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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I've loved both episodes so far. Capaldi's Doctor is proving to be incredibly interesting. I love how both episodes have focused on re-examining who exactly the Doctor is.
  2. So ... miraculously and against all expectations, I passed my last exam. I now have my BA.
  3. I am not sure. However, I am sure that many people still don't understand depression and wrongfully think this about people who actually do suffer. And I would rather let ten non-depressed people reap extra benefits, in bad taste as it may be, than let a single actually depressed person go without the help and sympathy they so desperately need.
  4. I love how serious I look when pointing out that TMs are now multiple use. Pokémon is serious business.
  5. So many golden moments. That picture of ReZ's hair as Wonder Woman's face cracked me up. Also, I both love and hate how ricidulously amazing Goafer's pictures are.
  6. All right, guys, I've had an issue with my phone and, as a result, am borrowing my dad's phone while in London. As a result, I don't have any of your numbers, which would be nice to have in case we need to find each other.
  7. Still utterly gutted. He was just ... such a bloody wonderful person. Also, I want to punch that guy in the face, @Animal. Along with the creeps posting shit to Zelda Williams's Twitter. Utter fucking cunts the lot of them.
  8. Happy birthday! (I know I'm late, I haven't been checking the forum that often lately.)
  9. Of course it is - you're just nervous because this is something new, which is perfectly natural and understandable. You're going to kick ass, and you know it!
  10. Amazing. I want that.
  11. A slightly belated happy birthday, you wonderful man!
  12. I recently bought the Catan app for Android and have become fairly addicted.
  13. Animal, you motherfucking boss. I couldn't be happier for you! Seriously, this reads like the triumphant conclusion to a film. Me gusta.
  14. Oh, yeah, we also played a couple of games of Hero Quest a while back. Don't know why that fizzled out. I'm also in an RPG group playing a home-made campaign in Pathfinder. We're hilariously noobish at times, but it's amazing fun, and we're rather invested.
  15. Huge fan of tabletop games. Really got into them after binge-watching Wil Wheaton's webseries TableTop. We meet once in a while at my dorm to play. Favourites are Munchkin (we have about 5 sets), Catan, Dominion, The Resistance: Avalon and recently Small World (in a German edition, which makes everything better). I'd love to try Pandemic at some point.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. While obviously I can't know for certain, I know some dating sites have the policy that you aren't allowed to make yourself identifiable as people will then simply find each other on Facebook, thus taking away potential income for the site. On an unrelated note, this has recently come up: Guy Tries To Mass Text 32 Of His Tinder Matches At Once And It Backfires Miserably People are reacting quite badly to it. Considering all the talk we've had about dating sites and it being a numbers game, I thought it might make for some interesting discussion.
  18. Oh, no, not Jean Grey.
  19. Oh, shit, I remember wathing this episode. I didn't realise I knew the guy.
  20. I love how my head is oversized as well.
  21. Thanks again, everyone.
  22. It arose from the photo I made my new Facebook profile image. The rest is ... horrible history. But yes, I am genuinely flattered.
  23. Who's your first?!
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