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Everything posted by Kav

  1. That was awesome! Much better than what they showed at E3. I invested in this console at just the right time!
  2. This. Is. Amazing. You alright mucker? I hope you managed to get out ok..?
  3. Does nobody use the stand for the Gamepad? I love the Gamepad, it could be a little more ergonomic but it feels good in my hand, the weight doesn't bother me, it's size isn't an issue (I posted pics before showing how it fits in my hand perfectly), I love being able to lie on my back and use the screen on it to game and the analogue sticks/button layout is perfect on it! The PS4 pad is very comfortable in the palm of the hand, but I do have issues elsewhere with it. The coating on the analogue sticks isn't grippy enough (I've noticed whilst playing BF4), the analogue sticks are in the worst place possible and the analogue triggers are too short, they need to be longer, my fingers rest half on/half off the triggers, not sitting in the grooves. The WiiU is quieter than the PS4 for sure and the UI is cleaner much more appealing to the eye... but it's just so damn slow! It's like the stupid, better looking brother of the incredibly smart but average looking PS4 UI. Of all the games coming out I'm still looking forward to Zelda more than any other. You just don't get better than Zelda!
  4. Haha, I do love how opinions can vary so much. The storyline is good but it's similar to things done before, post apocalyptic world etc (although I LOVE the take on the source of the "outbreak"), the dialogue is mediocre, if it was a film it wouldn't be all that. It's been very predictable up until now and this is supposed to be the games strength in people's view. Ellie's been a little interesting so far but Tess and Joe especially I just don't care for at all. Hopefully that'll change as I progress but so far I'm not arsed at all about the character I'm playing as. It's the gameplay itself that I deem the substance in games and the gameplay in The Last of Us to me feel a little "loose", something just doesn't sit right with me, it feels lightweight.
  5. It's funny, having a PS4 now makes me even more angry that Nintendo just can't make a decent console and skip features that were standard last generation... and yet at the same time it makes me appreciate that Nintendo make some damn fine games! I'm playing The Last of Us, bear in mind in not far in, but it feels very meh so far, going for style over substance. It just doesn't feel like a patch on a Zelda, 3D Mario or Metroid. I'm going to reserve judgement until I've finished it but as much as I've played so far doesn't feel as good as the same amount of time into other games.
  6. Yeah good games! It's slightly too slow paced for my liking but I did enjoy it and will definitely play more. Granted I've not played much of the single player, I'm only up to
  7. Just something as simple as talking whilst on differet games makes all the difference... god damn Nintendo are backwards!
  8. The WiiU Turtle Beach NLa headset works. When I first tried it for some reason the mic wasn't working but it worked fine last night.
  9. Haha, yes! Not sure how I managed to post in here.
  10. It was good @Fierce_LiNk, I was hearing you crystal clear. They were some good games tonight with @Cookyman too, I had a blast, thanks guys! I played a few games on my own too, I'm slowly picking it up as I go and ending most games positively now. Man I've missed Battlefield!!!
  11. Scratch my earlier comment, the Turtle Beach Earforce NLa does work. Awesome!
  12. I played a bit of Battlefield 4 last night (until 5am, haha), man I was terrible. I have to stop playing like I would CoD, it's been a long while since I played Battlefield. At this point I'd safely say, the analogue sticks on the DS4 are completely in the wrong position and the WiiU pads are better for FPS games, but still, no Battlefield on WiiU. One thing I did try, the Turtle Beach NLa headset. The sound comes through very nicely as it did on the WiiU but I don't think it picked up my mic at all (no, it wasn't muted). I could hear my squadmates but they couldn't hear me, we'll have to verify sometime guys. I may have to pick up another headset!
  13. Kav

    Watch Dogs

    None. I was the same for Xenoblade, hardly did any side-quests in that.
  14. Kav

    Watch Dogs

    The more I play this the more I enjoy it. I've not even began to do the side missions yet too, I'll have plenty to do in this game. I love the hacking aspect!
  15. I've played the first. I play according to my mood at the time, it's not likely that I'll play it through more than once. I don't care for good/bad endings or anything of the sort.
  16. Picked up a copy for 50p after trading in some games (mentioned in PS4 General Thread).
  17. Picked my copy up for 50p after trading in some games (mentioned in PS4 General Thread).
  18. Just traded in 13 games, as below, and picked up Battlefield 4 and Infamous Second Son for £1 and got £2 on my rewards card. I'm happy with that. 3DS - Res Evil Mercs, Res Evil Revelations, Heroes of Ruin, Tekken 3D. Wii - Red Steel 2, CoD BO, CoD MW3. WiiU - CoD Ghosts, Nintendoland, Sonic LW, Splinter Cell BL, Tekken Tag, Batman AO.
  19. Kav

    FIFA 15

    Sorry guys, I find FIFA to be poop. Football games are just not for me, I'll not be picking this up.
  20. More people play this than they do Ghosts... but only between 1000 and 1500 online at a time. Still, it's better than Ghosts, I still pop it on from time to time.
  21. Nintendo have fucked up big here. Goes to show that their account system is piss poor. It's indefensible! I feel so bad for you @Blade. Unlucky mate.
  22. Thought episode 5 of Zankyou No Terror was great. Can't wait to see how it unfolds!
  23. The service you're going through is atrocious @Blade, I can't even state just how angry I'd be if it was happening to me. It goes to show that Nintendo's account system is tripe of the highest order! Nintendo consoles are far too poor these last couple generations (not the game, just talking about the consoles). Having had a 360 and now the PS4 go to show it all the more. Miiverse is a nice idea, the layout and look of the OS is very clean and nice and I prefer it to the PS4's visually speaking, but the speed of it is absolutely paltry when compared to the PS4. Then there's the lack of party-chat and poor features regarding online. That the WiiU still isn't up to speed with a console that released in 2005 is simply tragic! They still do very good games though... it's just that some of those games would be more fun if online/have voice-chat too. I hope Smash Bros does, I can't wait for XCX and no doubt Zelda will be the dogs dangly bits! Anyhoo, I do hope you get your account, saves, purchases and Wii transfer stuff all back Blade!
  24. I'll pick this up at weekend, hopefully you guys aren't burned out by it just yet..?
  25. I'll pick up Battlefield 4 @Hero\-of\-Time... you know you want to too
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