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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'll be back on tonight, any chance you may still be about for BF4 after the MK League @lostmario?
  2. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    They should change the series to Smash Kart, have the full-fledged racing as they already do but also concentrate and put some damn effort into Battle-mode, shift other Nintendo characters in and be done with it if theyre wanting to introduce characters from other series. In regards to the DLC, I think I'm not going to buy it... I just don't have any interest in putting more money into the game as I don't have an interest or a want to play the game at all. Would've been so different had they included a good Battle-mode or at least a relatively decent online set-up/voice-chat.
  3. I lived this game, completed it over the course of a week or two. Never at one point did I find it a slog!
  4. Same again tonight guys..? From half 8 maybe?
  5. I just want to take a little moment to say "this forum". It makes me chuckle greatly at times so I wanted to give it a nod in this thread!
  6. The more you go on the more it makes me laugh @Sheikah, yes, just because of the images being babyish and yes, simply because it keeps popping into my head that if someone asked what you were looking at or where the picture was from you'd be too embarrassed to say "from a Nintendo computer game". As opposed to it being, let's say, fantasy football... yes, because what simply runs through my mind is you being like "I'm a man, I like football. Thats ok." It just makes me chuckle. If you re-read my posts I just say I find it funny and say why after you asked. I'm not saying Serebii is right that people are embarrassed to buy and play the games.
  7. I'm not saying Serebii is right, I'm saying it's funny that you specifically pick out that it's babyish and that's not the right image for work when it's also not the right image if you had a hulking space marine like a Gears of War character or a Master Chief or something... that's not the right image too, hell, there's no right image because you're in work and shouldn't be on the internet! So I found it funny because as opposed to just saying how it's unprofessional you picked out how it's babyish... probably because of embarrassment, not actually out of being worried over looking simply unprofessional, "I don't want to look kiddy too" screamed out in my mind and it made me chuckle.
  8. The thing is, browsing the internet at work is unprofessional as it is, with babyish characters or not. That he's pointing out it being babyish specifically is what makes me laugh after his comments to Serebii.
  9. Definitely @lostmario, definitely up for some!
  10. Anyone fancy a few games on this tonight with @Sexual Chocolate?
  11. The two words that spring to mind most on this game: "must have".
  12. What confuses me about @Blade is that he can figure out the stupid and convoluted way of adding friends on the Nintendo consoles (friend codes on the Wii, the stupid way of having to do it when the WiiU first came out) but he cannot figure out how to send me a friend request on the PS4. Oh my word Blade! Oh. My. Word! Blade, I will never send you a friend request on the PS4. If you want to be PS4 fwends then you have to figure this out. Guys, please don't help him, he needs to cross this bridge on his own!
  13. The story has finally started interesting me a little I'm up to
  14. Urgh, don't get me started on CoD campaigns, they're awful too! Well, CoD4 was enjoyable but after that they've been tripe! Still, I find that this game is completely overrated. I do think people only make a fuss over it because of the writing, the actual gameplay itself isn't that good, it's not as fun as CoD.
  15. This game bores me... I just don't get why people rave about it so much. The narrative is good but the characters aren't interesting enough for me to care about it and the gameplay isn't much at all. I find that I can't be arsed playing it after a little while, I just find it dull.
  16. Haha, PSN is down the day @Blade gets his PS4!
  17. Girl D - Date 1 So she wasn't as pretty as Girl B (out of this world good looking) or Girl C... and she's not actually as good looking as her pictures (not far off, but the camera likes her)... but we had a good date never the less. We went for a drink, had a good chat and a laugh and we had a little dance too... and holy shit guys, can this girl move! An amazing figure I must say, but the way it moves! Shit man, it was mesmerising! So yeah, after the little dance I thought that this girl is worth seeing again. She must like me as she pretty much pounced on me to kiss me before the end of the night. Oh man, that body, the way it moves... wow! Will see again! So far, I'd say I like Girl B most. Followed by Girl C&D probably the same, for different reasons, haha. I've still got another 4 first dates to get out of the way, but given that these last 3 seem to have gone well I think I'll trim the list... cull the heard! Haha (I'm only joking when I say it like that).
  18. No @lostmario, no! Get Destiny upon release! Problems won't be much at all give that there's been an Alpha & Beta!
  19. The multiplayer in Pikmin 3 is what brings about the freshness in that game. When you go online and group up with... oh no, wait.
  20. It's not fantastic, falls short of the promise they hyped, but I'm enjoying it more than I am The Last of Us after roughly equal amount of game time with each.
  21. Girl C - Date 1 Date went well, we got on and said we'll go out again next week... so I'll have to arrange that around my 2nd date with Girl B too as we've said we'd go out next week. It almost didn't go quite smoothly though... I arrived at the place we were meeting about 5 minutes prior to her arrival and this girl turns around at the bar and looks at me... "Kav"... oh well that's great, it's only another one of the girls I'm chatting to! Shit! This girl I'm about to meet is only seconds away and now this. So I tell her I'm on a date one of my friends had set up that I couldn't say no to, she wishes me luck and sits down what ends up being two tables away from us! Awkward! Haha Guess I'll not be seeing her now, haha! I've another date tonight too, we'll see how that unfolds. Jesus... I'm a serial dater (I do love a date).
  22. Not according to the developers and Activision, so say IGN... http://trib.al/b7Q8MIc
  23. This One Piece arc is so damn good, another great chapter!
  24. The controls are unbelievable, so bloody good!
  25. That second goal was fantastic, Cesc is a fantastic addition to the team... Arsenal absolutely should've taken him back! Glad they didn't mind, haha. What the clip doesn't show is the full 25 pass build up.
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