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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I don't feel I am. They've made a product I'm not happy with. I want them to remedy their shortcomings (knowing they've no plans to drop out of hardware manufacture) but if they don't remedy the problems then I'd want them to be forced into going 3rd Party. This suits me best as I'd only really need to be buying one console then and I'd not have to shell out for a console I'm not happy with.
  2. It's not immature. I don't see this as a good product. I don't feel poor products should sell as it sets a bad precedent. If it was a product I felt to be good I'd hope it would sell well. That's a perfectly reasonable view to have. If anything, your comment was the more immature of the two of ours.
  3. I'm so glad the WiiU is flopping. It's not a good enough console for it to deserve to sell well. My other reason for being glad is that it makes me hope Nintendo will address their hardware and mantra on gaming (specifically online & multiplayer) as a result and get up to speed with the rest of the industry. If they don't then I hope their next console flops even harder and they then go 3rd Party.
  4. I hope this game flops miserably. Nintendo don't deserve it selling well.
  5. This is why I hate the gaming press sometimes, nobody really questions them! Nintendo get let off the hook for being Nintendo.
  6. I swear to god Hero, I wanted to resist posting and leave it but it made me fucking explode! It just shows how backwards and regressive their way of thinking is... these are the young up'n-comers and they're not forward thinking either! It's so infuriating! I can't see me getting the next Nintendo console at this point. Only second hand and cheap, just for a couple single player games. What happened to Nintendo pushing the industry forward?! They're stuck in the 90's!!!
  7. The whole "we didn't include voice chat because we didn't like getting told we were crap" is such a shitty fucking reason! MUTE you dumb fuckers, mute! They could've put an option in the game, prior to starting the online mode where you could choose to have voice chat on or off. It could've been a fucking pop-up mandatory option when selecting to go online! This is such a shitty fucking arsehole response! "No, you can't talk to friends because we don't like talking to randoms" they're basically giving us a fuck you. My sig says it all.
  8. Yeah you just do the quests that the Wyceum ask for and you'll get it.
  9. @Glen\-i I'm pretty sure I've an Oroshi Kirin G Rank quest I can send you... although I'm not 100% on that. Do you have 2 Wystones? You want to get 2 if not, have one of them as Wystone Drive (stops attacks bouncing off Apex monsters) and the other whichever you choose.
  10. That's true. When it gets to this point that's when I switch weapons, to prolong the experience with having to learn new timings etc. however when you've done this with other MH games it doesn't change the challenge too much as you're already used to the other weapons. However, I am finding that I'm loving the Light Bowgun (set from the video I posted) it's so much fun to use, which keeps my enjoyment levels high. As well as using the Bow, that's great fun too. I'm so glad there are close and long range weapons in these games as the close range ones are quite similar in some respects; timing attacks and dodges/blocks, whereas the ranged weapons rely on distancing and shot type.
  11. Finally completed my main set for Charge Blades. Shah Dalamadur Helm, Rusted Kushala Gloves, Rajang everything else... with charm and decorations it gives me: Honed Blade Razor Sharp Challenger +2 Latent Power +1 Halve Stun What an epic set! I can switch out Latent Power for Element Attack Up but I main the Teostra Charge Blade so I kept Latent Power, I'll switch the two dependant on what weapon I use. I agree with where you're coming from having done it all but to say it doesn't offer a challenge isn't right, only a few pages back you said how end-game monsters can still 2-shot you. It's still challenging. I just miss the hunt with you guys in truth.
  12. As much as I love this on the 3DS, I wish this was on a home console! I'm having so much fun with the game, even with randoms. I'm glad @Glen\-i is still playing it, I've enjoyed joining you for the hunt man. Can't believe how quickly the community on the game from here died out. I can't get enough of it!
  13. I'm not entirely sure but given that it's not an original story the two could go hand in hand, there's no reason for the anime to wait for the manga to finish.
  14. Amazing goal by Charlie Adam. Glad we got the winner, keep totting up the points.
  15. I've made the Gunner set with the Seregios LBG (video on last page) and oh boy, it is amazing! I've had to settle for Evasion +1 instead of +2 as I've not got the charm I'd need to get me there, but still, it's fantastic nevertheless. And another set made, one I'll use with my Dual Blades... gives me the following: Evasion +2 (+3 with a 2 slot weapon) Status Attack +2 Sharpness +1 Earplugs Wind resistance (Low) And another set made, one for Great Swords. Sheath Control (Fast sheath + Punishing Draw) Critical Draw Sharpness +1 Focus Evasion +1
  16. I don't think we should have a Virtual Console again where you can buy past titles, but as many have said before, we should have a subscription service that gives access to their back catalogue like Netflix.
  17. I've voted for Ridley and Bomberman. I might put in a vote for "voice-chat man" because the game would be better online with him. :p
  18. One Piece is awesome again! I'm reading World Trigger too and am enjoying that.
  19. The only thing I was interested in was the Attack on Titan game... that's it.
  20. Want this set... I love making different sets in this, that's the draw for me, as well as making the weapons. The hunts themselves (of course) are so much fun, but what keeps me playing so much is the desire for the new equipment. I've 4 sets at the mo, specifically for different weapons and playstyles (I don't do the one set fits all) 1 for Charge Blade, 1 for Gunlance, 1 for weapons you can't block with (using it with Glaive), 1 for the Bow and now I want this for the Bowgun. I'm yet to make a start on my Great Sword and Dual Blade sets. I've so much more to play on this game! @Glen\-i, and anyone else still playing for that matter, if you fancy hunting together on this anytime give me an @ and if I can make it on I'll happily join you!
  21. I still hope inside that they'll blow my socks off like I know they can... it just upsets me that they tend to choose not to.
  22. I'll make the prediction that I'll find the Direct shite and that I'll moan about it being shite. :p
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