rd Parties'. If the architecture is similar then, irrespective of power, porting will be simple enough; less time consuming, less costly and will allow for a better quality of port. Nintendo only have themselves to blame!
  21. The WiiU as a home console hardware unit is 3rd rate. The online infrastructure is part and parcel with the hardware itself, it's a feature OF the hardware. It's architecture is too wildly different to the other home consoles, it's not the "lack of power" that's the problem (this immediately pushes 3rd parties away by creating a barrier of entry). Not even Nintendo themselves could really sell the value of the Gamepad. All the above were Nintendo's decisions. It's Nintendo that ruined it, nobody else!
  22. Yeah, reading. It's one of the best things I've read, the story possibilities going forward that this chapter opens up... oh boy!
  23. If this is the case, it's not a selling point to me. A full hybrid would be though. Part of me wonders if it may be that some games will see the full game played both on the go and on the dock and other games will have full experience on the dock but a lesser experience on the go (not likely to play the full Just Dance experience on the go, for example).
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