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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    Sorry, I've left Destiny behind me, I completely fell out of love with the game after the first DLC, I felt truly ripped off by it. I'm still only level 30 and I've actually not played the second DLC yet, haha. I don't think I've been on the game since last year.
  2. When someone creates a discussion it's open so people can post on it. However, if you want to create another discussion you have to close the previous one, meaning people can no longer post on it.
  3. Well I only went and forgot to buy it again, haha. I'll get it soon!
  4. I'll definitely keep a beady eye on it, cheers HoT! I hope it'll have a multiplayer mode, it'd be awesome forming a Squad, taking down Titans and completing objectives together! The smallest of teasers...
  5. I don't know what it is with the cross trainer but it just feels far too unnatural a movement for me to get on with it. I much rather riding, rowing and running for cardio. I've been building my fitness back up lately after having joined the gym a few weeks ago now. I'm glad as I was getting too tired at, and after, football. Haha I feel I'd like to get back to being in great shape again, it's been a good few years since I was... I miss that. How I let myself go! Haha
  6. @Fierce_LiNk, I was simply going off Shorty saying of 3rd Person games it was the pinnacle. I've found many 3rd Person games better. As far as similar types of game, I'm not sure what category I'd put TLoU in as it's very story driven, it feels more story driven than gameplay focused so I can't call it. Is it survival horror? Action horror? Completely repetitive and fairly dull after a while horror? The story makes the game better than it truly is but the story isn't anything to write home about. I didn't feel any emotional connectiom to the characters and it was so very predictable. I air my gripes in the game's thread if you fancy knowing more, I don't want to derail this one which I probably would do given my opinion on the game, haha. I compare to Eternal Darkness, both have completely mediocre gameplay but the story make each better... I just loved ED's much more and was drawn more into their world (sanity effects helped).
  7. The Last of Us is a good game, don't get me wrong, but far from being a pinnacle in my eyes, very overrated.
  8. I think this is why we've such opposing views on voice chat. Multiplayer games are my favourite. Anyhoo, welcome to the PS4 N-E lot. I must say, some of those you're looking forward to I find myself really looking forward to also... Tearaway Unfolded, No Mans Sky and RIME particularly.
  9. Bugger... I forgot to pick this up yesterday when I got Batman and The Witcher! I'll have to pick it up tomorrow now... if I remember! Haha
  10. I was looking to game tonight but I'm so pooped from the gym that I've found myself climbing into bed early. Sorry guys, have fun and kick some ass!
  11. I hope that's receiving a blowjob and giving anal. Haha This should definitely be worldwide!
  12. Finally bought this, I'm looking forward to playing as Batman again!
  13. Finally picked this badboy up today, can't wait to get stuck in, although it won't be straight away.
  14. Booked release week off for this. Will slap down a pre-order at lunch with my local Grainger Games.
  15. Mario Galaxy is as Triple A as it gets @Ronnie! It's a faultless game!
  16. I had a feeling that's happen, we've looked really out of sorts as of late. The Ramires offside decision was close but we didn't do enough generally.
  17. WiiU display in Manchester Arndale today (I didn't bother going on anything, I couldn't be arsed)...
  18. Absolutely love it. One of my friends played this game so much he still knows the order of the levels and exactly what enemies etc appear in them. Insane.
  19. I must say, after the August update this game is starting to live up to it's potential a little. It still has niggles that don't quite elevate it to greatness in my eyes but it's finally a more well-rounded effort. I'd give it an 8/10 after a re-review. Although I'll not be on much this weekend, hopefully I'll get on at some point for some more Private/Squad Battle shenanigans over Skype!
  20. Why take it so seriously Serebii? It's like you see it as a personal insult, it's not. It's a mini-rant as I feel Nintendo are doing something that doesn't make sense. Also, I never said Nintendo think their consumers have double digit IQ's... I said it's LIKE they think that, that is how it appears to me (albeit exaggerated). So it's not an asinine statement. It's how I feel and so it's perfectly valid. Why do you never complain when I make over exaggerated positive comments like Xenoblade and Zelda being "boner-inducing" and that after watching videos of them I "nerd-gasm and make a mess of my pants"? They're over the top statements of the ilk I come out with but you never have issue with them. Just so people know I think the game looks great, even if I think Nintendo do make silly implementations within the game. I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining, I'm doing so because I find what they're doing doesn't make sense.
  21. I disagree completely @Serebii, I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm complaining because it doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo thinks it's fans aren't capable gamers and so I say it. Other games might do it and for any level creators that do I'd complain all the same. You can see in my posts above I think the game looks fantastic, but I'm not going to be quiet when I think it does things stupidly, we shouldn't have to, don't get all high and mighty saying we shouldn't complain! @Kaepora_Gaebora, I meant no insult, in all honesty I hadn't registered your post as I scanned through. It's a mini-rant in frustration with Nintendo, built up from Splatoon and now this. I'm sorry you saw this as a slight against you, I don't mean it like that, which is why I go on to say they could do an easy mode and expert mode to cater to both audiences. In regards to things like CoD unlocks etc, I feel that's different, this is a level editor. Not having an item to create the level you want is different to not having a different gun to shoot. On a side note, I do want everything unlocked in the CoDs from the start, those that played CoD with me will know this, I hated having to prestige to get the custom class slots unlocked and I complained about it, it's not like I didnt, I don't just complain about Nintendo!
  22. Personally I don't get it, then again I tend not to understand Nintendo logic these days. Why they think their fans are simple-minded idiots who'd get confused or overwhelmed by content is beyond me. Why would they do it? If they feel some people might be overwhelmed why not do an easy mode where things unlock in time but also do an expert mode for those that are quite capable and would like everything straight away..? How hard could that be?! I don't get this drip-feeding of content that really should be there from day 1. It's like they think their fans are all double figure IQ, glazed-over eyed, drooling zombies!
  23. @Ronnie, I'm not suggesting Nintendo's isn't strong and Phil Spencer isn't saying that Microsoft's isn't strong, he's simply saying how Nintendo's are. Look at sales of the Halo games, look at sales of God of War etc, they sell well and are renowned, they are loved IP too.
  24. Will Rainmaker be available in Squad Battles?
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