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Everything posted by firthy1991

  1. ill join, ill pm ya with ma choices once i figure out what i wanna be ;p
  2. http://www.microdirect.co.uk/(14890)Kingston-1GB-Value-Ram-DDR2-533MHz-PC4200-Memory.aspx i use 4 of these, had em bout 2 years, never let me down once
  3. lmao for once, the games console has proven its worth
  4. "You're working hard to put food on your family." —Presidential candidate George W. Bush, Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000 "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 and my all time favourite "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
  5. might aswell close this thread now that i know how its done, if you dont mind
  6. i oppologize, i never check that thread out thankies
  7. im really suprised about this, considering nintendo wont even put chat on there list of services, and yet they make a prop which could quite easily be mistaken for a real gun and get you into a whole load o trouble
  8. when ever i want to change my sig to include a picture i always have to go through a multitude of image invalid messages and various other error messages (dont know if its just me or it happens to you too), and i was just wondering if anything could be done about this to improve the situation, thanks. firthy1991
  9. fallen in love with paramore's new song, crushcrushcrush :$
  10. when does assasin's arrive on the pc? i need that game
  11. "rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?" GEORGE BUSH
  12. i wouldnt say it any party's "fault" as such, sure party B actually caused the damage, but party A set the ball in motion for this event, solution? dont leave things on the edge of other things
  13. never played 2142, played bf2 for 36 hours straight in a comp and i aint touched it since, lol
  14. assasins creed TW:empire CoD4 super smash brothers brawl crysis
  15. old news, i dont know what the hype is for on the 360, ive had this package on the pc for over 3 months now, and ive played all the original ones of these games, which no one else seems to have bothered with, still an exellent bunch of games though
  16. 0/10, srry mate but communism nothing to be proud of and should not be supported in any way
  17. yes, lets be communist, then we get robbed all the time because your possesions belong to everyone, exellent idea
  18. my day was SHIT, uber pissed about the strikes in the u.s of tards
  19. i hear ya brother:heh: "The highest surges will hit Rotterdam tomorrow morning. But some high waves are expected at the time of spring tide, tomorrow morning, along the Norfolk/Suffolk coast and probably into the Essex and Kent coasts" so that means that all the snobs will get there 50grand cars and million pound houses fixed straight away, yet it took like 3 months for the people in the northen flooding earlier this year to get their floors back, pfft i hope they do get hit, they need bringing back down to earth if ya ask me
  20. yay, thank god for yorkshire !!
  21. FUCK!!!!! battlestar galactica, ive been wacthing that right from the begining, i am not have nearly 4 years of my life waisted for jack shit, i want a justified ending to it :@ and boston legal, i watched that from vey begining aswell, bastard, i want good endings for these shows if they been pulled permenantly
  22. oh, thank fuck for that, so long as i havent missed it on tv, phew*wipes brow*
  23. seriously dont joke, if season 2 gets ruined i may just have to hunt them down and kill there loved ones, why are they striking anyway
  24. in texas it is legal to shoot a bull anywhere apart from the second floor of a motel on sundays, got loads more at home, ill post laterz
  25. eh?? according to all the websites i have been on, it isnt aired untill the 24th november, damn!!
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