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Everything posted by Kav

  1. On Echoes, is the case that you either find the Boost Guardian hard and the Spider Guardian pretty easy or the Spider Guardian Hard and the Boost Guardian a bit easy..? The hard one for me was the Boost Guardian, I never had the slightest problem with the Spider Guardian.
  2. Kav


    Wow, I'm going to China! Haha
  3. Kav


    Why is it always a time that makes it even worse when they decide to cheat on you too? I was seeing a girl a couple years ago, I thought I loved the girl, of course it's the person I thought she was that I actually was in love with. Anyhow, my Dad had a heart attack while we were together, on halloween. We had planned on going out that night but of course I went to the hospital as soon as I had heard. She knew of this but still chose to cheat on me that night. She told me after we had broken up a few months later. Cutting any ties is the best way to get past it, it really is!
  4. Kav


    I'm sure it's all been said, but cut all ties that you have with her! Seriously, it's the best thing for you to do. It gives you the time you need to think and reflect on things without her influence on you during that time... that's what you need right now.
  5. Right, I've caught up! I'm at this point too now... I have to say, I am absolutely LOVING this manga! Everyone that hasn't read Bloody Monday really should, it's great!
  6. Yeah it's great, I'm up to episode 30 now, I just don't want to put it down! It's awesome, best thing I've read since Death Note!
  7. I've a friend that had never played any Metroid game, whenever I mentioned a Metroid game he always said "it's not my type of game" even though he knew absolutely nothing about them... and I mean nothing! It used to really annoy me how he'd judge the games without knowing anything about them and simply saying "it's not my type of game". Well recently he bought Shadow Complex on his 360 and he's loving that. Having heard the comparisons to Super Metroid in reviews etc he thought he'd give the Prime Trilogy a go... ...lately I've been getting regular text messages off him saying things along the line of "oh my god, this game is amazing, I can't believe I never listened to you and just played one of them. I see why you say this is one of the best games you've ever played". He is now looking to get Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion for his DS and Super Metroid from the Virtual Console. Such is the power of Metroid! Haha
  8. Having read this post I thought I'd have a look at Bloody Monday, so today I've read the first 15 chapters and I have to say; it's awesome! It's not engrossed me like Death Note had by this stage but I really am enjoying it thoroughly and, as bolded above, I'd recommend it to anyone!
  9. After seeing that I'm all the more interested in this! It's looking pretty good so far!
  10. You found the secret room?! Where is it? How'd you find it?! :p
  11. I agree with Killer Kirby, I thought that Twilight Princess was amazing; the temple designs were fantastic! For me it easily stands alongside Wind Waker and Majora's Mask, easily!
  12. I noticed that Samus' arm cannon doesn't frost over when charging the ice-beam, which I kinda miss, but I hadn't noticed any other downgrades. Still, it's so good to play Prime with Wii Controls! Man I love that they released this!
  13. This is the best piece of advice I read on here. I'd have maybe first spoken to your ex and let her know you'd be bringing a girl so it's not a surprise to her when you turn up. Although as you say, it's sorted now anyhow!
  14. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm definitely going through court and there's no way I'm signing the form. £5k is nothing compared to what I could get. The funny thing is that is was totally unprovoked, nobody has any idea why it happened, none whatsoever! He was drunk and had been sniffing cocaine from what I hear, the guy is simply a tool! Haha
  15. Well my job situation is all of a sudden a bit, well, strange! I've been working for a company for about 17 months, I enjoyed working there as my colleagues were amongst some of the best I've ever worked with! I've made some very good friends there. A couple weeks ago the company owner asks if he can chat with me outside of the sales floor. Of course I go to chat. When I get outside the room the owner turns around and suddenly grabs me by the throat and starts strangling me, completely making it impossible for me to breathe. He then slams me up against the wall and hits my head off it a couple times. He then pulls me toward him and throws me against the opposite wall, then punches me in the side of the head twice. He goes for a third but I duck it. of course I ask what the fuck is going on to which he just starts shouting "get out of my fucking building" and repeatedly telling me to get out. So I start to make my way out with him pushing me, as I get to the stairs he kicks me down them, luckily I keep my balance and don't tumble down them. I then leave the building thinking; what the hell just happened... why the hell did that just happen?! So I call the police and he books a flight out of the country and is yet to return. The company tell me I'm still employed by them and they don't expect me in until they've spoken to the owner to try and find out why it happened. Now this weekend I get a letter from the company's solicitor with a "contract" they'd like for me to sign which will mean I leave my job and drop all charges and claims against the owner and company. They will pay me £5000 as a payout for the termination of employment. So now I need to get a solicitor and a new job I guess! I can't believe I've been forced out of a job by violence! The police have witness statements, photos of the injuries he caused and they'll soon have a copy of the solicitor's letter. I'm taking this guy to the cleaners!
  16. I couldn't care if they wrapped it in used toilet paper, I'd still buy the fucking thing!!!
  17. I don't get this turning problem, I don't have a problem with it at all!
  18. The thing is, COD3 and COD:WaW both sold fairly well on the Wii, so why release a 2yr old game the same day it's sequel is out?! It'd make more sense to release COD:MW2, it'd sell more than this will!!!
  19. That's taking the piss! The absolute piss (sorry for saying guys)! Activision can suck my balls (once again, sorry for saying)! Disgusting is the optimum word!
  20. You know what? I'm in agreement! We're getting a 2yr old game the same day it's sodding sequel comes out! That's a joke! If they sell this at full price it's also an insult! Why couldn't they just let Treyarch handle Modern Warfare 2 for the Wii?! Why go for the first?!
  21. If we don't have to pay to play and this gets WiiSpeak for the western release, I'll get it... by God I'll get it!
  22. Poor controls, shoddy frame-rate and an awful camera! Oh and turned based games. I just can't stand them!
  23. I think I'll be passing on this one, simply as I've played it to death on the 360. It's such a shame that it's not Modern Warfare 2 as I'd have snapped that up over the other console iterations due to Wii controls!
  24. I see why people say the game is uninspired and yes, it's art is poor but come on, this controls so well it really does make up for it! It just makes it fun, very fun, to play and who doesn't play games for fun?! Anyhoo, I've just finished the campaign, I played it on the hardest difficulty, which gave it a bit of a challenge and I loved it! Just because it's a "corridor shooter" it doesn't make it a bad game. It makes it different from most other FPS games out there and also feels like a "throw-back" to the Goldeneye era, which I thought was great! Can't wait to get this online once I get my broadband in!
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