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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Naruto was good for once. One Piece was excellent as always. I'm so loving OP!
  2. Kav


    I'll be on from 5pm for most of the night (I'll break for food at some point). I'd be on from 4pm as u finish with the but I have to go to tesco for a shop... barebones shelves and fridge. Damn me for needing to eat to live!
  3. Kav


    Awesome, thanks, request sent! I'm looking forward to getting home from work and popping it on.
  4. Kav


    I do hope that the connection is a bit better tonight. Otherwise I enjoyed it. At first I thought it was very run of the mill, good but standard fare really. Then we got to one of the moon missions
  5. Kav


    Yeah it's happened to a few of us it seems.
  6. @dazzybee I said that 3rd Party Wii games do it better than Nintendo's WiiU games, which is completely true, MH & CoD aren't Nintendo games. Nintendo are shocking in online, absolutely disgraceful.
  7. Kav


    So apparently there are players that have reached the max level already... nuts!
  8. Man I missed BF! I'm loving this game so much, getting much better at it too, albeit I'm still a noob at piloting. I'll have a bit of a break from it with Destiny being released but I'll still find time to pop it on and get my fix I think.
  9. Kav


    I'll pick this up whilst on my lunch break... can't wait to get home and pop it on!
  10. It sounds like this guy just used you for the emotional side of the relationship, including the friendship that comes with it because he enjoyed your company but used excuses to avoid the physical side and had probably been getting his fix for that elsewhere, given what he's been getting up to since the split. Better off without an arsehole like that and it's good that you don't have any feelings at all of wanting to get back with him. So, my tragic dating life, here's the update: Girl A - if you recall was a total loon that looked nothing like her pictures and wanted me to cut her with razor blades... binned. Girl B - had a great time, was really looking forward to seeing her again. Unfortunately she's managed to get an infection in her lungs and it's not good, will be in and out of hospital for a couple months at least so she's not in a place to date, although we're still chatting (she's lovely and I do hope to see her again). Girl C - had a good time, we arranged to meet again but she pulled a sickie and has since dropped off the radar, cheers love! Girl D - she may well have been able to move her lovely ass on the dancefloor but having spoken to her a little more, she's not for me... binned. So, so far it's been a bit poop. I've chatted to and arranged a date with a girl for this Thursday and I'm looking to get another this weekend with another girl. Let's see what tragedies befall me this time.
  11. You could create a party with your friends and search for public games as a group.
  12. It pains me that the Wii had 3rd Party games with a vastly superior online set-up than Nintendo's own games on the WiiU. The Wii CoD games are the perfect example of this.
  13. Samus looks like she has rickets! Those legs are far too dodgy. I don't mind someone else other than Retro working on Metroid, hell, I'm one of the few that loved Other M, but those drawings really do look like a crap Saturday morning cartoon!
  14. Yeah I think they're in game. The character models are the only things that lack in it I think too. The world itself looks boner-inducing! Haha
  15. I might head there again this year, I've been to the past two. The first was definitely better than the last one but still, the last one was good, Oculus Rift blew my mind! @Zechs Merquise, @Blade, what do you think?
  16. These last couple pages have been a great read, so funny. The way I read @Zechs Merquise's post it didn't sound anywhere near like what you guys are making it out to be. Total overreaction to the post. Zechs has said similar things to me before, it's like a gentle reminder that things can happen where the date may fall through so don't build up hopes too much as you'd not want to feel down after. It's put in the football terminology to make it relatable without having to say directly so that it's seen in a friendly manner. What I'd say when he says things like that to me is "I know, don't worry I'll have my shooting boots on." But no, you lot love getting your knickers in a twist and overexaggerating things people say to make then seem venomous. You're the emotional icebergs here.
  17. I've been preferring this to The Last of Us, much more fun to play.
  18. Yeah last night was great! @lostmario and his incredibly lethal driving skills, he ran over about 10 people in one trip between flags, ruthless! @Fierce_LiNk and his driving directly into tanks, landing the helicopter outside of the battlefield and killing us all. @Blade and I on top of a roof dodging a helicopter that kept trying to roadkill us because it didn't have anyone on the guns. That final game with FLink and Blade was fantastic, Lostmario you'd have loved this game! We held Flag E so well, communicating brilliantly and taking out enemies efficiently as a team!
  19. Courtois Ivanovic, Cahill, Terry, Felipe Luis Fabregas, Matic Schürrle, Oscar, Hazard Costa Cech Azpilicueta, Zouma, Christensen, Aké Ramires, Mikel, Willian Salah, Drogba, Remy The squad is completed with Schwarzer and Baker, 24 man squad. I know Azpilicueta is currently playing as first choice left back but if you couldn't play one team member in the other team then I'd line them up as so... maybe tweak the 2nd team formation slightly too.
  20. Only Splatoon, Xenoblade and Zelda interest me there.
  21. They must be planning on doing a Liverpool last season and out-scoring nearly everyone. When the foundation and walls of a house are made of paper, you don't make the roof heavier though.
  22. 4-4-2 with a diamond maybe..? De Gea Shaw, Rojo, Jones, Rafael Carrick, Mata, Di Maria, Rooney Falcao, RVP
  23. So @Fierce_LiNk, how would you line United up when everyone is fit? 4-3-3 maybe..? De Gea, Shaw, Rojo, Jones, Rafael Di Maria, Carrick/Herrera, Mata Rooney, Falcao, RVP 3-4-3..? De Gea, Jones, Rojo, Shaw Di Maria, Carrick/Herrera, Mata, Januzaj Rooney, Falcao, RVP Or is this just trying to squeeze people in for the sake of keeping them happy? EDIT... just as I'm typing this up Dwarf posts.
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