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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I think that if you treat this as a 2D game and play as you'd normally play a 2D game then it's much more enjoyable. If you play as though you would a normal 3D game then the D-pad controls hamper the experience somewhat. Even when you're in the open environments, if you treat it as though it was still 2D (if you understand what I mean) then it's great!
  2. If you do get the Wii version you'll pretty much always have someone to game with... it's pretty certain that myself and Zechs will put some major time into the game! I hope we get a good number of N-E'rs on the game. I'd love for an [N-E] Clan to dominate online! Haha
  3. My shopping list for the Wii this year is: CoD: Black Ops Goldeneye DKCR I might pick up Epic Mickey too but I'm not too sure just yet.
  4. I can't wait for this game! It's seems to be that there are only a few people on the forum interested in the Wii version though... which is a bit disappointing as I was hoping for a fairly large [N-E] clan so that there's normally always a few of you knocking about to wage war on randoms! Haha
  5. Get the Classic Controller Pro for sure!
  6. Still, looking at his post, it has merit. It's a discussion thread about the move, so he posts the figures and compares it to that of a competitor product. Why not discuss that as opposed to slate him? That's being childish!
  7. Awesome news! She really annoyed me. I mean she REALLY annoyed me!
  8. He's not said anything off though. It's fair to compare the two really, they do offer similar experiences. My post, as below, could be viewed as more antagonising than Zech's. He's simply posted figures and compared them, he's not slated anything or anyone in any way. I remember the days when these forums didn't have the hatred.
  9. Wow, Zechs only makes a comparison between two similar product launches and gets abused. Gotta love fanboyism!
  10. Given the calls of trolling I decided to look through the whole thread as well as E3 '09 & '10 threads in relation to the Move. In each thread there's a fair bit if bashing of the wiimote and wii motion+ even in Move promos themselves so I'd say Zech's post is entirely relevant to the thread as a whole. Given the hype people have seemed to have had over Move I'd have to agree that they're disappointing numbers. For a new hardware that has been reasonably pushed from a marketing standpoint and in which they blatantly mock the competition, the first week sales figures are abysmal. Edit: Wesley, I've seen plenty of advertising. Tv, magazines, newspapers, posters on buses and at metrolink stops. There has been a fairly big push behind it... I'm quite surprised you haven seen any.
  11. I'd argue against that though, I loved the extra challenge. Hard Mode is easily the best way to play this game!
  12. I'm getting the Wii version for sure, the controls seal the deal for me... I'm getting it with the headset too! [N-E] clan for the win!
  13. I'm a Chelsea fan so I can say this without being biased toward either team... United absolutely dominated Liverpool for about 60 minutes of the 90. Liverpool were the better team for about 10 minutes and the other 20 minutes were fairly even.
  14. Nebulous fits though considering they're in space... lol
  15. This is so true! If it wasn't for CCTV showing that me and my mate got jumped I'd be in jail right now!
  16. Not that I'm aware of. It was after we had been out drinking, outside the bar, my friend was getting a lift from his girlfriend and when she pulled up, he got in the car and then they started giving us shit. After not paying attention my friends said they'd give me a lift but as he got out of the car to move the seat so I could get in they just rushed us. More fools them to be fair, we were the ones that ended up laughing although my mate got his nose broken. By the end of the scuffle 2 of them were out cold and the rest asked us to stop beating on them. My friend and I waited for the police to arrive and told them everything. The lads couldn't say anything as they knew they were in the wrong. I've had a similar situation before where me and a friend got jumped by four lads. They had said we had thrown pizza at them, yet we both had full pizzas with us, missing no pieces. We won that fight too and left only for the police to stop us on the way home and say that the lads had said we jumped them. We recounted the events of what happened and the police let us go.
  17. I know, I will get round to reading it for sure! Which I also need to do with season 2 of Bloody Monday... for some reason I stopped reading it after about 5 chapters but I will definitely get back into it. I must admit, I've been a bit lame with the old manga reading as of late. I've only been keeping up to date with Naruto and One Piece lately. I think it's because my laptop broke and I've been using my phone to do all my internet stuff on! Haha
  18. I got locked up in Bangkwang prison, Thailand, for a week under suspicion of smuggling... that was an experience! I've also had a Decective Sargeant from CID come to my house, take me to the police station where I had to give a tape-recorded interview regarding a fight I had been in a couple nights before. 7 lads jumped me and my mate and we ended up winning. Turns out I had put one of them in a coma after he suffered a brain hemorrhage... oops! Luckily it was all caught on CCTV and showed them jumping us so it was deemed self defence and I didn't have to suffer any punishment. I've been a witness to a hit and run too but that's not exactly having a run in with them.
  19. Avatar is simply Disney's Pocahontas but in space! It's dump!
  20. Kav


    Frasier is comedic genius! I love it!
  21. I've watched the anime but not read the manga so I can't comment on how faithful it stays to it. I can however say that even so, the anime is an absolute must watch. It is definitely amongst my favourite anime!
  22. I find this to be the case too. I've already played it through twice, once on normal and once on hard and yet I want to play it again already!
  23. I've finished the game on Hard Mode and must say that I enjoyed it even more the second time round. I liked the added challenge that Hard Mode gave. All in all, I loved it. I wouldn't say it stands up to the best in the series (Super and Prime) but it certainly earns it's place within this outstanding series and is every bit as good as it's other counterparts. If I were to rate the game I'd give it an 8.9/10
  24. You know what you should do Lostmario, you know what you should do! N-E
  25. So who is getting this and enrolling in the N-Europe Clan? I certainly am! I'll be rolling with the N-E Clan for sure!
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